Creeping Terror: The New American Way of War

Chris Floyd

The American way of war is a marvelously ingenious thing. And thoroughly modern too. No more of that "don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes" jazz; your modern "warfighter" (they aren't called "soldiers" anymore, you know) prefers to view his targets through, say, a computer screen safely ensconced back in the Homeland or thousands of feet in the sky, or else through the unearthly greenish glow of night-vision scopes. And open combat? Forget it. The new American way is the sneak attack on civilian homes in the dead of night. You creep up, you break in, you cap a few ragheads, then you run away. What glory! What magnificent valor!

The Washington Post reports on yet another glorious page in the annals of the exceptional nation "intended by God to be a light set on a hill to serve as a beacon of hope and Christian charity to a lost and dying world." It's the usual story. Secret "warfighters" suddenly attack a civilian compound in the middle of the night. This, not surprisingly, provokes a few shots from some of the inhabitants, who have no idea who is attacking their home. The superior firepower of the beacons of hope and Christian charity quickly overcome the piddling arms of the demonic heathens, however, and in a trice, there are dead gook – sorry, raghead – bodies all around. Including children – you've got to have children in your body count these days, if you want to be a thoroughly modern Christian beacon warfighter. Then you and your brave band of secret warriors run away and prepare for the next bold raid.

Washington - Industry Complicity Behind the Gulf Disaster

Stephen Lendman

BP America Chairman Robert Malone, left, and Shell Oil Presi-
dent John Hofmeister (in 2008). (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

It's common practice in America. A government-Wall Street cabal caused the financial crisis and subsequent fallout. Now debated financial reform is a stealth scheme to let bankers self-regulate. Rogue Democrats rammed through health reform to ration care and enrich corporate providers. Defense, technology, and related firms profit hugely from permanent wars, and a regulatory-free Washington - energy industry alliance lies at the root of the Gulf disaster, by far America's greatest ever environmental calamity, worsening daily with no fail-safe, or perhaps any, way to stop it.

It's too big even for the major media to ignore - to wit, on May 15, New York Times writer Justin Gillis headlined, "Giant Plumes of Oil Found Forming Under the Gulf of Mexico," saying:

Alarming reports show "Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots. The discovery" shows that BP and the Obama administration lied about the incident's severity, and they're still lying.

According to University of Georgia researcher Samantha Joye,

"There's a shocking amount of oil in the deep water, relative to" what's visible on the surface, the tip of a big and growing iceberg, this one containing oil. "There's a tremendous amount of oil in multiple layers, three or four or five layers deep in the water column."

Worse still, it's depleting Gulf oxygen, prompting fears about killing sea life in the effected areas and permanently destroying the livelihood of area fisherman who supply 20% of the nation's supply.

Sarah Palin entertains the NRA rednecks


Sarah Palin is going to run for Presdident. She sees it as her God-given destiny to become the first female President. She is not a rational thinker, but a maniac, and she already is on the campaign trail right now.

Today Kathleen and I had the "pleasure" to listen live on the internet to a substantial part of the NRA convention. It was a freak show of epic proportions. It seems that the NRA (apparently a "non-partisan" organization, good joke) had the desire to present every prominent right-wing lunatic they could get their hands on. After having listened at the beginning of the event to the crazed speeches of the leaders of the NRA themselves, we were not very surprised to see that speakers like Ken Blackwell, John Bolton, Michael Reagan and Oliver North were the preferred choice.

The main focus of basically all of the speeches was how the dark evil liberal powers in Washington try to suppress the good Americans and want to take away their freedoms (and their guns). The speakers basically presented several versions of the same story, and John Bolton managed to introduce some new angles when he said that the United Nations want to take away the second amendment rights, and that Obama is the first "post-American President", whatever he meant by that.

Joe Lieberman's Fascist agenda to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights

Robert Stark

Senator Joe Lieberman is sponsoring a Bill with Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown called the "Terrorist Expatriation Act" that would strip terrorist suspects on their citizenship. The bill applies to any American that supports a foreign terrorist organization or any organization that is deemed a supporter of terrorism by an ally of the United States. The bill gives the State Department the power to determine who is a terrorist and strip away their citizenship.

Lieberman introduced the Bill stating "The State Department will make an administrative determination… the State Department will now have the authority to revoke their citizenship… they will not enjoy the rights and privileges of American citizenship in the legal proceedings against them…. he could then be tried by military commission as the Unprivileged Enemy Belligerent that he is."

Even though Lieberman claims the Bill is to target Americans who have joined Islamic Terrorist Organizations such as Al Qaeda, it has implications affecting many American political dissidents not just those who one would usually think of as terrorist. Hypothetical scenario's that the bill might apply to are Americans such as former Congresswomen Cynthia McKinney who are helping out Palestinians in Gaza with food and medical aid. Since Israel considers Hamas a terrorist organization and Israel is considered as ally by the US Government.

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