Richard Medhurst: Israel Behind US War on Syria

Fars News Agency

Richard Medhurst, journalist, says Washington aims to make a regime change in Syria, and establish a pro-Israeli regime in the Arab country.

Speaking in an interview with FNA, Medhurst said, “Efraim Halevy, former head of Israel’s intelligence service the Mossad, even admitted in an interview that Israel had provided aid to Al Qaeda fighters just because it was advantageous for them to see the Syrian government fall… The United States, United Kingdom and other countries began funding armed groups inside Syria, funneling weapons and supplies to them, in order to overthrow the Syrian government.” Richard Medhurst is an independent journalist and TV host, born in Damascus, Syria. Below is the full text of the interview.

Q: Three US Presidents over 10 years have waged war on Syria. What is the US after in Syria?

What I know (and don’t know) about SARS-CoV-2

Edward Curtin

After fifteen months of assiduous reading, study, observation, and research, I have come to some conclusions about what is called COVID-19.

I would like to emphasize that I have done this work obsessively since it seemed so important. I have consulted information and arguments across all media, corporate and alternative, academic, medical, books, etc. I have consulted with researchers around the world. I have read the websites of the CDC, the World Health Organization, and government and non-government health organizations. In other words, I have left no stone unturned, despite the overt or covert political leanings of the sources. I have done this as a sociologist and writer, not as a medical doctor, although many of my sources have been medical doctors and medical studies.

My succinct conclusions follow without links to sources since I am not trying to persuade anyone of anything but just stating for the public record what I have concluded. Life is short. I am going to say it now…

Die Unfähigkeit, dazuzulernen

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg

Wolfgang Wodarg erlebte die WHO als strukturell korrupte Institution, die gnadenlos auf der Klaviatur menschlicher Ängste spielt. Exklusivabdruck aus „Falsche Pandemien“. [Redakteur/Rubikon]

Wir waren gebrannte Kinder — und liefen wieder ins Feuer. Dieses Buch schrieb Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg deshalb, weil er sah, dass sich die Menschen nach Vogel- und Schweinegrippe jetzt mindestens zum dritten Mal in die Irre führen ließen. Vor allem durch Spezialisten aus Virologie und Biomathematik, die sich selbst gefährlich überschätzen. Diese Experten präsentieren uns mit sorgenvoller Stirn und ständig neuen Hochrechnungen bisher nicht beachtete Details als bedrohliches Zukunftsszenario. Ihr hochwissenschaftlich klingendes Fachlatein macht Eindruck und bewirkt — medial verstärkt — zum wiederholten Male einen wahnwitzigen Schutz-, Investitions- und Impfaktionismus. Noch hat die Mehrheit offenbar nichts aus der Vergangenheit gelernt. Exklusivabdruck aus „Falsche Pandemien — Argumente gegen die Herrschaft der Angst“.

Seven minutes from Moscow: “Is it a red line for us or not?

Rick Rozoff

Putin warns of missile threat to Russia as U.S. guided-missile destroyers enter Baltic, Black Seas

In comments that got past editors in the Western news media, President Vladimir Putin in a recent Russian television interview accused the West of abusing what were good relations at the time (1999-2004) to expand NATO up to Russia’s borders. And in doing so, he specified, violated verbal pledges made by American officials to then-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, adding that the latter is alive and in good health and can confirm what he was told. In a candid assessment of the matter, Putin added:

"I do not want to use harsh words, but they simply spat upon our interests and that’s that.” [Link]

Lengthy excerpts of his comments were published on the English-language site of the government news agency TASS on June 9.

The most significant, and most alarming, aspect of the interview is the Russian president’s warning of Ukraine joining NATO. Contrary to what he acknowledged is a dismissal of that prospect by many experts in Russia and in the West, whom he takes seriously, Putin [is concerned about this], especially in regard to [Ukraine's] membership providing the U.S. and NATO with new missile sites.

Without naming them he mentioned that Standard Missile-3 (SM-3) missile defense (so-called) interceptors in Romania and Poland could strike Moscow in 15 minutes if a warhead was added to them; which, although the West denies its intent to do so, could be easily done. Russia has not been invited to inspect the missiles, for example.

COVID infection elicits long-lasting immunity, nullifying worldwide vaccine push: study

David McLoone

"We found antibody-producing cells in people 11 months after first symptoms. These cells will live and produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives. That’s strong evidence for long-lasting immunity."

A newly published study into the long-term effects of infection with COVID-19 has concluded that contracting the virus can give people cells that “produce antibodies for the rest of people’s lives” against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Commenting on the findings, the study’s principal author, Dr. Ali Ellebedy, Ph.D, said the presence of such antibody cells is “strong evidence for long-lasting immunity” against COVID-19, if one has been previously infected.

The study, titled “SARS-CoV-2 infection induces long-lived bone marrow plasma cells in humans” and published May 24 in the journal Nature, was conducted by a group of researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) in St. Louis. The team tracked the antibody development of 77 previously infected individuals, each of whom donated blood samples at three-month intervals from the first month after their infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The team discovered that, with mild infections, antibody levels were initially high but dropped steeply within a few months, remaining steady thereafter without disappearing entirely. In fact, according to the study, a small number of antibodies were still detectable after 11 months. Ellebedy, associate professor of pathology and immunology at WUSM, explained that such a phenomenon is exactly what should be expected with a normal viral infection cycle and does not point to only a short-term immunity.

Syria War: Ten Years of Deception

Swiss Policy Research

Ten years ago, in March 2011, the US regime change campaign against Syria commenced. As in Ukraine and Libya, it began as a classic rooftop sniper operation (shooting at both sides to escalate protests), but morphed into one of the largest CIA “covert” war campaigns of all times, employing dozens of Islamist militias and terrorist groups, supplied primarily via Turkey, Jordan and Israel.

To get a comprehensive, no-nonsense overview of the multiple stages and layers of the Syria war, read The Syria Deception (available in four languages). To read about earlier large-scale US war deceptions, read Rwanda: What Did Really Happen in 1994? and Propaganda in the War on Yugoslavia. To get a general overview of US foreign policy since the war against Spain in 1898, read The Logic of US Foreign Policy.

Thanks to mobile telecommunication technology, the Syria war was the first war covered in real-time by independent media outlets and independent journalists on the ground, who in many cases could expose Western war propaganda within days and thus to some extent influence public perception of events. To get an overview of high-quality independent media outlets, see the updated version of The US/UK Media Navigator.

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