False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria

Stephen Lendman

Until Washington sent in its dogs, Syria was peaceful. Obama bears full responsibility.

It doesn't surprise. On April 27, WikiLeaks Supporters Forum headlined "Syria False Flag Chemical Weapons - Obama sets up America for invasion," saying: US intelligence "actively promot(es)" a false flag attack. Assad's wrongfully blamed. Obama's heading closer to full-scale intervention. Britain's "David Cameron demonstrates a willingness to assist the US military and Intelligence agenda." UK controlled "BBC obediently falls into line, assisting in disseminating (false) information." US media scoundrels are worst of all. More on that below.

A previous article discussed hacked emails. They revealed Washington's approved plan to stage a false flag Syrian chemical attack. Doing so crosses Obama's "red line." Planned US intervention may follow. On May 1, US-enlisted death squads used chemical materials against Syrian civilians. They did so during a Idlib area attack. Those affected were taken cross border to Turkey. It's a thinly veiled scheme. Expect Assad to be falsely blamed.

Victims are hospitalized in Reyhanli. It's in Hatay province on Syria's border. Blood samples were sent to Turkey's Forensic Medicine Institute.

Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organization Dr. Ubada Alabrash said: "When wounded people arrived at the Bab-al Hawa crossing they were suffering from suffocation, breathing difficulties, they were vomiting and large tears welled up from their eyes. These are symptoms of chemical gas." "We cannot be certain, but we are waiting for blood test results from the Turkish government."

On May 1, Syrian state media accused terrorists of exposing civilians to an "unknown powder" believed to contain toxic chemicals. A follow-up report said an unknown liquid killed a number of people. "Mounting fumes from gallons containing some liquid materials, which were stored by a shepherd in his house in Saraqeb town in Idlib countryside, have killed his guest and him as one of the children in the house opened one of the gallons," it added. An "armed terrorist group" gave a housewife and her children protective masks. They forced three kidnapped victims to inhale toxic fumes. They died after doing so. Their bodies were transferred to Turkey. Blood samples are being tested for toxic chemicals exposure.

Earlier, Syria's Foreign Ministry said: "Terrorist groups may resort to using chemical weapons against the Syrian People...after having gained control of a toxic chlorine factory" near Aleppo.

On May 1, Reyhanli Mayor Huseyin Sanverdi said: "We are taking the necessary precautions as we have received unconfirmed information on the use of chemical weapons." "So far I have not received confirmation from medical institutions but there is a possibility that the weapons were used and we have to act with caution in case."

Thirteen Syrians were exposed. The Reyhanli hospital is sealed off. An unnamed employee said an emergency medical team is involved. "We were given special apparel but it was the emergency team which took care of those patients. Doctors suspected sarin or mustard gas because the patients had breathing difficulties."

Union of Syrian Medical Relief Organisations Dr. Wassim Taha said patients were washed at the border. Doctors feared toxic gas exposure. Dr. Alabrash said test results aren't yet known. "I don't think the Turkish government would hide the results from us, but I understand they must be careful with it because NATO and other international bodies are also involved in this issue," he added. "Now we are waiting for the blood test results from Ankara. We have asked to be informed. We can only say after the test results if chemical weapons were used or not."

He stopped short of saying who bears responsibility. Expect Washington, Britain and other US allies to blame Assad. Whether US-led NATO intervention follows remains to be seen.

US media scoundrels support it. On April 23, The New York Times featured Senator Bob Corker's (R. TN) op-ed. He headlined "Dithering While Damascus Burns," saying:

America must get involved, he stressed. US "leadership, including providing arms and training to moderate rebels, are likely to be the only things that can tip the balance, help end the bloodshed and halt brewing threats to us and our allies." "(T)he time for 'leading from behind' is over." "The United States must also be more aggressive in stopping Iranian support for Mr. Assad." "(E)nding the violence in Syria will require the United States to play an even greater role, and it will force both us and our partners to make difficult decisions." "The consequences of our continued collective failure are unthinkable, and grow more serious every day."

New York Times editors claim Assad distorts the conflict by accusing US-backed death squads of terrorism. Washington exploits the notion. Its "war on terror" does so on humanity. Don't expect Times editors to explain.

Washington Post editors crossed the line. They urge US intervention. They want Syria bombed. They recommended doing so "with missiles and stealth bombers." They urge circumventing the Security Council. Otherwise they'll be "more crossings of (Obama's) red line - and grave damage to US interests."

Los Angeles Times editors headlined "A 'red line' on Syria." saying: "If the Assad regime has indeed used chemical weapons, the US must honor its commitment to act….Obama must respond."

Foreign Affairs contributor Josh Rogin headlined "State Department: Syria must answer questions about secret nuclear program."

No evidence suggests one. At issue was Israel's September 2007 attack. Four Israeli aircraft lawlessly entered Syrian airspace. Secret unprovoked bombing followed. At the time, anonymous sources claimed Israel destroyed a partially constructed nuclear reactor. None existed. Whatever was attacked had nothing to do with nuclear reactor development. Israel committed premeditated aggression. It wasn't the first time.

The State Department revived an old canard. Assistant Secretary of State for International and Non-Proliferation, Tom Countryman, said: "With regard to Syria, it has been nearly two years since IAEA Director General Amano reported that the facility destroyed in 2007 at Deir Ez-Zour was ‘very likely a nuclear reactor' that should have been declared to the agency pursuant to Syria's safeguards agreement." "To date, Syria has not taken any concrete steps to address the outstanding serious questions about its clandestine nuclear activities."

Countryman lacks credibility. So does Amano. He's a pro-Western stooge. Washington installed him to serve US interests. Take nothing he says at face value. He falsely accused Iran numerous times.

America's Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) features state-sponsored propaganda. On April 29, its nightly NewsHour program discussed Syria. What should America do, was asked? One-sided views followed. Alternative voices are suppressed. It's official PBS policy.

The so-called UN Institute for Peace (USIP) is a pro-Western front group. Washington generously funds it. The Day After Project is one of its initiatives. It's a US-led effort for a post-Assad Syria. Its representative Murhaf Jouejati appeared on NewsHour. He claimed "overwhelming evidence that this dictator (Assad) is out to kill as many Syrian opponents of his regime as possible." He mentioned alleged chemical weapons use as one example. "I think the US should do more than it is doing," he urged.

Syria Comment editor Joshua Landis said Syria "exploded into civil war." There's nothing civil about Syria's conflict. Western-recruited death squads invaded. Assad's confronting them responsibly. Most Syrians support him. Landis didn't explain.

Jouejati called what's ongoing "a national uprising." Until Washington sent in its dogs, Syria was peaceful. Obama bears full responsibility. NewsHour guests didn't explain. They never discuss what viewers most need to know.

Obama's already waging multiple direct and proxy wars. He's incrementally heading toward another. Syrian intervention appears likely. Libya 2.0 could happen anytime. Advancing America's imperium alone matters. Rogue governments operate that way. America's by far the worst.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He has devoted his time and efforts to progressive causes and organizations, all involved in working for a more humane and just world for all people everywhere, but especially for the most needy, disadvantaged and oppressed. His efforts since summer 2005 have included writing on a broad range of vital topics ranging from war and peace; social, economic and political equity for all; and justice for all the oppressed peoples of the world like the long-suffering people of Haiti and the Palestinians. He also co-hosts The Global Research News Hour, gives occasional public talks, and appears frequently on radio and at times television. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. Also visit his blog and listen to The Lendman News Hour on RepublicBroadcasting.org Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening. His new book "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War" can be ordered HERE. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

Collage: Voice of Russia.
URL: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2013/05/03/false-flag-chemical-attack-on


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