Don’t be Fooled by the War. The COVID Crime Continues: “Watch the Water

Peter Koenig
Peter Koenig

Did you know – or even suspect – that we are being poisoned under the guise of the fake Covid?

The science is overwhelming. Just watch this 47-min scientific video — well understandable for the common non-scientists — on what is really and still going on with Covid, while the media focus is on the western-instigated war with Ukraine.

Don’t be fooled by the fact that there is now “freedom” out there, no more masks…. This is just a smoke screen. And for that matter may soon be over… or replaced by another inhuman and degrading imposed measure – like the already EU-approved vaxx-pass without which, presumably starting in 2024 or earlier, you may not move anywhere.

This is a sophisticated eugenist agenda. What they are doing in the back is Machiavellian or much worse. This is not only a worldwide plan of population reduction; if we the people allow it, but also transferring assets from the lower and the middle of the economic echelons to the top. In other words, it fits exactly Klaus Schwab’s dictum of the Great Reset — by 2030, “you will own nothing but will be happy.”

And when you see and hear that among the funders of key components of this diabolical program is the United Nations, then you know that not just the UN, but all our UN member governments — the very governments which have supposedly been “elected” to protect you, us, the people. The UN is complicit AGAINST the people.

This is not all. The EU is in the process of adopting under the radar the devastating law of a universal vaxx-pass – applicable for the entire European Union, or be eventually integrated into a world vaxx- pass, or whatever other name they deem fit for our human slavehood. If we don’t stop it, it may become effective in 2023 or earlier.

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