Iran Reportedly Issues New NOTAM . . . "Rocket Launches" . . . . Israel?

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

The ongoing situation between Israel and Iran is extremely dangerous, because it could pull in the three most powerful, nuclear-armed nations on this planet.

The government of Iran has reportedly issued another Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM) clearing its air space on certain dates for "rocket launches."

According to the information I received last night, Iran has ordered the clearing of its air space beginning November 18 and continuing through November 20. This is significant for several reasons:

First, It is well known that Iran intends to retaliate against Israel for the Israeli attack a little over two weeks ago.

Second, Iran itself said it would retaliate against Israel "After the U.S. Election but before Trump is sworn in."

Third, Iran issued warnings to the residents of Haifa and Tel Aviv over this past weekend, giving them "one week to evacuate those cities" while military guys blustered they were going to "remove Israel from the map."

It is worthwhile to recap how this tit-for-tat military attack situation developed.

RAND’s Grand Plan

James W. Carden
American Conservative

Here’s what the establishment has in store for us—and it isn’t pretty.

On September 12, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell took to the upper chamber’s floor to praise the work of the bipartisan Commission on the National Defense Strategy, a congressionally appointed panel run out of the RAND Corporation. McConnell, summarizing the report’s findings, said,

💬 Any of our colleagues who haven’t yet taken a close look at this report should. But I’d like to reiterate a few of its conclusions that I discussed last month as the Appropriations Committee finalized defense spending legislation for the coming year. This ought to grab our attention:

From the report, quote, “the U.S. military lacks both the capabilities and the capacity required to be confident it can deter and prevail in combat.”

A further quote, “the U.S. defense industrial base (DIB) is unable to meet the equipment, technology, and munitions needs of the United States and its allies and partners.”

And, quote, “the U.S. public are largely unaware of the dangers the United States faces or the costs (financial and otherwise) required to adequately prepare.”

Writing during the early months of the First World War, the journalist and grand strategist Walter Lippmann observed, “While it takes as much skill to make a sword as a ploughshare, it takes a critical understanding of human values to prefer the ploughshare.” And, if anything, “human values” are conspicuous by their absence in the recommendations of the RAND Commission on the National Defense Strategy report, which, if implemented, would put the US on a permanent war footing likely to provoke—perhaps concurrently—wars in Asia, Europe, and the Greater Middle East.

10 Obstacles To Trump’s Reported Plan For Western/NATO Peacekeepers In Ukraine

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Given the enormity of the task at hand, Trump might be unable to execute his reported plan for organizing a Western/NATO peacekeeping mission in Ukraine unless he announces the US’ direct involvement in this scheme, which he’s not predicted to do.

It was recently assessed that “The Clock Is Ticking For Russia To Achieve Its Maximum Goals In The Ukrainian Conflict” after the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump plans to organize a Western/NATO peacekeeping mission in Ukraine without the US’ participation to freeze the conflict. This is obviously a lot easier said than done. Here’s what can offset this scenario by either delaying it long enough for Russia to end the conflict on its own terms or capsizing Trump’s plan completely:

1. The Europeans Fear A Direct Kinetic Escalation With Russia

France’s tough talk earlier this year about conventionally intervening in the conflict and Poland's subsequent refusal to rule out its participation also mask the Europeans’ fear of a direct kinetic escalation with Russia. Trump will have to masterfully leverage the US’ influence over them and NATO as a whole to coerce his country’s European partners into putting their security on the line by going through with this risky plan. It could always backfire, after all, and inadvertently spark World War III.

Settlers prepare for ’resettlement in Gaza’

Voltaire Network

💬 Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir took part in a two-day meeting on Israel’s southern border entitled "Preparing for our resettlement in Gaza" on the occasion of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

He said: "What we have learned this year is that everything depends on us. We are the owners of this land. Yes, we have experienced a terrible catastrophe. But we must understand that a year later, so many Israelis have changed their mentality. They have changed their mindset. They understand that acting as the rightful owners of this land brings results.

