Permanent War: Longstanding US Policy
Wars define America. They reflect longstanding policy. They're permanent. They've been waged every year in the nation's history. They target enemies at home and abroad. When none exist, they're invented. Peace is a non-starter. It's always been that way. It never had a chance. It doesn't now. It's systematically spurned.
America's culture reflects belligerence. It's glorified in the name of peace. It's normal and commonplace. Pacifism is considered sissy and unpatriotic. America the Beautiful never existed. It doesn't now. Peace, human dignity, and democratic values are more illusion than reality. Enormous sums go for militarism and war. Unconscionable amounts are spent today. More on that below.
Vital needs go begging. Things go from bad to worse. Endless wars continue. One leads to others. Ravaging the world one country at a time or in multiples is policy.
Paul Craig Roberts is right. He calls America
"a lost land where nuclear weapons are in the hands of those who are concerned only with their own power." "Washington is the enemy of the entire world and encompasses the largest concentration of evil on the planet."
It is systematically destroying it one country at a time. It has got oceans of blood on its hands. It is responsible for tens of millions of deaths. Its human rights record is by far the world's worst. It is unprincipled and unconscionable. Its rap sheet includes diabolical crimes of war, against humanity and genocide. They persist worldwide.