Alex Jones Banishes Mike Rivero

Kenny's Sideshow

Jones and his handlers decide Michael Rivero must go. Not only from the Jones radio sideshow but from the GCN network as well. AJ waves his 'magic' zionist flag and makes things disappear.

Announcement from Mike...

"I have just been informed by the Alex Jones show that they are canceling my monthly interviews commencing this coming Tuesday. Imagine my shock and disappointment. No, really, just imagine it!"

A little more info from Mike...

WRH: "I have not made a big deal about the reasons for the move, but in a nutshell, GCN is a reflection of Alex Jones' views of the world, and more and more our points of view regarding Israel are diverging. I get a lot of email asking why I do not challenge Alex on his defense of Israel, or asking why every time I am on his show Alex feels obligated to have a pro-Israel representative on immediately afterwards to counter the points that I made.

I view the attack by Israel on a US flagged ship and Americans in international waters as an act of war and all who defend said attack as traitors to the USA. Alex holds a different view and I guess the breaking point was his rant in which he said that anyone who is a critic of Israel is a "weak-minded fool". That made it a personal attack, and I decided it was time to step out of Alex's shadow and go in a different direction."

Looks like a good thing to me. Keeping a good distance from AJ will be for the best in the long run. Maybe Mike will quit linking anything from the Jones world. Not to retaliate but just to be on the side of good taste.

I think most of us will have some disagreements with Rivero on certain issues, that's to be expected when folks are passionate about finding truth, but once again the bottom line is whether one has the courage to challenge Israel, their lobbyists and supporters in the media and both in and out of government Doing so can be dangerous to your health ... both economically and possibly otherwise.

Mass Mind Control Through Network Television: Are Your Thoughts Your Own?

Alex Ansary

Image gently lifted from Kenny's Sideshow

Why do countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why do so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control and social engineering. It's baffling to merely glance at the stacks of documentation that this world government isn't being constructed for the greater good of humanity. Although there are a growing number of people waking up the reality of our growing transparent soft cage, there seems to be just enough citizens who are choosing to remain asleep. Worse yet, there are even those who were at least partially awake at one time but found it necessary to return to the slumber of dreamland.

This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe in.

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