Referring to the Palestinian prisoners, he went on: "We took their jelly sandwiches. We took their chocolate. We took their televisions. We took their ping-pong tables and practice time. You should see them crying and weeping in their cells. This is our proof: when we decide we can, we do succeed."

"We will encourage the voluntary transfer of all citizens of Gaza. We will offer them the opportunity to move to other countries because this land belongs to us," he concluded.

The Clock Is Ticking For Russia To Achieve Its Maximum Goals In The Ukrainian Conflict

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Trump’s reported plan for a Western/NATO peacekeeping mission in Ukraine places Russia in the dilemma of either preempting this with another large-scale nationwide offensive, targeting those forces after they enter at the risk of sparking World War III, or tacitly accepting this endgame.

The Wall Street Journal’s report that Trump’s peace plan for Ukraine envisages the creation of an 800-mile demilitarized zone that would be patrolled by Europeans adds a lot of urgency to Russia’s nearly 1000-day-long struggle to achieve its maximum goals in this conflict.

The potential entrance of conventional Western/NATO forces into Ukraine as peacekeepers places Russia in the dilemma of accepting yet another “red line” being crossed or risking World War III by targeting them.

To refresh everyone’s memory since it’s been so long since the special operation started, Russia officially aims to: 1) demilitarize Ukraine; 2) denazify it; and 3) restore its constitutional neutrality, among other supplementary and informal goals.

September 2022’s referenda then added the official goal of removing Ukrainian forces from the entirety of the four regions that Russia now claims as its own, including the areas of Kherson and Zaporozhye on the other side of the Dnieper, which will be a challenge.

Trump’s Victory & the Decline of Liberal Hegemony: “Unburdened By What Has Been”

Glenn Diesen
Glenn’s Substack

The election victory of Trump should not have been a surprise. The era of liberal hegemony has already come to an end, and a correction is long overdue. The liberal hegemony is no longer liberal, and the hegemony is exhausted. Trump is often denounced for being transactional, yet the de-ideologization of America and return to pragmatism is exactly what the country needs.

Change or Preserve the Unsustainable Status-Quo?—The overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the country is heading in the wrong direction, which placed Harris as the incumbent in an unfavorable position. Harris as the Vice President could not distance herself sufficiently from President Biden’s policies, which meant that she had to own the failures of the past four years. The message of “turning the page” did not resonate, and she was left with the meaningless slogan of “joy” - which only demonstrated her detachment from the growing concerns of Americans.

The borders have been wide open, media freedom is in decline, the government’s overreach is growing, US industries are no longer competitive, the national debt is out of control, social problems and culture wars are going from bad to worse, the political climate becomes increasingly divisive, the US military is overstretched, the global majority rejects Washington’s simplistic and dangerous heuristics of dividing the world into liberal democracy versus authoritarianism, the US is complicit in genocide in Palestine and is heading towards nuclear war with Russia.

Who would vote for four more years when the status quo entails driving off a cliff? It is a good time to be in opposition and offer change. Being a populist with a bombastic demeanor, seemingly immune to consequences from breaking social norms, is a good feature when breaking free from decades-old ideological dogmas that constrain necessary pragmatism.

It's Been 40 Days, but He Will Live on Forever

Lea Akil
Al Mayadeen English

How did Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah become an enduring symbol of sacrifice and resilience?

We grew up listening to his voice. We grew up watching him. We used to impatiently wait for him and his speeches... we're still waiting.

As I write these lines I'm reminded of a quote by Che Guevara, who said "Let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality."

Forty days have passed since the martyrdom of Hezbollah's Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a man who was a symbol of hope, sacrifice, resilience, and resistance, but more profoundly, he embodied love—because what is resistance and sacrifice if not the deepest form of love?

To grasp the magnitude of what this man sacrificed, what many before him have sacrificed, and what countless others will continue to sacrifice, you must understand the essence of love: love for your land, your people, your sovereignty, and your dignity. It is through this that we can redefine and grasp true patriotism.

