The 9th Anniversary of Israel's Attack on the United States

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

“Number 9, Number 9” to quote one of The Beatles. It’s the 9th anniversary of Israel’s attack on the United States and things are finally moving at a pretty good clip toward exposure of the truth. People are collecting money to put ads on television. Individuals around the world are doing what they can (Time Advert) to bring reality out of the darkness of suffocating materialism and cheap glamour. You can feel it. Critical mass has been reached in respect of 9/11. There’s no way to hide it any longer. This is somewhat troubling at the same time because it means that those who did 9/11= Israel, portions of the American intelligence community, M1-6 and certain strategic fellow travelers abroad; such as Michael Ledeen, are at it again, racing against an invisible clock, to distract the world from their being dragged into the light of day.

If you’ve been asleep for the last nine years; drunk on Sterno under a bridge abutment, or formerly brainwashed but getting suspicious, then I’m going to recommend two sites, where you can get all you are going to need to know to convince yourself beyond all possibility of doubt that 9/11 was not done by Bin Laden and a small cabal of Stone Age Arabs.

Drum roll please; those sites would be, “Israel did 9/11 – All the Proof in the World” and “It wasn’t Muslims”. I’m recommending that everyone who reads here send this posting to at least one friend or associate who is still wearing their jock strap on their heads or still in deep denial about what these pages conclusively prove and ask them to go to these links and then spin it as they can. I heard where someone said, “Even if it were true, I wouldn’t believe it” the other day. Now that is denial. Some more info from the redoubtable Michael Rivero can be found here, here, here and here.

Dov Zakheim and the Missing Trillions

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

[Article originally published on August 6, 2007]

What is the most outrageous piece of news that isn’t being discussed? I would venture to say it is the strange tale of Dov Zakheim and the missing trillions. I hear all kinds of numbers. I hear 2.3 trillion from Rumsfield and I hear about one trillion that Zakheim can’t explain. Still, you’ll need to check the dates of Zakheim’s days in the saddle as Pentagon Comptroller and then you can wonder to your hearts content. There’s no doubt the money is gone and there’s no doubt about who should know where it went but…what do I know? I know one trillion dollars is a lot of money. Isn’t one trillion dollars a million million? Zounds!!!

Has the cost of the entire Iraqi incursion come to a trillion dollars yet? It certainly isn’t anywhere near 2.3 trillion. Why isn’t this under discussion? Is it just too big a thing, too enormous to comprehend, that our minds go blank when we think about it? Hmmm…

There are a number of researched sources for all of the details you need to get a grasp of the situation. I’m not going to go into that kind of detail here. It’s been done better than I can manage at places like here and here. This last link gives you many further links. You might want to read some of this before you continue here. And you should probably read this by the author of the first link.

The man at the center of this sub rosa controversy is Dov Zakheim. Here is what is said about him.

Whirlpools and Tornadoes and the Suicide of Evil

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

Who’s really behind the pending Koran burning? I don’t mean the stupid idea, which is only one of many floating around, looking for morons to express themselves through. I’m talking about who has made it a cause célèbre and brought it to the attention of the people it intends to arouse and make angry enough to react with explosive violence in many parts of the world? Well, who owns the media that is forcing the issue into the minds of those being stoked to rage?

One of the principal reasons for this is to take the attention away from the ever growing awareness that Israel was behind 9/11. This is surfacing all over the place and one 9/11 truth site is raising money to pay for television commercials, whose intent is to draw attention to what happened to WTC 7 and it’s controlled demolition. It’s not much of a step from the controlled demolition idea to who was involved in it. The fingerprints of powerful, dual national, neo-cons are all over the 9/11 gambit, from PNAC on into the present day and no one has benefited more from the deception than has Israel. These are the same people who lobbied for the attacks on Afghanistan and Iraq and are presently seeking to engage the U.S. in attacking Iran. No Israeli is probably more involved in the matter than Ehud Barack and Nitwityahoo is right up alongside him, with Dov Zackheim and Larry Silverstein. On a supporting level you have Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Michael Ledeen, William Kristol and a handful of others.

