Profile of Institutionalized Racism
Zionism is fundamentally racist, extremist, undemocratic, and militant. It espouses Jewish supremacy, exceptionalism, and uniqueness as God's "chosen people." It institutionalized occupation, oppression, violence and dispossession. It justifies structural inequalities. It rules by force, not coexistence. It chooses confrontation over diplomacy and rule of law provisions. It denies Arabs equal rights as Jews. No ideology this destructive can endure.
According to Hamoked, the Center for the Defence of the Individual, Israel revoked residency rights for about 240,000 Gaza and West Bank Palestinians from 1967 to 1994. About 15,000 were aged 90 or older. Another 14,000 East Jerusalemites were included through 2011. HaMoked's Freedom of Information petition provided information not previously available.
Revocations were executed two ways. Palestinians remaining abroad for extended periods or excluded from Israeli 1981 through 1988 census data were affected. Residents under either criteria were assigned a "ceased residency status." No hearings or reviews were held. Official notices weren't given. Diktat authority violated international law. Protected persons were expelled from their homeland. Family separations and other hardships followed.