Syrie: l’OTAN préparerait une vaste opération d’intoxication

Tierry Meyssan

In English: NATO preparing vast disinformation campaign

Des États membres de l’OTAN et du CCG préparent un coup d’État et un génocide sectaire en Syrie. Si vous voulez vous opposer à ces crimes, agissez dès maintenant: faites circuler cet article sur le Net et alertez vos élus.

Dans quelques jours, peut-être dès vendredi 15 juin à midi, les Syriens qui voudront regarder les chaînes nationales verront celles-ci remplacées sur leurs écrans par des télévisions créées par la CIA. Des images réalisées en studio montreront des massacres imputés au gouvernement, des manifestations populaires, des ministres et des généraux donnant leur démission, le président el-Assad prenant la fuite, les rebelles se rassemblant au cœur des grandes villes, et un nouveau gouvernement s’installant au palais présidentiel.

Cette opération, directement pilotée depuis Washington par Ben Rhodes, conseiller adjoint de sécurité nationale des États-Unis, vise à démoraliser les Syriens et à permettre un coup d’État. L’OTAN, qui se heurte au double veto de la Russie et de la Chine, parviendrait ainsi à conquérir la Syrie sans avoir à l’attaquer illégalement. Quel que soit le jugement que l’on porte sur les événements actuels en Syrie, un coup d’État mettrait fin à tout espoir de démocratisation.

Très officiellement, la Ligue arabe a demandé aux opérateurs satellitaires Arabsat et Nilesat de cesser la retransmission des médias syriens, publics et privés (Syria TV, Al-Ekbariya, Ad-Dounia, Cham TV etc.). Il existe un précédent, puisque la Ligue avait déjà œuvré à la censure de la télévision libyenne pour empêcher les dirigeants de la Jamahiriya de communiquer avec leur peuple. Il n’y a pas de réseau hertzien en Syrie où les télévisions sont exclusivement captées par satellite. Mais cette coupure ne laissera pas les écrans noirs.

Spain: The Latest Shoe to Drop

Stephen Lendman

Photo: A woman begs in the street at Sol square in Madrid Sunday, June 10, 2012. Spain's grinding financial misery will get worse this year despite the country's request for a European financial lifeline of up to a 100 billion euros ($125 billion) to save its banks. Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said Sunday that becoming the hot spot in the eurozone debt crisis is a big blow to a nation that took pride [in being] he continent's economic superstar just a few years ago. (D. Ochoa de Olza/GN)

This one won't be the last. The late Bob Chapman warned years ago about what's unfolding now in real time. He explained what this writer calls bad policies assure bad results. It happens every time.

They've simmered for decades. They continue now. They're worse than ever. Gresham's Law explained that bad money drives out good. So does bad behavior.

Money power in private hands assures it. Throughout its history, the Fed bears direct responsibility for monetary debasement and decline of American living standards. A 1913 dollar isn't worth a plug nickel today. Ahead perhaps it'll be worthless.

Chapman predicted it. He was spot on about what he told readers. He was way ahead of what others revealed. Before anyone saw trouble coming, he warned about easy money, market manipulation, reckless speculation, counterproductive fixes, and unsustainable debt causing today's crisis.

He predicted an eventual house of cards collapse. Only its timing remained uncertain. He said it could happen anytime from 2012 to 2017. He's not around to see it. It won't be pleasant when it comes.

Hubris as the Evil Force in History

Paul Craig Roberts

Ruins of Henry House, First Battle of Bull Run (CDS/AEI)

I have always been intrigued by the Battle of Bull Run, the opening battle of the US Civil War, known to southerners as the War of Northern Aggression. Extreme hubris characterized both sides, the North before the battle and the South afterwards.

Republican politicians and their ladies in their finery road out to Manassas, the Virginia town through which the stream, Bull Run, flowed, in carriages to watch the Union Army end the “Southern Rebellion” in one fell swoop. What they witnessed instead was the Union Army fleeing back to Washington with its tail between its legs. The flight of the northern troops promoted some southern wags to name the battle, the Battle of Yankee Run.

The outcome of the battle, left the South infected with the hubris that had so abruptly departed the North. The southerners concluded that they had nothing to fear from cowards who ran away from a fight. “We have nothing to worry about from them,” decided the South. It was precisely at this point that hubris defeated the South.

Historians report that the flight back to Washington left the Union Army and the US capital in a state of disorganization for three weeks, during which time even a small army could have taken the capital. Historians inclined not to see the battle as a victory for the South claim that the southerners were exhausted by the effort it took to put the yankees to flight and simply hadn’t the energy to pursue them, take Washington, hang the traitor Lincoln and all the Republicans, and end the war.

Exhausted troops or not, if Napoleon had been the southern general, the still organized southern army would have been in Washington as fast as the disorganized Union. Possibly the southerners would have engaged in ethnic cleansing by enslaving the yankees and selling them to Africans, thus ejecting from the country the greed-driven northern imperialists who, in the southern view, did not know how to behave either in private or in public.

It was not southern exhaustion that saved the day for the North. It was southern hubris. The Battle of Bull Run convinced the South that the citified northerners simply could not fight and were not a military threat.

Implosion of The Houla Massacre Story — Is Anyone Paying Attention?

Daniel McAdams

A respected mainstream publication, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung(FAZ), has reported that the infamous Houla massacre in Syria, which the US and NATO hoped would be the casus belli for their planned invasion, was in fact carried out by rebel forces.

Highlighted in the National Review (of all places), the FAZ investigation was exhaustive and convincing. NRO reports on the original FAZ story:

According to the article’s sources, the massacre occurred after rebel forces attacked three army-controlled roadblocks outside of Houla. The roadblocks had been set up to protect nearby Alawi majority villages from attacks by Sunni militias. The rebel attacks provoked a call for reinforcements by the besieged army units. Syrian army and rebel forces are reported to have engaged in battle for some 90 minutes, during which time “dozens of soldiers and rebels” were killed.

“According to eyewitness accounts,” the FAZ report continues,

"the massacre occurred during this time. Those killed were almost exclusively from families belonging to Houla’s Alawi and Shia minorities. Over 90% of Houla’s population are Sunnis. Several dozen members of a family were slaughtered, which had converted from Sunni to Shia Islam. Members of the Shomaliya, an Alawi family, were also killed, as was the family of a Sunni member of the Syrian parliament who is regarded as a collaborator. Immediately following the massacre, the perpetrators are supposed to have filmed their victims and then presented them as Sunni victims in videos posted on the internet.

For weeks, alternative media analysts and even eyewitnesses had been poking enormous holes in the suspiciously convenient Western narrative that Assad's forces slaughtered the villagers, cutting and killing at close range. No one paid attention, as usual.

The NRO piece continues with a fascinating story from a Christian monastery in the vicinity:

"Already at the beginning of April, Mother Agnès-Mariam de la Croix of the St. James Monastery warned of rebel atrocities’ being repackaged in both Arab and Western media accounts as regime atrocities. She cited the case of a massacre in the Khalidiya neighborhood in Homs. According to an account published in French on the monastery’s website, rebels gathered Christian and Alawi hostages in a building in Khalidiya and blew up the building with dynamite. They then attributed the crime to the regular Syrian army. 'Even though this act has been attributed to regular army forces . . . the evidence and testimony are irrefutable: It was an operation undertaken by armed groups affiliated with the opposition,' Mother Agnès-Mariam wrote."

Either Mother Agnès-Mariam is a liar or Hillary Clinton is a liar. You decide.

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