The CIA and the Media: 50 Historical Facts The World Needs To Know

Truth In Plain Sight

[This article was originally published here on 10/21/13. In light of recent revelations about USAID as a part of the CIA's media empire, we thought it might be useful to revisit it. – Ed.]

Since the end of World War Two the Central Intelligence Agency has been a major force in US and foreign news media, exerting considerable influence over what the public sees, hears and reads on a regular basis. CIA publicists and journalists alike will assert they have few, if any, relationships, yet the seldom acknowledged history of their intimate collaboration indicates a far different story–indeed, one that media historians are reluctant to examine…

When seriously practiced, the journalistic profession involves gathering information concerning individuals, locales, events, and issues. In theory such information informs people about their world, thereby strengthening “democracy.” This is exactly the reason why news organizations and individual journalists are tapped as assets by intelligence agencies and, as the experiences of German journalist Udo Ulfkotte (entry 47 below) suggest, this practice is at least as widespread today as it was at the height of the Cold War.

Consider the coverups of election fraud in 2000 and 2004, the events of September 11, 2001, the invasions Afghanistan and Iraq, the destabilization of Syria, and the creation of “ISIS.” These are among the most significant events in recent world history, and yet they are also those much of the American public is wholly ignorant of. In an era where information and communication technologies are ubiquitous, prompting many to harbor the illusion of being well-informed, one must ask why this condition persists.

USAID debacle revealed. The business of aid must be Trump’s business

Martin Jay
Strategic Culture Foundation

The USAID move by Trump is a polite signal to Zelensky. Your time is up

What is USAID and what has it become a minor obsession with Donald Trump and Elon Musk? From its title you would be fooled into thinking it was an aid agency and nothing more. In fact, when JFK created it in the 60s it probably was simply that – a tool of the U.S. government to get vital aid to the most troubled corners of the world. But in recent times, USAID has taken on a role more sinister. These days it does the work of an intelligence agency which interferes in the internal politics of countries whose leaders the U.S. wants to topple, organizing underground campaigns and more recently funding NGOs and fake news outfits on a grand scale.

USAID is of course political. Traditionally it seems to have been a tool more of the Democrats than the Republicans who have brought all of their absurd woke values to it so that now it funds sex change operations in poor countries along with LGBT programs. USAID is still an aid agency and it is true to say much of its work is about delivering vital aid to countries in Africa or those who have suffered under the hands of leaders which the U.S. would describe as ‘tyrants’ like Assad in Syria. But it is this duplicitous role of being an aid agency and using its presence and staff as a tool for more nefarious work such as spying or even openly funding hundreds of fake news outfits which is really the problem.

If You Are Over 50 Your Government Wants You Dead

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

This essay is taken from Vernon Coleman’s book entitled `Why and how doctors kill more people than cancer’. The book also is available via the bookshop on

In Britain, it is now official Government policy to ignore the needs of the elderly. This policy is common throughout the world. Doctors and nurses are told to let old people die - and to withhold treatment which might save their lives. Hospital staff are told to deprive the elderly of food and water so that they die rather than take up hospital beds. Nursing home staff have even been given the right to sedate elderly patients without their knowledge. The only -ism that no one cares about is ageism.

But at what age are patients simply allowed to die? And how old is too old for patients to be resuscitated? At what point does society have the right to say `You've lived long enough, now you must die and make way for someone else'? And why should resuscitation be decided by age? It is possible to argue that it would make as much sense to decide according to wealth or beauty. But ageism is now officially accepted. Anyone over 60 is now officially old, though in a growing number of hospitals the cut off age for resuscitation is 55 or even 50.

We live in a politically correct world but the elderly don't count – particularly if they are white and English. Report after report after report shows elderly patients being left in pain, in soiled bed clothes. Elderly patients in hospital are ignored by staff and left to starve to death, denied even water if they cannot get out of bed and fetch it themselves.

Old people are a burden which the Government cannot afford and so the politicians will continue to authorise whatever methods are necessary to ensure that the number of burdensome old people is kept to a minimum. The existence of an absurd branch of medicine called geriatrics is used as an excuse to shove old people into backwater wards and to provide them with second-rate medical treatment. In February 2011, an official report condemned the NHS for its `inhumane treatment of elderly patients' and stated that NHS hospitals were `failing to meet even the most basic standards of care' for the over-65s. It is no exaggeration to say that the NHS treats the elderly with contempt. (It used to be said that you can judge a civilisation by the way it treats its elderly.)

The Master Race Complex or Why NATO Loses

Agit Papadakis

The idea for this article came from RUSI writer Alex Vershinin's article last March that had everybody bloviating on why there were no “big arrow” offensives in Ukraine because it was really a “war of attrition.” I reacted back then on X (locked account) that it's not a war of attrition if only one side is getting attrited.

