The land rejects you, the stones cry out against you
Demanding the property of others does not transfer it. - Though the Gentile world has been taught that the famous 10 Commandments apply to all, Jews believe it only applies to other Jews, not to their behaviour towards Gentiles, whom they regard as “innately evil,” without a soul, with no redeeming qualities, and whose property is “opened” for Jews to take at will.
So Jews who have moved themselves into Palestine have an entitlement mentality, that is they are entitled to any land, resources, homes or belongings they want. But Palestine is not their land, and the land itself rejects them in their hubris and criminal, un-neighbourly behaviours. This is about an act that began with this insolent attitude and inspired an act, which did not go to plan, even with the military (whose duty, according to international law in occupied territory is to protect the occupied population). - It was a good day.