Everything You Should Know About Animal Experiments

Dr Vernon Coleman

1 Every thirty seconds vivisectors around the world kill another thousand animals. They use cats, dogs, puppies, kittens, horses, sheep, rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, monkeys, baboons and any other creature you can think of.

2 While waiting to be used in laboratory experiments, animals are kept in solitary confinement in small cages. Alone and frightened they can hear the screams of the other animals being used.

3 Some of the animals used in laboratory experiments are pets which have been kidnapped, taken off the streets and sold to the vivisectors.

4 Animals used in experiments are blinded, burned, shot, injected and dissected. They have their eyes sewn up or their limbs broken. Chemicals are injected into their brains and their screams of anguish are coldly recorded.

5 Three quarters of the experiments performed by vivisectors are done without any anaesthetic.

6 Most vivisectors have no medical or veterinary training.

7 Scientists claim that animals are not sentient creatures and are incapable of suffering mental or physical pain.

8 All animals respond differently to threats of any kind depending on their circumstances (diet, cage size, etc.). None of these factors is allowed for by vivisectors. By locking an animal up in a cage, experimenters have already invalidated their experiment because by altering the animal's surroundings, the experimenter alters the animal's susceptibility, its habits, its instincts and its capacity to heal itself. Since these variations are not controlled (cages and surroundings differ) experiments performed on animals kept in cages are of no scientific value.

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