What the Ukraine war is is an advanced stage grinder, or what I call “Panzerfaust time,” referring to Hitler's last-ditch defense of Berlin against the approaching mass of Soviet armor, when he handed out Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons to old men, women, and children because all his soldiers were dead. What hit me now, however, was that this RUSI article, coming from the flower of Anglo/US NATO military thinking, was actually a perfect illustration of the NATO master race complex that got them defeated in Afghanistan and will prevent them from ever understanding why they are losing in Ukraine.

Vershinin claims that Russia is winning thanks to mass-produced cheap weapons made from washing machine parts, much like the proverbially janky T-34 with half the armor of a Tiger and a puny 76.2 mm gun vs the Tiger's mighty 88. He conveniently leaves out the part about the T-34's revolutionary sloped armor that could take dozens of AT gun hits despite its thinness, which reduced its weight to half the Tiger's, allowing it to run rings around the lumbering nazi tank while the Tiger's driver struggled with the horrible transmission that was always breaking down.

So “Russians produce cheap junk weapons” wasn't true in 1942 and it's even less true now. If you wanted cheap junk weapons in WW2, you'd have to go to the Brits with their planes made of balsawood and cloth and their stamped-metal Sten guns.

Israel ramps up propaganda blitz, allocates $150 million to gloss over genocide

Alireza Akbari

Amid the raging genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the Israeli regime is intensifying its propaganda blitz, allocating unprecedented funds to shape global public opinion.

Israeli foreign ministry's annual budget for so-called "public diplomacy", also known as Hasbara, has surged to a staggering $150 million in 2025, marking a 20-fold increase from last year.

The move aims to whitewash the apartheid regime's appalling war crimes in Gaza and repair its battered international image, as global condemnation grows over its continued genocidal campaign.

The generous allocation of funds, aimed at amplifying pro-Zionist propaganda, comes as global public opinion has sharply turned against the Tel Aviv regime due to its war of extermination in Gaza.

Since the launch of the war on October 7, 2023, the Israeli regime has unleashed 88,000 tons of explosives on the tiny besieged territory, destroying houses, hospitals, schools and refugee camps.

The war has killed nearly 46,000 people and injured around 109,000 in the past 15 months. Among the martyrs are over 17,800 children and 12,300 women, according to Gaza's health ministry.

The ministry has documented more than 9,000 massacres against Palestinians during this period with tens of thousands displaced and rendered homeless, and many more grappling with hunger.

Under the new budget announced earlier this week, the Israeli regime's foreign ministry is expected to receive massive funds for its so-called "public diplomacy" efforts, in order to wash the stains.

Under this program, the ministry intends to hire social media influencers, public opinion leaders and celebrities to repair the tattered image of the child-murdering regime in Tel Aviv.

“Human Rights NGOs” and the Corruption of Civil Society

Glenn Diesen
Glenn's Substack

The challenge of our time is that government and corporate interests go increasingly hand-in-hand

Organisations operating under the banner of “human rights non-governmental organisations” (NGOs) have become key actors in disseminating war propaganda, intimidating academics, and corrupting civil society. These NGOs act as gatekeepers determining which voices should be elevated and which should be censored and cancelled.

Civil society is imperative to balance the power of the state, yet the state is increasingly seeking to hijack the representation of civil society through NGOs. The NGOs can be problematic on their own as they can enable a loud minority to override a silent majority. Yet, the Reagan doctrine exacerbated the problem as these “human rights NGOs” were financed by the government and staffed by people with ties to intelligence agencies to ensure civil society does not deviate significantly from government policies.

The ability of academics to speak openly and honestly is restricted by these gatekeepers. Case in point, the NGOs limit dissent in academic debates about the great power rivalry in Ukraine. Well-documented and proven facts that are imperative to understanding the conflict are simply not reported in the media, and any efforts to address these facts are confronted with vague accusations of being “controversial” or “pro-Russian”, a transgression that must be punished with intimidation, censorship, and cancellation. I will outline here first my personal experiences with one of these NGOs, and second how the NGOs are hijacking civil society:

Is US democracy a sham? Biden gave us the answer. Were you listening?

Jonathan Cook

Only in a world of political make-believe would the Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop.

Only in the world of political make-believe we inhabit in the West would the Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop.

And only in a world in which the billionaire-owned media alone constructs and polices what counts as reality would the WSJ be able to run this story without also being expected to consider what it signifies about America’s professed democracy.

The emperor, we are now told, was naked all along. How did it take more than four years for the fearless, tenacious billionaire-owned media to notice?

The WSJ reports that even back in 2021 Biden had what his officials described as “bad days” when his mind worked so poorly he had to be kept away from senior Congresspeople and his own cabinet colleagues.

