NHS: What’s wrong and how to put it right
Dr Vernon Coleman
A recent survey showed that no more than a quarter of the people in the UK think the NHS provides a decent or even adequate service. Huge numbers of NHS employees say that they would not want their loved ones to be treated in the hospital or health centre where they work.
What most of them don’t realise, of course, is that the global plan is to destroy health care completely. In the UK the plan (promoted by the Government and the medical establishment) is to destroy the NHS. And the plan is working well: today there is NO effective or reliable health care in Briton. Millions of Britons now do their best to treat themselves. Anyone planning to visit Britain should be aware that there is no health care in the country.
For three years it has been easy to show that such health care as there is in Britain is worse today than it was 50 years ago. And arguably it is worse than it was 70 years ago.
Indeed, it is worse than would be acceptable in many backward, third-world countries. The lies which are told about health care are extraordinary. For example, many of those defending the NHS claim that GPs still provide a 24 hour emergency service. They make this disingenuous claim because the NHS provides a 24 hour telephone service through which a very small number of GPs will provide telephone only advice to patients. Each GP is responsible for millions of patients at night and at weekends and cannot possibly visit any of them. The truth is that GPs now work on average no more than 26 hours a week and patients often have to wait weeks to be seen.