This is what’s going to happen next
Dr Vernon Coleman
These are the darkest, most difficult days in human history. We are facing the end of freedom and the end of the awesome wonder of the independent, human spirit.
I genuinely believe that rabid enemies such as Soros, Blair, HRH Charles (the HRH stands for His Royal Hypocrite), the Rothschilds, Schwab, Gates, Musk, Biden, the Bilderbergers et al are the most evil conspirators to have ever walked this earth.
The Evil Hornswogglers should be hung, drawn and quartered. When, in the name of God, justice, humanity, wisdom and hope are the moronic mask wearers, the lockdown-lovers and the witless, covid jabbed collaborators going to wake up to reality?
I believe that through the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Common Purpose, they have recruited an army of rancid servants to protect them and to take control of every aspect of the world we used to know. This is a deliberate, global coup. The same things are happening everywhere. Nothing is happening by accident. What we dismiss as woke triviality is, in truth, part of the takeover. Universities, trade unions, large organisations from the National Trust to the MCC, have all been hi-jacked.
And through fear, brain washing and psy-op trickery they have conned a huge army of panty-waisted, lily-livered, craven, cryptorchid myrmidons to support their corruption and their trickery. I loathe the conspirators and their handmaidens but I loathe the myrmidons, the collaborators, just as much. Right from the start I warned that the collaborators would do the most harm. Without their complicity the conspirators would have got nowhere.
And so the collaborators deserve our contempt. People said we should be nice to them, and encourage them and be patient with them. I never thought that was an option.