Obama's Legacy of Shame
Promising change after eight Bush/Republican years, Obama delivered betrayal. With congressional Democrats, he exceeded Bush's harshness, lawlessness, belligerency, and public trust betrayal. He violating every major domestic and foreign issue promise made.
As a result, he's been complicit in:
● looting the nation's wealth, wrecking the economy, and consigning growing millions to impoverishment without jobs, homes, savings, social services, or futures;
● giving Wall Street crooks greater money power, disguised as financial reform;
● waging multiple imperial wars and occupations, spending more on militarism than the rest of the world combined at a time America has no enemies;
● belligerently ousting Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and Libya's Gaddafi;
● promoting regime change in Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Lebanon, and elsewhere against independent leaders, while continuing support for the world's most ruthless, corrupt tyrants;
● presiding over a bogus democracy under a homeland police state apparatus;
● continuing Bush's worst lawless policies; adding more of his own, including indefinite detentions without charge, and deploying Special Forces death squads in over 120 countries to kill targeted suspects, including Americans;
● targeting whistleblowers, dissenters, Muslims, Latino immigrants, and environmental and animal rights activists called terrorists;
● illegally spying on Americans more aggressively than Bush;
● destroying decades of hard won labor rights;
● waging class war to destroy Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public and private pensions, as well as other New Deal and Great Society gains;
● wanting more aggressive media control than Nixon, according to veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas;
● stiff-arming budget-strapped states and distressed households;
● four years into a Main Street Depression, none of the millions of promised new jobs were created at a time real unemployment approaches 23%.
● imposing austerity when vital stimulus is needed;
● planning new cuts to sustain Wall Street, militarism, favoritism, waste, fraud, and other rewards for America's top 1%;
● wanting education commodified, government's responsibility for it ended, and making it another business profit center;
● enacting healthcare reform that taxes more, provides less, places profits above human need, and leaves a broken system in place; and
● promoting "shared sacrifice," forcing worker sacrifices to let America's super-rich share.
As a result, Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests fill hundreds of cities nationwide, raging against an unjust system too corrupted to fix. OWS activists "protest for an American revolution," because nothing less will work. Mayors deploy goon squads against them. Violent police crackdowns follow.