The Massive PSYOP Employed against Ukraine by GCHQ and NSA

Wayne Madsen

It was only a matter of time. The National Security Agency's British FIVE EYES partner, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), has now made common cause with another creation of British intelligence, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. From the time of its creation in 1921 under the aegis of the British Army's Bureau of Psychological Warfare to the present time, the Tavistock Institute has been at the forefront of research into and application of targeted and mass mind control techniques. The institute has cooperated with research entities, including the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and Esalen Institute in the United States, that carry out psychological operations on behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency and Department of Defense.

The latest tranche of PowerPoint slides revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden shows the similarities between the GCHQ's Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG)'s Human Science Operations Cell (HSOC). The very name «Human Science Operations» appears yanked right from the operational charter of the Tavistock Institute, which includes the ability to engage in «full spectrum domination» by U.S. and U.K. intelligence services, in other words, the two core members of the FIVE EYES alliance.

What is most alarming about the most recent disclosure of slides marked SECRET//SI//REL TO USA. FVEY [Special Intelligence, Releasable to USA and FIVE EYES] and UK TOP SECRET STRAP is that the FIVE EYES signals intelligence alliance of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are adding psychological operations (psyops) and Tavistock-developed mind control operations to its traditional signals intelligence (SIGINT) role. The blending of SIGINT and human intelligence (HUMINT) as part of cyber-warfare and computer network exploitation (CNE), with little or no actual oversight from legislative oversight authorities, is the closest proof revealed to date that the NSA and its partners have embarked on a policy of instituting «1984» Big Brother controls using the Internet as a primary weapon.

Ukraine: Potential Flashpoint for Global War

Stephen Lendman

Obama heads the most recklessly dangerous regime in world history. It's ruthless. It's lawless. It's out-of-control. It's reincarnated Nazism writ large. War on humanity is the new normal. Crazed hegemonic ambitions drive policy.

A potential devastating East/West confrontation looms. Will Ukraine be the flashpoint igniting it? US-supported neo-Nazis usurped power. Anyone opposing them risks arrest, physical harm or death. Democracy is a dead letter. Fascists rule solely by diktats. Elections when held will be farcical.

Ukrainians haven't yet awakened to nightmarish conditions they face. How they'll react remains to be seen. Civil war may erupt. Most eastern and southern Ukrainians favor close ties to Russia. They reject neo-Nazi coup d'état Kiev governance. It has no legitimacy. Conditions remain incendiary.

Obama bears full responsibility for what's ongoing. Corrupt EU partners share it. Neocons run US policy. Unchallenged global dominance ambitions drive them. One war after another is waged.

The Worst Snowden Revelation of Them All. So far ...

Justin Raimondo

One common reaction to Edward Snowden’s exposure of the National Security Agency’s pervasive surveillance of Americans and people around the world has been: Well, at least they aren’t doing what US government agents did in the 1960s and 1970s – targeting dissident political activists, spying on and disrupting their constitutionally-protected activities, and seeking to discredit them with programs like Cointelpro.

Except they are, as it turns out.

The latest revelations and newly-released documents, detailed by Glenn Greenwald in a shocking piece for his new outlet, The Intercept, show that’s exactly what they’re doing. Whereas J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI used old-fashioned methods – primitive bugging devices, poison pen letters, and physical infiltration of "suspect" groups – today’s Thought Police use the Internet to, as Greenwald puts it, "control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the Internet itself."

In a presentation by the British spy agency GCHQ to the NSA, and the Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand intelligence agencies, the top-secret JTRIG unit instructed their allies in the methodology of targeting and destroying political dissidents, and countering their influence on the Internet. Their approach is oh-so-"scientific," citing social science theories about human motivation, giving the whole document the aura of an academic study – albeit one written by someone with a sensibility that veers from the playful to the downright sinister.

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