08/14/09 Richard S. Lindzen Resisting climate hysteria: A Case Against Precipitous Climate Action.
08/20/09 Des Moore The Great Climate Scam
11/17/09 Peter Smith Exploiting Guilt: The Copenhagen Treaty and Versailles
11/24/09 Judy Curry On the credibility of climate research
11/25/09 Bob Carter The science of deceit
11/26/09 John McLean Climategate: Shutting out dissent
11/26/09 Gerald Traufetter Stagnating Temperatures: Climatologists Baffled by Global Warming Time-Out
11/27/09 Marco Villa What You Should Know Before the Copenhagen Summit
11/28/09 Patrick J. Michaels The Dog Ate Global Warming
11/29/09 Judith Curry An open letter from Dr. Judith Curry on climate science
11/30/09 Doug L. Hoffman Global Warming Fatigue Spreads
12/01/09 FOS Friends of Science Society Position Statement
12/03/09 Susan Swift Climate Gate: Where Politics and Religion Unite
12/04/09 Aletho News There's more to climate fraud than just tax hikes
12/05/09 Richard S. Lindzen Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions?
12/07/09 Wendy McElroy "Settled"? It's not even "Science"
12/07/09 Mervyn F. Bendle The Eco-Apocalypse Craze
12/09/09 Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. The Left Fell into the Climate Morass
12/09/09 Marco Villa Copenhagen Beware
12/10/09 Friends Of Science Myths / Facts: Common Misconceptions About Global Warming
12/11/09 Steve McIntyre IPCC and the “Trick”
12/12/09 Notsilvia Night Why are the oligarchic elites trying so hard to push their climate change policies through right now?
12/13/09 Bob Carter Scam of the century
12/13/09 Lord Christopher Monckton Lord Monckton’s summary of Climategate and its issues
12/15/09 Merv Bendle Brave New Green World
12/17/09 The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri’s eye opening Copenhagen presentation
12/20/09 Merv Bendle Politics of green unreality
12/20/09 Paul Driessen Cleaning out the climate science cesspool
12/21/09 Mick Greenhough Elite Politique
12/22/09 Terence Corcoran Climategate: A 2,000-page epic of science and skepticism --Part 1 & 2
12/23/09 S. Fred Singer Al Gore and Global Warming Alarmism
12/24/09 Richard Moore There is no global warming problem
12/27/09 Peter Smith Seeking untainted science
12/27/09 Bill Steigerwald G. P. Bear goes to Washington: The true story of a freedom-loving carnivore
01/06/10 Neil Frank Climategate: You should be steamed
01/08/10 John Izzard The Pachauri affair
01/11/10 Lord Monkton Climate change: proposed personal briefing
01/15/10 Roy Spencer, PhD. A Demonstration that Global Warming Predictions are Based More On Faith than On Science
01/16/10 Patricia Adams The next big scam: carbon dioxide
01/25/10 Luboš Motl / Anthony Watts Global UAH: warmest January day on record
02/01/10 Ninad D. Sheth The Hottest Hoax in the World
02/05/10 From the University of Haifa via Eurekalert Israeli study shows variable sea level in past 2500 years
02/06/10 Des Moore The IPCC's flawed data
02/07/10 Julie Chao LBNL on Himalayas: “greenhouse gases alone are not nearly enough to be responsible for the snow melt”
02/08/10 Margaret Wente The great global warming collapse
02/10/10 Henrik Svensmark, Torsten Bondo and Jacob Svensmark Cosmic Ray Decreases Affect Atmospheric Aerosols and Clouds
02/10/10 EUReferendum White Death or How wrong can they get?
02/12/10 Henrik Svensmark Svensmark: “global warming stopped and a cooling is beginning” – “enjoy global warming while it lasts”
02/14/10 S. Fred Singer MUST READ: The end of the IPCC
02/17/10 Marc Sheppard Evidence of Climate Fraud Grows, Media Coverage Doesn't
02/22/10 Anthony Watts The most slimy essay ever from the Guardian and Columbia University
02/27/10 Walter E. Williams Global Warming Update
03/03/10 Steven Mosher The Final Straw
03/04/10 Iain Murray & Roger Abbott Climategate: This Time It's NASA
03/08/10 Joanne Nova The money trail
03/10/10 Tom Minchin Monckton on the IPCC
03/13/10 Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD Solar and Celestial Causes of Global Warming
03/20/10 Matt Ridley The case against the hockey stick
03/22/10 Bob Carter Lysenkoism and James Hansen
03/29/10 John O’Sullivan The bubble of climate change group-think burst in a cooling world
04/01/10 E. Calvin Beisner The Illusion of "Scientific Consensus" on Global Warming
04/02/10 Marco Evers, Olaf Stampf and Gerald Traufetter A Superstorm for Global Warming Research
04/04/10 Des Moore Climate inquiry, now
04/09/10 S. Fred Singer End of the IPCC: one mistake too many
04/19/10 På Høyden Om forholdet mellom CO2 og global temperatur