Paul Cudenec
The Impactors are coming and they want to steal from us everything we have, everything we are and everything we could one day become.
Friends, citizens, fellow human beings, rouse yourselves! Come down into the streets! Help build our barricades and be prepared to offer up everything in defence of our freedom!
This is no time to cower indoors, shocked and awed into spellbound submission by their satanic Spectacle. While the emergency sirens wail and the tear gas of panic chokes and blinds the citizenry, the dark cohorts are fast advancing deep into our lives.
The Impactors are coming but they are not coming as they did once before, clad in boots of brutality and bearing banners of hate. This time they are sneaking up in disguise, wrapped in the multi-coloured plastic packaging of pseudo-niceness. They assure us that they are here to do good, to help the needy, to build back better, to save the planet. But it is all just lies, lies, lies! This “niceness” is their Trojan Horse, their secret weapon of mass manipulation, with which they hope to reach inside your heart in order to rip it out.