Colossal Russia-North Korea deal for millions of shells and ammunition - Putin's mate move in Ukraine editorial

Colossal Russia-North Korea deal for millions of shells and ammunition - Putin's mate move in Ukraine

North Korea gets satellites, ICBMs, nuclear-powered submarines, and the lifting of sanctions!

Gods and Demons threatened the US, UK, and other Western countries after the strategic "Deal" between V. Putin and Kim Jong Un. After marathon negotiations, the first information about the defense deal between Russia and North Korea is beginning to leak out.

This is a mate move by V. Putin as it will prepare the Russian troops for the biggest counterattack in modern times by acquiring millions of artillery shells and mortars. And what will Ukraine counter with? Probably nothing... The West is running out of steam.

The negotiations between the delegations of the Russian Federation and North Korea in an expanded format lasted about an hour and a half and then the leaders of the two states spoke face-to-face for about two hours. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un spent five hours today with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome.

The Russian delegation at the negotiations included Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Prime Minister Manturov, Foreign Minister Lavrov, Deputy Prime Minister Khusnullin, Head of the Russian Ministry of Transport Savelyev and Head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources Kozlov. Judging by the toasts at the joint dinner, the two leaders agreed on everything.

GPs Kill Retail but Hospitals Kill Wholesale

Dr Vernon Coleman

Hospitals are terrible places. People die in them. You should go to hospital only as a last resort. And you should escape the minute you can.

As a doctor, I am ashamed, saddened, and embarrassed to have to tell you this but hospital patients are routinely neglected, humiliated and left in pain. Thousands of patients have died as a result of poor treatment. One independent inquiry documented cases where patients had been left unwashed for up to a month and left without food, drink, and medical treatment. The conclusion was that managers had been ‘preoccupied with cost-cutting, targets and processes’ and had lost sight of their basic responsibilities. Astonishingly, none of the managers responsible was taken to court. Nor were any of the doctors and nurses punished.

I have little doubt that in all the hospitals where patients have been dying unnecessarily the staff (including doctors and nurses) managed to convince themselves that they were providing patients with excellent service.

And, equally, I have no doubt that an enormous number of patients relatives, and hospital visitors must have ignored all these awful things and believed that the hospitals concerned were doing a wonderful job.

It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest to hear that the managers responsible for all this pain, agony, and death, have thick files of letters from patients and relatives thanking them for the excellent care.

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