The Day the Zionist Settlers Paid Us a Visit

Reham Alhelsi
My Palestine

It was another “ordinary” summer day in Dheisheh refugee camp, as far as “ordinary” goes in occupied Palestine. As with every school holiday, my parents had sent my sister and me to my grandparent’s house. We loved going there and cherished every minute of our stay. And although, in my opinion, nothing compares to Jerusalem and although Sawahreh is forever my little Palestinian paradise, Dheisheh was my fortress, it taught me so much about the occupation, about oppression and about resistance and the thirst for freedom. That tiny, over-crowded refugee camp taught me so much about the Right of Return and about the Palestine the Zionist entity tries so hard to erase.

It was an ordinary day, or maybe it wasn’t. I don’t remember any particular events that’s day, maybe because it was just another summer day or maybe because the events that followed erased any memory I had of everything else that happened that day. That evening my sister and I had a fight over something, most probably trivial as usual, and me being stubborn as usual, declared I won’t talk to my sister anymore, refused to have any dinner and went to bed too early even for chicken despite all the pleading and all efforts from my grandmother, uncles and aunts to resolve the conflict peacefully. After sometime of fuming and secretly cursing, I eventually fell asleep. I was awakened sometime later by loud sounds of banging. I jumped off the mattress (we all slept on the floor, there were no beds) and ran to the sitting room. There I saw everyone awake and wearing their day attire. I looked at the window and to my astonishment saw that it was still dark outside. “What is wrong? Where are you all going?” I asked as I moved from one person to the other and very much aware of the continuous sounds of gunshots, hand grenades and screams outside. “The settlers have attacked!” someone answered me.

Hey Buddy, You want to Buy a Watch?

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

"This constipation thing that I’ve been talking about; this waiting thing; is becoming more and more clear."

It is true that we should probably be more concerned with “who put the bomp in the bomp she bomp she bomp and who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong or… even more trenchantly “who wrote the book of love”. I don’t think it was these guys. Yes, the mosque at the WTC site is not at the WTC site and Zio-Nazi, Pamela Geller is not going to be played by Pam Grier in the made for TV movie but you can still watch “Machete” if you want to.

Little Georgie Sorrows; shit! I keep misspelling his name; Soros, that’s it. He gave a bunch of money to ‘the’ Human Rights watch. You won’t hear about the behind the scenes fighting between Cartier and Rolex about the rights to make the watch but you couldn’t afford one anyway. So what are you doing here? I don’t appreciate having to do this every day when you still want to know what time it is and All Along the Watchtower is not playing at a theater near you. It’s time to wake the fuck up but that’s just my version. Everybody is talking about “seven come November” and “baby needs a new pair of shoes”. Keep rolling them dice people, sooner or later you are going to get ‘snake-eyes’. September marks the fall. November is an addendum.

It’s not like we need a schedule. These things tend to repeat themselves, while weird, inexplicable shit keeps right on happening. Let’s see, major earthquake and nobody dies… okay and moving right along. Where was I? Who am I? No one will be seated during the last ten minutes of their life. Maybe Paris Hilton will break into The Wax Museum and drive an ice hammer into the head of the display dummy at the Trotsky exhibit. Yes, you can count on it getting even weirder than that. I’m in the unenviable position of having something to do with it and being one of those guys that asks, “What are all those dials for”?

Well those people from Dove; I can’t figure out if they make gourmet ice cream or bar call hand soap. I do know that the Holy War thing is ratcheting up. 0.2% of the world’s population is making war on a quarter of the population AND using a third of it to do their work for them. It’s got to be time for another Nobel Peace Prize. Yom Kippur is coming up, right inside the time zone of that critical period I was just talking about over at Reflections in a Petri Dish. Now there’s a rare event, actually linking my own work.