So insulated was he that he rarely met even with key figures directing White House policy, such as the Secretaries of State, Defence and the Treasury. He was able to hold only two or three cabinet meetings a year during his four-year term – a total of nine, compared to 19 by Barack Obama and 25 by Donald Trump. His aides barely strayed from his side because they needed to whisper instructions for him to carry out the simplest of public tasks, such as where to enter and exit a room.

International Public Notice: 31 Million

Anna Von Reitz

The most recent figures show 31 million "excess deaths" have taken place in this world. This calm, British-sounding euphemism, "excess deaths" seeks to gloss over and hide the gruesome reality of 31 million extra, unexpected, unnatural deaths, the deaths of friends and loved ones impacting, if we use standard statistical factors, over a hundred and fifteen million families.

The low-ball estimate of deaths at Hiroshima as a result of the atomic bomb is 150,000 compared to 31,000,000. Where is the outrage? Where is the struggle to comprehend what 31 million extra, unnecessary, unaccountable deaths looks like?

Much less, 31 Million deaths for profit? 31 million people of all ages, all races, all religious persuasions murdered for money --- and someone's ignorant, psychopathic belief that the world is overpopulated, when in fact the entire Western Hemisphere has been in population collapse since the First World War.

Stupid. Greedy. Soulless bastards did this to make a dime.

They lied about it, made bets on it (World Bank "Pandemic Bonds" indeed) spent billions of dollars-worth of our credit on it --- which went right back into their coffers, and then, they willy-nilly thoughtlessly polluted the whole human genome forever, without a backward glance, so that they and their cronies and their worse-than-worthless "government services" corporations could make a buck.

It's the day after Christmas. We are trying to envision the 31 million families who had a strangely empty holiday, who endured the empty seat at the table that nobody talked about.

“It takes minutes to get to Moscow”

RIA Novosti-Zen/РИА Новости-Дзен
RIA Novosti

The Pentagon has tested two new long-range missiles: The Pentagon has presented a serious argument

The US is increasing its long-range strike capabilities with precision-guided weapons. In December, the defense department reported on successful tests of two systems simultaneously—LRHW (Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon) and PrSM (Precision Strike Missile). Washington does not hide: the new products are designed to confront Russia in Europe and China in the Asia-Pacific region. About American missiles—in the material of RIA Novosti.

Dark Eagle—For many years, the U.S. Army has not had a "long arm" - a weapon capable of long-range strikes from the ground. The range of ATACMS operational-tactical missile systems is limited to 300 kilometers, while Russia's Iskander-M can hit 500 kilometers. China has similar systems. The Americans lag behind their likely adversaries in hypersonic weaponry as well. While Moscow and Beijing already have such systems in their arsenals, the U.S. has not gone beyond the testing stage.

Nevertheless, Washington is making progress. In December, the LRHW complex with a hypersonic warhead was tested at Cape Canaveral in Florida. The missile flew on the set course and hit the training target exactly at the estimated time. This was the first fully successful launch. Before that, LRHWs had been falling - either on takeoff, on the route, or on the final section of the trajectory past the target. Now it is likely that the LRHWs will be in service with combat troops.

The LRHW Dark Eagle long-range missile system consists of a mobile command post, a mobile launcher, and support vehicles. But the main thing is the AUR missile in a transport and launch container carrying the C-HGB warhead. It belongs to the class of hypersonic gliders. The launch vehicle accelerates it to operating speed, after which it begins an independent planned flight. According to Pentagon statements, the C-GHB is capable of reaching a speed of at least Mach 5. The estimated range is more than 2,775 kilometers.

Undercounting Deaths in Gaza While Claiming It’s the Worst War Ever

David Swanson
World BEYOND War

41,909 bodies counted, 10,000 missing, death count higher than 51,909

We generally accept that if you do a census and only count the people who answer their doors you miss some people, and that you can calculate an estimate that reliably gets closer to reality than the list of people who answer their doors. Of course it will get closer, the more information you can gather. But those insisting that people who do not answer their doors be treated as not existing are widely understood, not as principled fact checkers, but as having ulterior reasons for desiring undercounts.


The fact is not really disputed that in every war there are people who die without being identified at a morgue. They may die from direct war violence or from starvation or disease resulting from a war’s destruction of hospitals. They may be blown into little pieces, be buried under buildings, drown in the sea, or die hours after being born. There’s no certain way to know the exact proportion between identified and unidentified deaths in a given war. But even in a dense, relatively educated place and even with the growth of social media, a zone in which hospitals, media outlets, power plants, and — in fact — every type of building, have been reduced to rubble is unlikely to set the record for the lowest percentage of unidentified deaths — much less eliminate them altogether.

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