Newspeak and Ing (I Mean) AmSoc
Andrei Martyanov
How can one possibly start trying to extricate oneself from own pile of shit such as that created by the US Department of State in 404? Tony Blinken--the strategists' strategist, the geopolitical thinker of the scale of Bismark... nah, I am screwing with you--some mediocrity with "soft degree" in some BS from Ivy League, but well versed in obfuscation, double meaning and gaslighting, in other words newspeak, tries. Here is his PBS interview:
Judy Woodruff: Well, as — what we're hearing from experts, though, at the same time, is, no matter how unfair or repugnant it may seem, that it is now appearing inevitable that Ukraine is going to have to make territorial concessions in the east. Is that what you see, that they are going to have to bow to Vladimir Putin and give him that territory that he says he wants?
💬 Antony Blinken: Judy, Ukraine's future is up to the Ukrainians. It's up to the Ukrainian people. And, ultimately, those decisions will be made by its democratically elected government, including President Zelenskyy. He will have to determine what's in the best interests of his country and his people. And we will support that. We're not going to be less Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. We're not going to be more Ukrainian than the Ukrainians. But it is fundamentally up to them. And that's ultimately what this is about. Vladimir Putin is trying to take away from Ukrainians the right to determine their own future. We strongly support that right. And we will look to the Ukrainians to decide what's in their best interest.