Canada introduces blood-curdling new ‘thought police’ law that would make even Stalin blush…

Revolver News (Editorial)

Canada To Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted ‘Hate Speech’ Online

Canada has fallen. It’s become the North Korea of the West, and it’s getting worse every single day. This new bill they’ve introduced is the cherry on their tyrannical sundae. It’s called the Online Harms Bill C-63, and it would make even Stalin blush. As a matter of fact, tyrannical dictator Kim Jong-Un would look at this bill and feel an instant rush of communist inadequacy. With this new bill, Justin Trudeau is fueling those online rumors that his real father is actually communist dirtbag Fidel Castro.

This new bill is supposedly aimed at safeguarding the masses from online “hate speech,” and it’s a dictator’s dream come true. Naturally, the left is hailing it as a beacon of democracy—a term they seem to misunderstand more and more. The real shocker in this bill is the alarming retroactive aspect. Essentially, whatever you’ve said in the past can now be weaponized against you by today’s draconian standards. Historian Dr. Muriel Blaive has weighed in on this draconian law, labeling it outright “mad.” She points out how it literally spits in the face of all Western legal traditions, especially the one about only being punished if you infringed on a law that was valid at the time of committing a crime.

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