Commissar turns up the temperature in the culture wars

Rob Slane

[March 3, 2017] According to popular legend, if you place a frog in boiling water it will immediately jump out, whereas if you put it in cold or tepid water and then gradually turn up the heat, it will stay until it is eventually boiled to death. Simmering Frog Syndrome is often used as an analogy to show how people react rather quickly to sudden change, whereas if you spread the change out over time they don’t notice.

The analogy is a good one, but the problem with it is that it isn’t strictly true. Yes, a frog placed suddenly in boiling water will immediately try to exit, and yes a frog that is gradually heated will stay put for some time. But apparently (although I must stress I’ve never experimented myself) at a certain point when the water is being heated, the frog will not just stay put, but its pain receptors will cause it to seek to get out.

It has been said that we in our society are like simmering frogs. If you were to gather all the social changes that have occurred over the last 50 years and imagine that they had been foisted on us overnight, it’s easy to see what would have followed. Revolution would have been met by resistance, which in turn may well have been met with force, and so on. Yet the Cultural Bolsheviks that have led the revolution in the West have been far more cunning, and have introduced their changes in dribs and drabs, bit by bit. By and large we’ve taken it lying down, so that what was once unthinkable has now become normal. This means that what is unthinkable today…well I’ll leave you to work that out. But if we’ve been like simmering frogs, at what point do we reach that ouch point where we feel compelled to get out of the pan? I’ll return to the frogs in a moment.

Imagine going back to about the year 1950 and telling the average parent that you wanted to get their teachers to talk to their children about sex. About bodily functions, and bodily fluids, and private parts, and lesbianism, and oral sex and how to put a condom on. You know what would have happened, don’t you? They would have either threatened you with all sorts of nasty things if you dared to speak to their children about such things, or they would have punched you.

Of course that was because they were unsophisticated back then wasn’t it? They didn’t know anything about sex or what it is for or how to deal with the subject when it comes to children. Now of course, we do. We know it all, don’t we? And so since we became enlightened and oh-so sophisticated, it is now considered perfectly normal to allow strangers to talk to our children about these things. They do it in places called schools and they call it sex education.

Let’s just clear something up. Sex education is not sex education. It is not – as is claimed – a needed attempt to stop teenage pregnancies, STIs or sexting, or whatever is reckoned to be the latest thing needing to be dealt with. Of course, some of those who teach and advocate it may well believe that this is what it is for, but as in any cultural revolution, there are always those who think what they are doing is noble and worthy, while behind them there are those who know what is going on.

I wrote back here about the origins of sex education. How it was designed by a Hungarian Bolshevik by the name of György Lukács. He hated Christianity and Christian morality so much that he wanted to destroy them, and so he came up with the idea of driving a whacking great wedge between the older generation and the young in the area of sexual morality. By doing this, the new “enlightened morality” could be set against the old “crusty morality”, the new generation could be pitted against their stupid, backward parents and grandparents, and so by setting them against each other civilization could begin again. Year Zero.

But poor Commissar Lukács’s scheme failed when the Béla Kun regime was toppled after just a few months. Yet it is doubtful that he could have succeeded anyway since he made the mistake of trying to do too much too quickly. Our own revolutionaries have not repeated the mistake, and they have slowly been turning up the temperature on the frogs every year, to the point when our own revolutionary Commissar, Justine Greening, now feels the time is ripe to announce that sex education is to be compulsory in all schools from the age of four. Four! Do you know what a four-year-old is? Someone who sits on the floor playing with Lego, or splashing about in puddles, or having Winnie the Pooh read to them, that sort of thing. And they are to be the target of ideas handed down to us by a revolutionary Bolshevik who wanted to destroy morality and begin the world again.

Oh, I can hear the squeals of protest from advocates of this latest stage in the revolution. They’re not going to be teaching inappropriate stuff. It’ll all be “age-appropriate” and will be about “safe and healthy relationships”. There are three points to be made about this, in ascending order of importance.

Firstly, if you expect me to believe this, then you may also believe that I was born sometime in the last 24 hours.

Secondly, what reason can anyone give for believing that the State, which has deliberately shredded the marriage covenant over the past few decades, has the first clue about what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate? If the blind lead the blind, won’t they both fall into the ditch?

But thirdly, and most importantly, what sort of people have we become if we are prepared to rely on strangers and experts and professionals to teach our children this sort of thing? Seriously? People in countries that have had their rights eroded by the State, and where the State has tried to smash the family, have often resisted and rejected it. What do we do here? We accept it. Worse than that, we don’t just accept it because there is no choice (there is), but we willingly allow it.

Can’t you see what is happening? A people that can’t even teach their own children about relationships, both through their words and experience, but instead farms this great task out to the State, is a people that has lost any concept of real life, real families, real privacy and ultimately real liberty. By quietly handing over this prerogative to the likes of Commissar Greening, we have become willing serfs – nobody held a gun to our heads; we just meekly agreed to let them do whatsoever they wished and so accepted our role as servants of the State.

The temperature has been turned up another few degrees my fellow frogs. Can’t you feel it? Are you going to remain and see what happens? Or are you going to get out?


Source: Conservative Woman. Image: © N/A. AWIP:


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