Ukraine: Elite conspiracy theory
A Short Comment by Xymphora
Most Americans don't care about Ukraine, or are even aware there is an issue, but the American elites are energized by the possibility of resumption of the Cold War. The 80s were the last time Americans felt good about themselves. Since then it has been a series of financially and morally ruinous Wars For The Jews under ZOG and the debilitating Israeli-created 'War On Terror'. Under the Cold War, Americans were always right and good, and the Soviets were plain evil. Under ZOG, Americans slip further and further into a moral malaise that seems impossible to escape.
So it is ironic that the coup in Ukraine was just another War For The Jews. The entertaining apparent irony of the Americans arming al-Qaeda in Syria while financing neo-Nazis in Ukraine teaches us something about the realities of power and propaganda, but behind the incongruities there were no real American goals to the coup. The point of the coup was to weaken the Russian position in the Middle East and embarrass Putin personally for his thwarting Zionist goals, both of which were goals of World Jewry (the Jew-controlled media provided the propaganda basis by attacking Putin for his country's position on homosexuality, and denigrating the very successful Sochi Olympics). The fallback position of World Jewry, even of they didn't inconvenience Putin at all, was to play up the neo-Nazi element and spray a few swastikas on synagogues to scare the 200,000 Jews in Ukraine to move to Israel.