Waiting on the Cosmic Purge

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

"Something is retarding near everything. Events that should have logically occurred already are dangling in a frustrated immobility, as if all of them were awaiting some signal happening that opens the canal locks for all of what must follow."

According to a well known astrologer friend of mine, the week of 9/18 to 25- most inauspicious on the 20th- is a major crisis point for the nation of Israel and considering some of the things they have been up to over the course of time, any crisis is a good crisis when it comes to these people.

I don’t particularly want to talk about them today; talking about them makes me feel like I need a shower, even if I just took one. I get the sense that the world is in a state of constipation because many things that would have happened, haven’t happened because conditions changed on the way to their occurrence. So, like a crowded airport, planes of unlanded circumstance are in a holding pattern over the runways below.

I want Justice and I want Peace but it appears I can’t have one without the other; “no Justice, no Peace”, as the chant in the public park goes, outside the soundproofed windows of the apartments above. The rage in the streets below has gone toxic and any small provocation to anger is likely to light a conflagration that will consume both park and apartment building. From Karachi to Seattle, the tension is right up against it; the tension being the intransigence and rapacious acquisitiveness of the bloated and insatiable ruling classes, against the needs of the victimized public.

The Enemies of Humanity and their Empty Suit Puppets

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

"Have the sense to focus your anger and aggressions upon the bankers, stockbrokers [corporation executives, politicians, priests, Zionists and puppet masters] instead of upon your fellows, as your persecutors intend."

You know who they are. If you don’t know who they are, it’s not difficult to find out. The other day, Bill Gates, another enemy of humanity, bought 500,000 shares of Monsanto. I’m not going to list these reptiles, though I may make mention here and there of prominent exponents like Rockefeller and Rothschild. You can also find a lot of information here.

It is a very simple thing. The banking and crime empire of the false nation of Israel is one expression of the darkest possibilities of those who masquerade as members of the human race. The depth of evil and iniquity that is represented by these representatives of one of the most vicious collections of miscreants in the world is unrivaled in terms of physical numbers. They are the children of life’s ancient enemy and truly defined as exponents of the Synagogue of Satan. On the other hand, there are the international corporations from Coca Cola to British Petroleum. If you want some idea of the pecking order you can find it here. I dislike using Wikipedia for anything, as they are a Zionist controlled entity but for expedience I have made an exception in this case.

Add in the bankers, who are the financing arms of all wars on every side of every conflict, as well as human trafficking, international drug dealing and resource theft. They finance anything that brings them a profit and there is nothing they will not use to generate it. The other major villains are the governments and organized religions. With governments, I include all judiciaries, police and military as they presently exist. This pretty much covers the territory, unless you feel obliged to make the addition of satanic and other elite organizations and the possibility of inimical aliens and mind parasites.

Homo erectus and the Kiss of Rothschild

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

"[This] elite, in order to generate maximum profit, destroyed manufacturing, jobs, benefits and pensions in order to push the margins. Their ally in all of this is the Homo erectus. This has been their greatest ally and victim. It’s two for one night at Little Caesars’."

Someone wrote me this morning to tell me that there are two types of human beings; Homo erectus and Homo sapiens. Apparently, the former turned into the latter but they have never found the missing link. He argued that maybe there was no missing link because they weren’t linked; being two different creatures and those of us that couldn’t see much of anything were in one and those of us who could see what was going on were in the other.

I saw a listing yesterday that had a selection of events that had taken place recently. As I studied them, I realized that the full impact of these events had not hit me in any real way, even though I knew such things were coming. Details about many of them were not presented to be as dramatic as they actually were. For instance, the Central European flooding was the worst in over 800 years. The heat wave and fires in Russia were the worst in over 1,000 years. The U.N. determined that the flooding in Pakistan was a greater disaster than the 2004 tsunami. Ten million people in Africa are in immediate danger of starving to death because of drought. Temperatures are so low in the Western United States that many fruits and vegetables are being destroyed. The southern and eastern portions of the United States are suffering from a terrible heat wave, which shows no signs of coming to an end. In Japan, 21,000 have been hospitalized for heat stroke. 6 millions fish, thousands of cattle and hundreds of people have been killed in South America. Thousands are dead in China from flooding. There’s a great deal that I haven’t mentioned but which you are familiar with.

