Insane is now the New Normal
Dr Vernon Coleman

1. The UK is now sending long range missiles to Ukraine. And the UK is sending troops too. This takes us one big step closer to nuclear war. And, not to be outdone, the US is providing Ukraine with missiles and intelligence from Airborne Warning and Control systems (AWAC) patrols. This leaves Russia little option but to shoot down the American aircraft. It is patently clear that NATO wants a full-blooded nuclear war. (If you haven’t seen them please watch my videos: `Why they need world war III’ (first broadcast on 3rd May 2022) and `Urgent Warning to Everyone’ (first broadcast on 9th February 2023). Both videos are available on and on my channel on BrandNewTube.
It is, I think, fair to say that if Ukraine and NATO appear to be winning this war there will be a nuclear war because the Russians will not go quietly into defeat. Remember that the Russians lost around 25 million men in World War II, defending their country against a German invasion. The Russians would fight just as hard against America. NATO members should all keep out of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine. Anyone waving a Ukraine flag with enthusiasm is a war mongering psychopath. I will repeat my advice given some while ago: wherever you live keep an eye on the whereabouts of your nation’s President or Prime Minister. If two or more senior figures leave the capital at the same time then it might be time for you to consider leaving too. So, in the UK, I would consider it a possible warning sign if both Charles and Sunak quietly left London for their country homes (or, in the case of Charles, one of his many country homes.)