Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated
Israel is a lawless rogue state, reigning terror against millions of Palestinian civilians, denying them freedom on their own land in their own country.
On July 7, Israel National News writer Elad Benari headlined, "Failed Flotilla: Only 2 Ships Leave for Gaza," saying:
Only "two ships have so far been able to leave (Greece) on their way to Gaza." On July 5, the French boat MV Dignite/Al Karma broke out and sailed. On July 7, Press TV, Gaza TV and other news sources said Greek commandos on Crete blocked it from proceeding.
Organizer Claude Leostic told AFP that their vessel "was taken to Sitia in Crete by the Greek Coast Guard after being stopped in a nearby port (for) refueling. The authorities (gave) various administrative reasons" for doing so, none of which are justified.
On July 6, Ynet writer Aviel Magnezi headlined, "Juliano ship (with Greek, Norwegian and Swedish activists on board) heads for Gaza," saying:
On board activist Dror Feiler said, "(a)ll roads lead to Gaza. It will be a small but high-quality flotilla. At this point, I can only say that after a lengthy battle, we finally succeeded in departing."
The Voice of Israel said it was allowed to sail on condition it doesn't head for Gaza. Activists on board explained that Greece's Coast Guard is monitoring their movements remotely. Israel is pulling out all stops to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza and defeat Flotilla efforts to arrive.