Escaping the Global Digital Prison

Rob Slane

By the time most people work out that the last 18 months was nothing to do with keeping people safe from a virus, and everything to do with a Global Technocratic Elite hyping a virus they themselves created in order to destroy the existing socioeconomic order & usher in a Dystopian Transhumanist Tyranny, the Global Technocratic Elite will have destroyed the existing socioeconomic order & ushered in a Dystopian Transhumanist Tyranny.

To be fair to the Global Technocratic Elite, they have done their best to lay more clues than you can shake a stick at for us to see what this is really about. You know, like forbidding healthy people from leaving their homes because of a virus with an Infection Fatality Rate of 0.15-0.23%; like insisting people wear useless bits of cloth over their respiratory passages on the basis of no scientific evidence; like using a test which cannot diagnose the Covid-19 illness apparently to tell people who aren’t ill that they’re ill with the Covid-19 illness; like injecting people with an entirely experimental toxin-inducing product with no long-term safety data, for an illness that most people have significantly less than 0.05% chance of dying from; like insisting we’ll need evidence of our ‘vaccination’ status on a digital passport, despite the fact that the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop transmission. That sort of thing.

Never before in the course of human history have so many been duped by so few into believing they must submit to measures and restrictions which strip them of their freedom to live like normal human beings, apparently in order to gain the freedom to live like normal human beings. Didn’t they get the memo? The one which says you don’t get freedoms back from tyrants after you just handed them over — not without years of blood, sweat and tears. There is a deep naivety embedded in people throughout the Western world, whereby the constant notion of progress, progress, progress has blinded many to the reality that evil really does still exist, and evil on an industrial scale really wasn’t defeated for good with the fall of Berlin in 1945, or the Soviet Union in 1991.

We Can't Let Them Get Away With It

Max Igan

The thing is the world is changing. The world is changing! Everything is breaking down. The whole system is breaking down.

They want it to break down into the Great Reset, they wanna have the reset that they wanna have. Their money system is breaking down, their government system is breaking down, it's all breaking down.

And it's gonna be how we play it, what we do about it. And you know that with everything that they're doing, they want us feeling negative, they want us feeling bad, they want us worried about everything. That's why I keep saying to you: no stake in the outcome. Don't stress about all this stuff because everything they do is, they're trying to put you into fear. They wanna make you feel hopeless.

So I try to keep it empowering. No stake in the outcome, you've gotta see what the game is, but then you've gotta intend for it to go the way you wanna do. You know, as I've often said to people, the true nature of prayer is to put yourself in the emotional state where the prayer has already been answered. Your whole life is a prayer because you're having this emotional conversation. All the time you're having this emotional conversation, and then the field is mirroring that back to you. If you're in a state of fear, if you're in a state of stress about income, or stress about money, or stress about anything, well, that's what you're putting into the field. And if you pray for something, if you pray for peace, or you pray for love, what you're doing is you're carrying out a negative affirmation, and you're confirming there is no peace & there is no love. Now, if you want peace, you put yourself in the emotional state what you would feel like if that peace was already in the world? What would you feel like if all of this stuff was breaking down around us, and humanity was going to shine through and get to that Golden Place that we've always wanted to be? How would it feel like to be in that place? Put yourself in that emotional state and see that that's what all this is. That's what this whole breakdown of the system is. It can go the way they want it to go, if they can get enough people in fear, to put that into the field and move us into that reality, but if enough people see this as a really positive thing and a really crucial time for humanity, and a time of great opportunity where humanity actually gets to stand in their power, we can change the world. It's really that simple. A lot of people don't think it is. They say that's hippie airy fairy new age, whatever, but they don't understand. They don't understand how it works.

Collaboration or Resistance

Connor Kelly

1. Our brand new shiny fascist state

On 12 July the British Government announced that it will be strongly encouraging vaccine passports for venues and events to exclude the unvaccinated from public life. Although they say this is a voluntary act of discrimination, they have explicitly stated that they retain the option to make this mandatory in the future, as they also retain the option to resume police state measures as and when they please. The French government co-incidentally announced the same measure on the same day, only going much further, barring the unvaccinated from cafes, metro etc, and mandating vaccination of health workers – which is to say, putting the unvaccinated out of work. They follow the Irish and Greek governments which have brought in similar measures, along with other countries and states worldwide.

