Betrayed by the Bank of England

Dr Vernon Coleman

The Bank of England and HM Treasury in the UK are now preparing a UK digital currency to replace cash – and to enable them to know what you are buying, and where and when you are buying it.

The new system is being designed to enable the tax authorities to take money out of your account so that all your taxes and fines are all paid automatically.

All this is being done under the auspices of, and with the encouragement of the Bank of International Settlements, which is very keen on central banks creating digital currencies. It was the Bank of International Settlements which helped fund the Nazis in World War II. If you want the proof just take a look at my book on the subject – The Shocking History of the EU – in which I pointed out that without the BIS there would have been no Second World War and there would be no European Union. The BIS is mega powerful and it is clearly a big player in the Great Reset and the plans for the new normal.

It’s pretty clear that this is part of the social credit program, whereby the authorities will be able to punish or reward you according to your behaviour. If you buy sugary food or meat you will be punished by not being able to travel. If you access the wrong websites, or mix with the wrong people, you will be punished by being denied access to certain shops selling luxuries such as food and clothing.

It’s already happening in China and it’s coming here. It’s an extension of the vax passport scheme. Without a digital passport you won’t exist. You’ll be like a citizen in the USSR or the Eastern Bloc, trying to exist without papers.

CV19 Vax Deadliest Fraud in History – Edward Dowd

Greg Hunter

Wall Street money manager Edward Dowd has made billions of dollars for companies such as Black Rock picking good businesses with good products. He can also spot a fraud, and Dowd says Pfizer simply made up the research that said it’s CV19 vaccine was safe and effective. According to Dowd, it was neither safe or effective. Dowd says,

💬 “The data was garbage. As far as I am concerned, they made up the data. It was garbage.”

Dowd thinks the CV19 injections will be the deadliest fraud in history. Dowd explains,

💬 “This is something we have never seen in the history of our country and the history of the world for that matter. We have a product (CV19 Vax) that is so fraudulent and so deadly from an acute basis and kills you right away, but the long-term implications of this health impact we don’t know yet. It’s looking grim. This is going to be with us for decades. This is going to change the face of the world. We have to try to control the outcome because people are going to try to take advantage of this and spin it and turn it into the ‘great reset.’ We are not going to allow the ‘great reset’ to happen. If it happens, it’s going to happen under our power, and we are going to take control and not some nameless elites that say I am going to own nothing and eat bugs.”

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