Passing Observations 202

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. Scotland is proposing to pass a new law making it a crime to call someone old. I shall, presumably, have to have myself arrested for calling myself an old man in a chair. Still, as long as I stay out of Scotland I should be OK for the time being. Unless they extradite me and carry me off down a rabbit hole. Lewis Carroll never dreamt of anything quite as bizarre as the lives we live today.

2. Today’s problems aren’t caused by the fact that 1% of the population controls most of the world’s property and wealth but by the fact that the 99% are, through their mortgages and bank loans, in debt to the 1%. Many will spend their lives working to pay off those mortgages or loans and, at the end of their lives, end up no richer than they were to start with. The 1% (or, in fact, considerably less than 1% but I’ll stick to calling them the 1% because it’s a simple way to describe them) have taken control of the 99% because, to put it bluntly, they own them. The 1% has sucked the world dry of money. They control everything. They control natural resources, they control finance, they control the politicians, they control the judiciary, they control the police, they control health care and they control the military. Globally, they have virtually total control over organisations such as the United Nations (and its subsidiaries such as the World Health Organisation), the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Any dissent that appears at the top is contrived and artificial. The 1%, the conspirators, may sometimes appear to be at war with a government or an administrative body or an NGO but they are never at war with anything or anyone because they control everything and everyone. The 1% controls the protestors. Black Lives Matter, climate change groups and mobs smashing store windows are all financed by the billionaire financiers. (Cf. V. Coleman’s new book Their Terrifying Plan.

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