The long-term effects of these measures will be disastrous. It will normalise the discrimination, exclusion and persecution of a section of the population. It will unleash all of the resentment and rage that has built up over the crisis of the last 18 months onto the unvaccinated. If successfully implemented it may increase support for the new bio-surveillance state and create a permanent ‘buy in’ for the population. It is not enough to permit a return to normality. Others must be forbidden. It will be a disaster for the working class, and if supported by the left (or supported by the left by omission) then it will signal the total abandonment of socialism by self-declared socialists.

A Letter to the Unvaccinated

Dr. Denis G. Rancourt et al. / OCLA

OCLA researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt and several fellow Canadian academics penned an open letter to support those who have decided not to accept the COVID-19 vaccine. The group emphasizes the voluntary nature of this medical treatment as well as the need for informed consent and individual risk-benefit assessment. They reject the pressure exerted by public health officials, the news and social media, and fellow citizens. Control over our bodily integrity may well be the ultimate frontier of the fight to protect civil liberties. Read the letter below or as a PDF here.

Open Letter to the Unvaccinated

Update: The letter has been shared widely on the Internet, and translated into several languages, including Czech, Estonian, French, German, Norwegian, Russian and Spanish.

You are not alone! As of 28 July 2021, 29% of Canadians have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, and an additional 14% have received one shot. In the US and in the European Union, less than half the population is fully vaccinated, and even in Israel, the “world’s lab” according to Pfizer, one third of people remain completely unvaccinated. Politicians and the media have taken a uniform view, scapegoating the unvaccinated for the troubles that have ensued after eighteen months of fearmongering and lockdowns. It’s time to set the record straight.

It is entirely reasonable and legitimate to say ‘no’ to insufficiently tested vaccines for which there is no reliable science. You have a right to assert guardianship of your body and to refuse medical treatments if you see fit. You are right to say ‘no’ to a violation of your dignity, your integrity and your bodily autonomy. It is your body, and you have the right to choose. You are right to fight for your children against their mass vaccination in school.

You are right to question whether free and informed consent is at all possible under present circumstances. Long-term effects are unknown. Transgenerational effects are unknown. Vaccine-induced deregulation of natural immunity is unknown. Potential harm is unknown as the adverse event reporting is delayed, incomplete and inconsistent between jurisdictions.

You are being targeted by mainstream media, government social engineering campaigns, unjust rules and policies, collaborating employers, and the social-media mob. You are being told that you are now the problem and that the world cannot get back to normal unless you get vaccinated. You are being viciously scapegoated by propaganda and pressured by others around you. Remember; there is nothing wrong with you.

Chicken Licken Finds Safety and Freedom in the Land of Covidia

Rob Slane

Once upon a time there was a little chick called Chicken Licken. One day as she was scratching about in the farmyard, she heard a message coming from the television in the farmhouse saying that everyone must stay home or else we would all die.

‘Oh no,’ cried Chicken Licken. ‘I must go into my coop and stay there.’

So off she went to stay in her coop for three weeks, which was how long the nice man on the telly reckoned it would take. On the way, she met Henny Penny.

‘Oh Henny Penny,’ cried Chicken Licken, ‘There’s a deadly virus about and if we don’t stay cooped up we’re all going to die.’

‘But why would those who are perfectly healthy need to do that?’ asked Henny Penny confused. ‘If we’re healthy, that means we haven’t got it. And if we haven’t got it, we can’t spread it.’

‘Henny Penny!’ replied Chicken Licken aghast. ‘The man on the telly said that healthy people can spread it to one another even if they haven’t got it. Stay Safe.’

‘Sounds like nonsense to me,’ said Henny Penny, ‘but I suppose they must know what they’re talking about.’

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