CIA: Cancer Experiments with Presidents of Latin America
Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), (Former President) Lula da Silva (Brasil), Hugo Chávez
(Venezuela), (Current) Dilma Rousseff (Brasil) and C. Fernández de Kirchner (Arg.)
In a series of his public speeches Hugo Chávez called an “epidemic” of cancer among Latin American presidents a strange and alarming phenomenon. This hard to cure desease was identified in case of Chávez himself, Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo, Dilma Rouseff and Lula da Silva (Brazil), Crisitina Fernández (Argentina). Al of them are known as left of the center politicians struggling to expedite Latin America’s integration process and to get rid of the US dominance in the Western Hemisphere. Chávez let drop words about empires that go to any length to achieve their goals.
The Washington’s response didn’t keep waiting. Victoria Nuland, US State Department official spokesperson, said the Chávez’ words were “horrific and reprehensible.” That is they were perceived by the Obama administration as imputation of using special biological technologies to cause cancer among Latin American leaders not friendly towards the USA.
Of course, Hugo Chávez was not that rude. He understood Washington would demand evidence. So the president explained his position saying he never blamed anyone but rather used freedom of thought facing a strange string of events that were hard to explain. The anxiety is well understood, to overcome the decease he had to go through harassing session of chemotherapy in Cuba. And the anxiety is here to stay. How did the desease appear? What made a malignant tumor hit a healthy man, a retired serviceman, former baseball player, regular gym goer and race runner? Why only the populist politicians got into the trouble that never occurred with the right wing presidents who stay in favor with the Empire?