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Dear readers, this blog will now be upgraded. The road ahead may be somewhat bumpy at times.– Editor |
THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Millions Have Died From The Jabs |
Feminism & The Biosecurity State – Letter From A Father |
Stephen Lendman ● The Case for War: The Iron Mountain Report |
"The War is Worth Waging": Afghanistan's Vast Reserves of Minerals and Natural Gas by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky |
![]() ● Any world is an illusion, but within illusion, another world, a better world, seems possible. In the material world, the one we think is real, the divide between the 'left' and 'right' is an artificial one. This divide serves to keep us separate from each other and prevents us from seeing clearly that we in fact have shared interests and a common enemy. A better way to approach economy, politics, culture and society would be to take note of the ways in which our societies are divided horizontally: the interests of the few (the parasitic "elite") and the many (ordinary people). The elite wants to oppress and exploit the rest of us. In a material sense, they are our enemy. They are working to establish globally a Talmudic (micro managed) technocracy, the so-called "New World Order." |
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in Quotes Window to Palestine |
Americans: Awash In Spin Paul Craig Roberts |
Terrorism to [Create] World Order Ola Tunander |
Iraq - Humble Advice to Its People Adnan Al-Daini |
The US has killed more than 168 children in Pakistan C. Woods |
Victims of war: Iraqi children and families - Depleted uranium and trauma G. Georgatos |
Revisiting Israel's Terror War on Gaza S. Lendman |
Cutting through the confusion about I/P R. Forer |
Gaza & a World that has lost its Humanity Reham Alhelsi |
What legitimacy does Israel have? Christopher King |
US Media's Pro-Israeli Bias Stephen Lendman |
Comment on the Tea Party Movement Bob Altemeyer |
Afghan My Lai Massacre What Really Happened |
Nothing de-
pleted about 'depleted uranium' A. Bult Ito |
America's regression Glen Greenwald |
Black Elk Speaks
-As told to John G. Neihardt |
We're Orcs Devilstower Political Cortex |
Special Archives
_____________________ Afghanistan Climate Occupied Palestine |
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