Aid reform: Palestinians Do Have Rights in the Aid Process
Nora Lester Murad, Dalia Association
Nora Lester Murad is an independent researcher & con-
sultant living in East Jerusalem. She's originally from
the US. She works with Palestinian Non-Governmental
Organizations, International Non-Governmental Organi-
zations, and multilateral organizations.
Palestinian civil society initiates campaign to reform international aid in run up to Fourth High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness.
Ramallah, Palestine — Dalia Association and other Palestinian NGOs join the global movement for aid reform by launching a campaign to enable Palestinians to claim their rights to self-determination in development. Palestinians' rights to self-determination are already denied by occupation, colonization and dispossession. Campaign organizers argue that international aid, which is supposed to help, should not be delivered in ways that further undermine local priorities, capacities, ownership and rights.
Dalia Association considers advocacy to reform the international aid system among its core objectives because aid-dependence undermines self-reliance, philanthropy and local decision-making, which are core objectives of community foundations. However, this campaign is Dalia Association’s first effort to seek support around the world.
“The campaign aims to raise awareness among Palestinians and internationals that we do have rights in the aid process and that respect for these rights is tied to development effectiveness,” says Saeeda Mousa, Dalia Association’s acting executive director. “We also want to cultivate tangible support for aid reform among southern civil society organizations and northern allies. This is the first step in a longer process of engaging constructively with donors and international NGOs to change the policies and practices that perpetuate aid dependence and disempower local civil society.”
The advocacy campaign began with the launch of Dalia Association’s research with community-based organizations entitled, Appeal by Palestinian Civil Society to the International Community to Respect Our Right to Self-Determination in the Aid System. The report expresses the complaints and recommendations of grassroots civil society in Palestine and gives rare and valuable insight into how recipients experience the aid system.