How They do it and The Solution to their Evil Intent

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

There are two reasons why Israel dominates American domestic and foreign policy. They control the mass media that gives the intentionally dumbed down American public their news and their world view. They control the money supply by controlling the central banks that issue currency via the mediums that actually print it according to their instructions. The same is true of Canada, the U.K. and Australia and all the satellites where their influence prevails. To a varying degree this also applies to the European Union and their common market. In a realpolitik sense, this provides a united front against non-cooperative economies and the placement of dangerous weapons on far reaching borders. This is especially true in Eastern Europe where IMF and other injurious, vampire interest, money lending consortiums, coerce the governments to follow a demanded policy of subservience to the general mindset of enforced paranoia at the expense of the people’s and cultures of all affected nations.

Money and the movement of money is the god of the temporal sphere. The force of the will of this satanic deity, compels all affected nations to be engaged in an international commerce of weapons and munitions that must be used against middle and far eastern nations so that there is always a demand for more of them. The war machine employs a never ending commerce of fuel, food, various constructions, military hardware and personnel as well as any and all items that you can think of, which are required by any society and the war machine is a society. It’s much like a casino but instead of betting against the house in the hope of profit; a stupid idea for the bettor, since the game is rigged, the players, which are the peoples of the world, bet against each other for the profit of the ones controlling the game and hope they are on the right side when there is no right side.

It's Going to Rock your World

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

"It shocks me when I look right at it. It stuns me that cooler heads do not see the position that Israel is putting the entire world into."

War is looming and might be only one week away. I say this to put it in perspective. It stands to reason that it will surely happen before the November elections, for a variety of reasons. We know its coming because the chief drumbeaters are lunatics, drunk on megalomania and other hormonally secreted drugs.

We see the image of Israel attacking Iran but I do not think we clearly see the implications of it and how it will change our lives in profound ways. The Straits of Hormuz will be shut down and the oil companies will make a large fortune from skyrocketing prices. It goes without saying that Israel will probably attack Lebanon and Syria at the same time. I get the oddest feeling that Russia, China, Turkey and Iran have been talking on the back porch. There are all kinds of interplay going on that we are not privy to. Georgia is going to get crushed if she makes the same stupid mistake again. I realize it is at the aggressor’s behest to close the tunnels.

I get the distinct feeling that if Israel could take any one thing back it would be this ruinous assault on Iran. As you can see, I am discussing it as a fait accompli but I realize nothing is certain. Like the rest of you I have a sort of world view in my head that has been formed from news reports, theories and whatever comes before my eyes. This world view is interesting because it’s not real. It’s projection. This is true for nearly all of us. I have begun to see very clearly that I have this construct in my head about how and sometimes, when; this or that is going to go down. But it’s not real. I simply do not know and I’m in the midst of clearing all of it out of my head because I am misinforming myself. I’m surprised I didn’t see it before, this big picture, like a jigsaw puzzle, imperfectly put together.

I’m noticing things inside and outside of me that I haven’t noticed before and which make up the consistency and content of my days. Digressing.

Well, that said, let me go back to what I was saying. An attack on Iran will nearly immediately become something larger than we generally imagine. All sorts of predisposed positions will come about. There will be a fury and uproar around the world as Israel, in defiance of the needs of everyone around them across the globe, reduces the world to an angst-ridden state of need and in some cases, emergency. The interruption in the flow of oil will hit on all sorts of levels besides transportation and manufacturing. In the meantime, China and Russia have huge investments in Iran so you would think it logical that they have armed Iran in certain ways that may not be a matter of public discussion.

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