Victory Gardens For The Win


Most NATO governments have declared war on their unhappy citizens by making food and energy both scarce and expensive. In Holland the government has put the farmers on notice that the majority of farms will be closed by 2030. In the US the government has killed tens of millions of chickens, turkey, geese and ducks using phony PCR tests as a justification. Those 26 Biolabs in the Ukraine were working with Bird flu and drones to spread diseases in the air. My regular readers know that Bill Gates gave $12 million to the researcher who crossed Spanish flu with Bird flu and mixed the resulting brew with 3 of the most contagious strains of influenza then available. He enabled Bird flu to move from the beak to the lungs while making it contagious enough to infect humans.

The whole point of making food scare and too expensive for most workers is to force them to accept digital ration cards and IDs so they will be easily controlled while the Globalists are reducing the population of the world by 7.5 billion.

In WW II 40% of all produce was raised in backyards. These were called Victory Gardens. By raising the price of oil and all other forms of energy, the Globalists have made it impossible for commercial farmers dependent on chemical inputs to feed all of us. A US farmer said his fertilizer bill will be $186,000. Also going up will be the costs of diesel, pesticides and herbicides.

Fortunately, traditional farming practices have evolved over the last 6,000 years so we can use those methods in our backyards and in professional market gardens to give us free fertilizers, free pesticides and free treatments increasing the biomass of our crops. There are lots of videos telling us how to do all of this.

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