Insanity Rules

Dr Vernon Coleman

1. There is much to look forward to – none of it accidental, all of it deliberate. Energy shortages may mean a three day week. Factories and shops will shut. Homes will be cold and dark. Food prices will soar and shelves will be empty within hours of being stocked. Fuel and food rationing is a real possibility. The drought will mean that water will be rationed. Maybe there will be stand-pipes at the end of your road. There is effectively no health care in Britain today – with GPs surgeries and hospitals unfit for purpose. There will be delays on the railways and at airports because of endless strikes. New 20 mph limits in towns will mean massive congestion and delays. (The only council I know of which had the electoral decency to ask local people what they thought, found that the majority was opposed to the limits. Only a few brain-dead nutters who never leave home thought 20 mph a good idea. It seems, however, that the council will ignore what the electors want. What a shock.) Inflation is going to push up way above 10% so interest rates are going to go higher. Property values are bound to take a dive. Rents will soar as landlords give up their properties in the face of oppressive legislation. The fake pandemic is returning so masks will be compulsory and schools will be closed. There may be lockdowns by October. Monkeypox is just the first of a smorgasbord of new diseases they’ll frighten us with. Social credit schemes are being introduced everywhere.

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