Request for Help from Ukraine
Larisa Shevchenko
Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts: We have heard weeks of bullshit propaganda from the Obama regime and its presstitute media, especially the New York Times, the false reporting of which has finished off whatever remained of the newspaper’s reputation. We have heard the threatening squeals from the Washington-installed stooge government in Kiev. But we haven’t heard from the actual people themselves.
Here is a letter in English sent to a German website and published here. The letter makes it completely clear why so much of Russian-speaking Ukraine, former Russian territories that were attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders in the 20th century, want nothing to do with the Washington-installed government in Kiev.
Again, ask yourself why “your” government and the presstitute media lie every time they open their mouths or roll the ink. Anyone who relies on the US media, or on the word of the president and secretary of state, is an utter and stupid fool.
Larisa Shevchenko from the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk, who has mobilized against the coup activities on the Maidan in Kiev since December last year and so is familiar with the developments in her country firsthand: