Christian Zionists embrace the very people who call Jesus the "Hitler of Bethlehem"
Khalid Amayreh in occupied Jerusalem

As many as 5000 Christian Zionists gathered this week at the Convention Center in Washington, D.C. for the annual conference of the organization CUFI, Christians United For Israel.
The annual event is considered a key occasion when Christian supporters of Israel reassert their nearly hysterical embrace of the Zionist apartheid regime, including the policies of ethnic cleansing of non-Jews (Muslims and Christians), lebensraum, and even its genocidal designs.
Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu addressed the evangelical conference, telling the huge audience that "when you support Israel, you don’t have to choose between your interests and your values, you get both.."
Netanyahu, like most other Israeli leaders, is a pathological liar who lies as often as he breathes oxygen. He knows deep in his heart that what Israel has been doing and the way it has been behaving ever since its birth 63 years ago represents the ultimate contradiction to true Christian values, the values that Jesus preached and because of which he incurred the wrath of the Jewish establishment of his time.
One of the most enthusiastic Zionist Christian supporters of Israel is Glen Beck, a tomfool par excellence, who would do anything in order to obtain a kosher certificate of good conduct from the very same people who would view Beck himself a slave, and his mother, daughter and sister as Shiksas or whores.
The news commentator, who visited Israel a few days ago in order demonstrate his Zionist credentials, sounded very much as if he was a Kahana disciple.
Meir Kahana is the Judeo-Nazi rabbi and former Knesset member who urged Israel to carry out a genocidal ethnic cleansing of its non-Jewish population and subjects in order to create a goyem-free Talmudic theocracy.
"Jews have been chased out of every corner of this planet, enough is enough," Beck was quoted as saying. He added that new states can be established, but not at the expense of other states, and that Israel is historically the land of the Jews.
Beck utterly ignored the all too clear historical fact that Palestine had been known as the Land of Canaan long before the appearance of Abraham, the common forefather of both Adnani or northern Arabs and early Israelites. Likewise, he also ignored the fact that Arabs and Muslims had lived in Palestine uninterruptedly since time immemorial, certainly longer, I would say much longer, than Jews ever did.
In an outburst of hysteria and childish emotionality, Beck tried to outdo himself by claiming to be a Jew.
"When we see Israelis not as part of us, we can move to the next level as human beings. Let us declare 'I am a Jew,' they can't kill all of us."
Well, I am afraid I have bad news for Beck and his ilk. They are not viewed as bona fide human beings, but as donkeys, yes donkeys, by the very people they grovel in humility at their feet.
The former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, recently declared that the only reason Beck and all other non-Jews were to serve Jews. The very same message had been brazenly told by none other than Menachem Shneerson, the celebrated Chabad lubavitch, without having the sheepish Americans raise their eyebrows.
Another rabbi by the name of Yitzhak Ginsburgh has been quoted as saying that it is moral for a Jew to murder non-Jews and steal his heart or liver if he needs one.
"As for the Goyem, Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
"If a Jew needs a liver, can you take a liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has infinite value, he explained. There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life." (See the Jewish Week, New York, also Haaretz-1996).
Incidentally, this is the very same rabbi who recently published a book entitled the King's Torah in which he argued that the Torah and Talmud allow the murder of innocent children of non-Jews during war time on the ground that saving Jewish soldiers' lives overrides and takes priority over maintaining non-Jewish lives however innocent these may be.

Christian Zionists are really blind at heart. The fact they prevent themselves from seeing the truth suggests that we are talking about a bunch of psychotic people who are thoroughly intoxicated by their monomaniac fanaticism and blinded by their shocking ignorance.
They would just go to any extent to prove their loyalty and allegiance to the very people who, whenever uttering the name Jesus, recites the following blasphemous refrain: May his name be damned, may his memory be erased.
When Beck was in Israel, he was confronted with one Likud member, who told the Christian Zionist imbecile straight in the eye, "your God is not my God, and your country is not my country."
I know it is utterly useless to appeal to reason, even to religious or simple human decency, when arguing with Christian Zionist fanatics, as one would get the impression that these people must have substituted the universal message of love which Jesus preached with the message of hate, death and racism, as practiced by Jewish Nazism.
How can one possibly do so when these pseudo Christian zealots firmly believe that every Jewish terrorist, who may have just set a church or mosque in the West Bank on fire or spat on a Christian clergyman walking in the streets of occupied Jerusalem, represent the Almighty?
I challenge these phony evangelicals to approach their Zionist masters and lovers and ask them to stop calling Jesus, the son of Satan, and Hitler of Bethlehem. I urge them to so gently ask the Merkaz Harav Talmudic College to stop teaching Chesronot Shas which tells us in Gittin 57 that Jesus is boiling in hell in hot excrement and semen, which is his curse for questioning the Jewish authority.
Indeed, instead of inciting hatred toward the very people who, whenever uttering Jesus' name, they so solemnly and respectfully say "may peace be upon him," these brainwashed Zionist Christian fanatics should ask their Jewish bedfellows to stop referring to Jesus as the son of a prostitute and a Roman soldier, who learned witchcraft in Egypt and who beguiled Jews to worship him as an idol. (See similar beliefs in Shabbath104b and in Sanhedrin106a).
True Christians don't side with oppressors against the oppressed. True Christians don't support land theft, ethnic cleansing and terrorism, regardless of the perpetrators and victims. True Christians pride themselves on being loving, tolerant and peace makers.
But Christian Zionists are not true Christians even if they claim to be. This is why they embrace a manifestly evil state that murders, steals and lies, a state that is more in sync with Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin and their ideals than it is with Jesus Christ and his universal message of love and compassion.
Khalid Amayreh (Arabic: خالد عمايرة, b. 1957 Hebron) is a Palestinian journalist based in Dura, near Hebron. Amayreh has experienced years of restrictions on his activities and travel, including imprisonment. Some of his many articled can be found here:
Published here: The Palestinian Information Center