Over 4,600 5,200 7,200 7,800 8,600 10,500 10,700 11,100 over 17,000 Doctors and Scientists Signed the Global Flu/Covid Declaration Against Toxic Mass-Jabbing

International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists
(in Croatian)(in Dutch) (in Italian) (in Slovak) (in Spanish)

We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath [*], recognizing the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following;

WHEREAS, it is our utmost responsibility and duty to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, art and science of medicine;

WHEREAS, there is an unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients;

WHEREAS, public policy makers have chosen to force a “one size fits all” treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualized, personalized approach to patient care which is proven to be safe and more effective;

WHEREAS, physicians and other health care providers working on the front lines, utilizing their knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, are often first to identify new, potentially life saving treatments;

WHEREAS, physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients;

WHEREAS, thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease. Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home (allowing the virus to replicate) and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-treat;

WHEREAS, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.

A Lament as Children Are Enrolled Into Operation Cliff Edge

Rob Slane

It has been clear for years that our society has been rapidly degenerating, but it really is now plumbing new depths. On the say-so of the Chief Scientific Officer, Chris Whitty, this country is to start the mass injections of dangerous experimental products into the arms of children aged 12-15, with or without their parent’s consent. There is absolutely no scientific or medical reason for children to be given a “vaccine” for this illness since, according to possibly the world’s leading epidemiologist, John Ioannidis of Stanford University, the Median Infection Fatality Rate for SARS-CoV-2 for 0-19 year-olds is 0.0027%, or a Survival Rate Estimate of 99.9973%.

Once in their arms, Messenger RNA will be carried around their bodies, causing their cells to become production factories for billions of synthetic Spike Proteins from the original virus — a virus which is no longer in existence, having been superseded by variants. These Spike Proteins are known to be pathogenic, and the cause of blood clotting far more than has been acknowledged, as a study using the D-Dimer test appears to have shown (details here). They will end up in organs throughout the body, with the long-term effects entirely unknown since long-term effects cannot possibly have been studied. What is known, however, is that in the short-term they can be exceedingly dangerous, with the MHRA, VAERS and EUDRA reporting systems in the UK, US and EU showing a clear link to tens of thousands of deaths across the world, and millions of adverse reactions, many of which are extremely serious (check out this excellent analysis of VAERS data for confirmation).

So whilst children do not need a “vaccination” against this illness, it can be guaranteed that some of those getting it will have serious adverse effects, and some will die. This was known by the authorities, even before the rollout of the programme in adults begun, as Slide 16 of the FDA’s “CBER Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness” from October 2020 — two months before the rollout in adults — shows.

The Vaccine Death Report

David John Sorensen & Dr. Vladimir Zelenko MD

Is there evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections?

The purpose of this report is to document how all over the world millions of people have died, and hundreds of millions of serious adverse events have occurred after injections with the experimental mRNA gene therapy. We also reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide.

Our aim is to only present scientific facts, and stay away from unfounded claims. The data is clear and verifiable. References can be found with all presented information, which is provided as a starting point for further investigation.

The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world. The severity of this situation compels us to ask this critical: will we rise up to the defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we prefer personal profit over justice, and be complicit? Networks of lawyers all over the world are preparing class action lawsuits to prosecute all who are serving this criminal agenda. To all who have been complicit so far, we say: there is still time to turn and choose the side of truth. Please make the right choice.

Although this report focuses on the situation in the United States, it also applies to the rest of the world, as the same type of experimental injections with similar death rates – and comparable systems of corruption to hide these numbers – are used worldwide. Therefor we encourage everyone around the world to share this report. May it be a wake up call for all of humanity.

The Anniversary of 9/11

Another World Is Possible

The Twin Towers were the only buildings that were hit by airplanes on September 11, 2001. The planes however did not bring down the towers. The towers collapsed and came down because of demolition charges, just like WTC7 did. They were all demolished. Now, what you see in this photo (right), from 9/11, is a box girder that had been cut by an explosive charge at an angle of approx. 45 degrees. Thermite, (nano-thermite) a highly explosive material, was in fact found on the crime scene. Thermite is commonly being used in the demolition business and shaped charges are standard practice. These demolitions have to be prepared weeks in advance. It can take months to set the charges, and set them correctly. - This implies an inside job.

WTC7, in addition to housing the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which kept all the records from the Enron and WorldCom scandals (the largest bankruptcies in history), also "housed high-level government offices including the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service. [Repeat: WTC7 also housed high-level government offices including the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service.] WTC7 was also the storage facility for millions of files pertaining to active cases involving international drug dealing, organized crime, terrorism and money laundering." (Serendipity).

