Jesus has not left the building

‘The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the
Morning of the Resurrection’ — by Eugène Burnand (1898)
In this unbelievable existence, we find it ‘rational’ to believe that no other reality could exist, that there is no hope that, in the future we might find ourselves in an even more astonishing place.
I don’t believe in ‘life after death’; I believe in life transcending death, a rather different thing. Eternity has already begun. Death, no more than birth, is not, I don’t believe, to be taken as a definitive moment of existence — merely another line on the cosmic, eternal path.
There are few things we can name with absolute certainty as irrefutable truths. But one thing I can say is this: I did not make myself. Another is: I do not make myself now, at this moment, writing these words. This understanding changes everything I have been led by the manmade world to believe about myself and my life. Something else defines me, and my life is a walking towards this Something Else, seeking all the while to put words on every step, so that others can see the path no matter how dark it becomes. Thinking like this, thinking these things, enables me to feel loved metaphysically, as nothing else does.