They attempted to silence him with 83 tons of US-made bombs, to extinguish the resolve of the Resistance, and pave the way for their hopes of ending Hezbollah. But his martyrdom achieved the opposite because the resistance remains resilient, grew in fervor, and he remains present.

Smashing the Western Illusion of Democracy

Finn Andreen
Mises Institute

In these politically turbulent times, the “illusion of democracy is fading worldwide” as one pundit wrote recently. There is a growing sense in the West that “democracy” is not working well, but there is not yet a full and clear recognition of that fact. Michel Maffesoli, honorary professor at the Sorbonne in Paris, has been saying already for several years, that “the end of the democratic ideal is manifesting itself.” Signs of this can be seen in the problematic elections that have taken place in his native France and other Western countries.

The “ideal” or “illusion” of democracy comes from widespread misconceptions about this political system, despite clear misgivings from the most illustrious political thinkers of the past. The most important misconceptions about democracy are that elected representatives are generally loyal and disinterested, and that the electorate is generally informed and rational with regard to politics.

David Hume wrote in his famous Essays (1777) that democracy cannot be “representative” because all societies are “governed by the few.” Sociologist Robert Michels then defined, in his ground-breaking work on political parties (1911), what he called the “iron law of oligarchy,” methodically showing that all mature organizations, without exception, become oligarchic (i.e., ruled by minorities).

Tentative d'instrumentalisation de la religion musulmane pour déstabiliser la Russie et contrôle de l'immigration

Karine Bechet-Golovko
Russie politics

La tentation de déstabiliser la Russie sur fond de conflit religieux est forte et ici comme ailleurs, la religion musulmane s'y prête à merveille.

Avec la politique d'immigration massive d'Asie centrale conduite ces dernières années en Russie, un déséquilibre social se manifeste désormais, justement au moment où le pays a plus que jamais besoin d'une société consolidée.

Certaines factions tentent la carte politique sur fond de récent capital patriotique, mais la Douma tient la ligne déglobaliste et reprend en main la question migratoire.

Non, l'immigration n'est pas en soi "une chance", tout dépend de chaque personne qui vient dans le pays. Et la communauté musulmane a un rôle important à jouer aujourd'hui en Russie, pour justement ne pas se laisser instrumentaliser et réaliser de l'intérieur, ce que les Atlantistes ne peuvent faire de l'extérieur.

La poussée d'immigration en Russie produit les mêmes effets qu'ailleurs et tel est bien le but de la politique globaliste : déstabiliser la société, faire venir une masse peu qualifiée et peu chère, diluer la culture nationale et faire bouger les normes sociales. Jusqu'à peu, c'était bien la ligne tenue par la Russie, toujours sous le même slogan du manque de main d'oeuvre, que l'immigration est une chance et que sans elle point de salut économique. Amen!

L'actuel vice premier ministre, très occupé de construction, Marat Khousnouline, juste avant le début de l'Opération militaire, en 2021, quand les gens commençaient à sérieusement grogner contre l'immigration de masse, déclarait péremptoirement qu'il fallait d'ici trois ans au moins encore 5 millions d'immigrés, rien que dans le secteur du bâtiment. Marat Khousnouline était alors un fervent défenseur de la ligne globaliste de l'immigration à outrance.

Washington and London digging their grave as they drive catastrophic war in the Middle East

Strategic Culture Foundation Editorial
Strategic Culture Foundation

By endorsing Israeli aggression, the United States and its British and other Western lackeys are unleashing hostilities with incalculable consequences.

The American and British leaders are fully backing Israel to escalate its criminal aggression in the Middle East. In so doing, Washington and London are being exposed for the arch-criminal regimes that they are.

An all-out war against Iran is on the brink. The consequences will be abysmal, yet the U.S. and British rulers are shameless, reckless – and ultimately stupid – in their complicity.

In a few days, on October 7, the Israeli regime will have conducted 12 months of non-stop genocidal destruction of Gaza. There is no sign of that monstrous war of extermination coming to an end. The Israeli regime is completely out of control, acting with impunity and shocking violation of all laws and moral norms.