Does it then seem reasonable to assume that Osama bin Laden, allegedly operating out of a cave somewhere in Afghanistan, could have been preparing the demolition of the WTC buildings for, weeks on end, right under the noses of FBI, Secret Service and the CIA? We don't think so. And considering the millions of secret files, referring to cases where the Government itself was actively involved in criminal activity, doesn't it also seem likely that these government agencies at some point would have wanted to get rid of all these files?

Anyway, the WTC buildings were demolished. This is a fact. We now believe highly placed elements in the FBI and the CIA must have been among the perpetrators of terror on 9/11. This horrendous crime could not have taken place unless these agencies had actively participated in committing it. But who wanted this mega crime to be committed? Essentially, who did 9/11? - Everything points in one direction only: Israel.

Plus this: The Anniversary of 9/11 and Dr. Wyndham’s Reply to NIST About Their WTC 7 Final Report


MUST WATCH: Ernst Wolff - Uncovering the Corona Narrative - Aug 2021

Ernst Wolff / John Waters

‘All of these deeply destructive developments with which we are living and having to suffer under are enough to freeze the blood in the veins of any normal thinking and feeling person.’

‘The agenda that is being followed here is obviously not only planned, but also can hardly be surpassed in terms of evil and deceitfulness. Who would ever have suspected that, under the guise of protecting mankind from the effects of a disease, the world economy would be driven to a total collapse? To take away people’s freedom to travel, their rights of association and free speech, and freedom to express opinions, and in addition to condemn more than 100 million people to starvation, and all this allegedly “for their own protection”?’

John Waters: 'A Carefully Prepared Apocalypse' – Once more I have decided to deviate from my usual policy of publishing only self-authored material. I have done this before but never with such conviction as to the importance of what I relayed as I possess now, having watched this remarkable and moving speech by the German financial and economics writer Ernst Wolff.

The speech contained in this video was delivered by Ernst Wolff on August 24th 2021. Wolff is a German author and journalist, whose expertise lies in the global financial and monetary system. This may be the most vital, cogent and succinct description you will encounter of the situation that has gripped the world since March 2020. He speaks in German, but there is an excellent simultaneous translation into English provided via subtitles.

Viganò: Considerations on the Great Reset and the New World Order

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop

Editor’s Note : the following is a speech delivered by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò on August 28, 2021. (In Italian)(Life Site News)

LIBERA NOS A MALO: Only by turning to Christ can the wicked project of the New World Order be defeated and the Holy Church be purified of traitors and renegades.

No one will be part of the New World Order unless he carries out an act of worship to Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he receives Luciferian initiation. ~ David Spangler, Director of the United Nations Planetary Initiative Project

For more than a year and a half we have been helplessly witnessing the succession of incongruent events to which most of us are unable to give a plausible justification. The pandemic emergency has made particularly evident the contradictions and illogicalities of measures nominally intended to limit contagion – lockdowns, curfews, closures of commercial activities, limitations of public services and classes, suspension of citizens’ rights – but which are disavowed daily by conflicting voices, by clear evidence of ineffectiveness, by contradictions on the part of the same health authorities. There is no need to list the measures that almost all the governments of the world have taken without achieving the promised results. If we limit ourselves to the presumed advantages that the experimental gene serum should have brought to the community – above all immunity to the virus and renewed freedom of movement – we discover that an Oxford University study published in The Lancet (here) stated that the viral load of those vaccinated with a double dose is 251 times greater than the first strains of the virus (here), despite the proclamations of world leaders, starting with the Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, according to whom “whoever gets vaccinated lives, whoever does not get the vaccine dies.” The side effects of the gene serum, cleverly disguised or deliberately not registered by the national health authorities, seem to confirm the danger of taking the vaccine and the disturbing unknowns for the health of citizens which we will soon have to face.

Former Pfizer VP: ‘The gloves are off,’ UK govt to inject all 12-15-year-olds without parental consent

Dr. Michael Yeadon

‘KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTISE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMACOLOGY, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER.’

Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, issued a warning to parents in the U.K. with school children between ages 12 and 15 years that the government is planning to inject experimental gene-based COVID-19 “vaccines” into them with or without parental consent, beginning next week.

Originally posted on a shared Telegram channel with Robin Monotti, Yeadon explained that children are not at any “measurable risk from SARS-CoV-2,” that there is “no benefit whatsoever” from these injections, that they are quite dangerous to young people, and are even proving to be ineffective against the virus. Consequently, these shots only present serious risks, and no benefit, and “WILL ONLY RESULT IN PAIN, SUFFERING, LASTING INJURIES AND DEATH.”

With candor, he stated, “This extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER,” and he advised parents with kids in this age range to keep them home from school this fall “no matter what.” Finally, he emphasized, COVID “has never been about a virus or public health. It’s wholly about control, totalitarian and irreversible control at that, and they’re nearly there.”

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