Covid 9-11: The New Pharaohs

Sean Stinson

There probably hasn't been a period of sustained oligarchic piss-taking at this level since the time of the pharaohs. I fully expect them to declare themselves gods next.” - Ian Jenkins

‘Corporate Capture’ or ‘Client Politics’ is a term which really should not require any elaboration, but just for the hell of it, let’s take the first definition that Google throws up.

‘Corporate capture’ is a phenomenon where private industry uses its political influence to take control of the decision-making apparatus of the state, such as regulatory agencies, law enforcement entities, and legislatures.

That should suffice us, although I would prefer to describe it as an historical process rather than an isolated phenomena; something intrinsically tied to the dynamic of capital accumulation which has taken from the poor and given to the rich, it seems, from time immemorial. One might also define it as the cancerous influence of private ownership over a tenuous system of so-called representative democracy which for a short time conceded a few modest comforts to its subjugated labouring classes, typically packaged as ‘rights’, ‘freedoms’, and ‘liberties’.

The Great Deception

Rob Slane

Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most eminent physicians and scientists in the US, and reputed to be the most published cardiologist in history. Along with a number of others, he devised a treatment protocol for Covid-19, which was shown to be effective in preventing up to 85% of deaths. Yet having spent the best part of a year seeing all discussions of these treatments suppressed, resisted and censored by the authorities, media and Big Tech, he has come to a shocking conclusion:

I believe that we’re under the application of a form of bioterrorism that’s worldwide, that appears to have been many years in the planning. The first wave of the bioterrorism was a respiratory virus that spread across the world and affected relatively few people, but generated great fear. … The entire programme as this bioterrorism Phase 1 was rolled out, was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be Phase 2 of a bioterrorism operation.

At the end of his interview with the German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, he poses the following question:

To me what was masterful is the psychological part of it. How did they pull this off from a mass psychology perspective?


Paul Cudenec

The Impactors are coming and they want to steal from us everything we have, everything we are and everything we could one day become.

Friends, citizens, fellow human beings, rouse yourselves! Come down into the streets! Help build our barricades and be prepared to offer up everything in defence of our freedom!

This is no time to cower indoors, shocked and awed into spellbound submission by their satanic Spectacle. While the emergency sirens wail and the tear gas of panic chokes and blinds the citizenry, the dark cohorts are fast advancing deep into our lives.

The Impactors are coming but they are not coming as they did once before, clad in boots of brutality and bearing banners of hate. This time they are sneaking up in disguise, wrapped in the multi-coloured plastic packaging of pseudo-niceness. They assure us that they are here to do good, to help the needy, to build back better, to save the planet. But it is all just lies, lies, lies! This “niceness” is their Trojan Horse, their secret weapon of mass manipulation, with which they hope to reach inside your heart in order to rip it out.

German Trial Lawyer’s Legal Team Suing for Flu/Covid Damages

Stephen Lendman

Licensed to practice law in Germany and the US, trial lawyer for 26 years Reiner Fuellmich is one of four German Corona Investigative Committee members involved in documenting damages from what he calls the invented US/Western “corona crisis.” Based on what’s already known, he renamed it the "Corona Scandal," stressing:

[Responsible parties] must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages.

Along with over 1,000 lawyers and more than 10,000 medical and scientific experts, he and his team began legal proceedings against the Pharma-controlled CDC and WEF dark forces for all things related to flu/covid crimes against humanity.

Besides masks that don’t protect and risk respiratory harm, PCR tests nearly always wrong when positive, and destructive to normal interactions social distancing, Fuellmich called flu/covid jabs designed to harm health, not protect and preserve it as falsely claimed, in breach of the Geneva Conventions, the Nuremberg Code and other human rights laws.

Explaining his mission, he said he and other Corona Investigative Committee members began listening to [evidence presented by] a large number of international scientists and experts…to find answers to questions about” what’s gone on since early last year. Major cases of corporate “corruption and fraud…pale in comparison [to] the extent of the damage that the corona crisis has caused and continues to cause,” he stressed, adding:

On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas — [especially on what relates to health and well-being].

Freeing Julian Assange: Part Three

Suzie Dawson

They say a good magician never gives away their tricks, but I’m breaking that rule today. Because my hard-learned tricks (derived from practical experience gained in the course of my activism career) have the potential to save other activists a huge amount of grief, pain, confusion and disgrace, or even strengthen and empower them in ways that could be the difference between the make or break of their social movements. So it’s imperative that they are shared, savoured, bookmarked, and shared again.

Information Cuts Both Ways

To our governments, information is the most powerful weapon. They steal it, they hoard it for themselves, they jealously guard it, they limit access to it, they taint it, they monopolise it, they misuse it, they commercialise it and they censor it.

To WikiLeaks, information is a tool of emancipation. They verify it, then they gift it to the public.

In authentic, meticulously executed journalism such as theirs, information is gleaned from deep research and careful study – unearthed clues, puzzle pieces, accumulated over extended periods of time that when compiled, cross-referenced and verified add up to something previously unimaginable, yet undeniable once that ring of truth resonates and then reverberates.

Without any doubt, this is the fundament of what any true journalist engages in, a form of information activism. The returning of information to those to whom it ultimately belongs, and who benefit most from it – you, me and all of humanity. Real journalists deliver us the truth on a platter and then staunchly defend our right to it.

When those true journalists are under threat or attack, it is then our obligation to staunchly defend them in turn.

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