More than 41,000 Palestinian people have been killed. Some estimates put the real death toll at over 100,000 and even as high as 200,000. This slaughter of women and children is supposed to be justified by the incursion of Palestinian militants on October 7 last year in which some 1,200 Israelis were killed – many of them by their security forces using reckless firepower. The Hamas incursion was in response to years of inhumane, genocidal siege on the Gaza Strip by Israel.

The actions of the Israeli regime are wholly indefensible. Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli leaders have gotten away with mass murder because of the diplomatic and – more importantly – military support from the United States, Britain, and other Western states.

The genocide in Gaza and the other Palestinian enclaves of the West Bank has been infernally compounded by Israel’s expansion of aggression in the region. The past two weeks have seen Israeli forces indiscriminately bombing Beirut and other Lebanese civilian areas, causing 2,000 deaths and over one million people displaced from their homes. The orgy of violence is engulfing the entire region. The Israeli regime is also bombing Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, as well as Iran in assassination missions.

Media Changes Narrative as the Ukrainian Proxy War is Coming to an End

Glenn Diesen
Glenn’s Substack

The Economist reports that "Russia is slicing through Ukrainian defenses" and Ukraine is subsequently "struggling to survive".[1] Across the Western media, the public is prepared for defeat and painful concessions in future negotiations. The media is changing the narrative as reality can no longer be ignored. Russia's coming victory has been obvious since at least the summer of 2023, yet this was ignored to keep the proxy war going.

We are witnessing an impressive demonstration of narrative control: For more than two years, the political-media elites have been chanting “Ukraine is winning” and denounced any dissent to their narrative as “Kremlin talking points” that aim to reduce support for the war. What was “Russian propaganda” yesterday is now suddenly the consensus of the collective media. Critical self-reflection is as absent as it was after the Russiagate reporting.

Similar narrative control was displayed when the media reassured the public for two decades that NATO was winning, before fleeing in a great rush with dramatic images of people falling off an airplane.

The media deceived the public by presenting the stagnant frontlines as evidence that Russia was not winning. However, in a war of attrition, the direction of the war is measured by attrition rates – the losses on each side. Territorial control comes after the adversary has been exhausted as territorial expansion is very costly in such high-intensity warfare with powerful defensive lines. The attrition rates have throughout the war been extremely unfavourable to Ukraine, and they continuously get worse. The current collapse of the Ukrainian frontlines was very predictable as the manpower and weaponry had been exhausted.

Why has the former narrative expired? The public could be misled by fake attrition rates, yet it is not possible to cover up territorial changes after the eventual breaking point. Furthermore, the proxy war was beneficial to NATO when the Russians and Ukrainians were bleeding each other without any significant territorial changes. Once the Ukrainians are exhausted and begin to lose strategic territory, it is no longer in the interest of NATO to continue the war.

Lavrov’s Interview With Newsweek Concisely Summarized Russia’s Positions

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

This might be the first time that average Americans read a top Russian official’s views without a filter.

It’s rare nowadays for Russian officials to give interviews to Western media, both because the first suspect that their words won’t be accurately reported while the second fear being “canceled”, which is why it’s so important that Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov just gave a written interview to Newsweek. He concisely summarized his country’s positions on the Ukrainian Conflict, multipolarity, and the US’ upcoming presidential election, which will be reviewed.

Regarding the first, he reaffirmed the official position that Kyiv should comply with Putin’s ceasefire request from over the summer and that Moscow wants to address the root causes of this conflict, not just freeze it for some time. The spring 2022 draft peace treaty could form the basis for resuming talks with Ukraine if the latter revokes its decree on banning them, though some details would have to change. He also warned against letting Ukraine use Western long-range weapons deep inside of Russia.

As for the second, Lavrov emphasized the regional dimension of multipolarity by referencing several leading blocs before describing BRICS as a model of multilateral diplomacy and confirming the importance of the UN as a forum for aligning the interests of all countries. Respect for one another’s interests, a greater say in global governance for developing countries, and mutual cooperation are considered the driving forces behind this trend. China also shares Russia’s views on this too, he said.

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