The problem with Yinon
"Obama Consults With France’s Hollande on Syria" - just before he announced he decided - because he is such a gracious fellow - to follow the Constitution and seek Congressional authorization. One has to assume that the last hope for going it alone was something stronger from France than Hollande was prepared to grant. Comment from 'ginger' (before the WSJ cleans things up):
10:21 am September 1, 2013
ginger wrote: The Israeli/Neocon ‘Red-Line Game’
● Everybody remembers Netanyahu on the floor of the UN last year, brandishing his RED LINE cartoon bomb, as he unsuccessfully tried to hoax the US into a war on Iran last Fall, based on numerous Israeli/Neocon fabrications?
● Everybody remembers (don’t they?) how Michael Ledeen/Mossad fabricated the Niger Yellowcake Forgeries, which Ledeen then handed off to Doug Feith’s Office of Special Plans, in order to hoax the US into the disatrous war against Iraq?
● And everybody does remember the last several instances of the Israelis/Neocons claiming again and again that Syria used chemical weapons’ when in fact it is the Syrian rebels who have been caught with 2 kg of Sarin gas (when the Turks arrested a group of them) and the UN Investigating teams say these attacks appear to have been done by the Syrian rebels themselves, as a False Flag operation, in cahoots with Israeli agendas.