Catechisms of the counterchurch

Katherine Watt

Orientation for new readers

United Nations global planning documents, 1992-2023 — Robert Morrison, writing at The RemnantFrom Cardinal Bea to Synodality: Obscuring the Mystical Body of Christ to Prepare the Mystical Body of the Antichrist — quoting Bishop Fulton Sheen:

💬 “Because [Satan’s] religion will be brotherhood without the fatherhood of God, he will deceive even the elect. He will set up a counterchurch which will be the ape of the Church, because he, the Devil, is the ape of God.  It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the Antichrist that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ.” (Communism and the Conscience of the West, 1948)

Luciferians preparing the counterchurch for the Antichrist produce hundreds of planning documents every year. They do it partly to collect their own thoughts and keep themselves and their administrative-state subordinates well-coordinated, on-task and on-schedule; partly to inform the world peasantry of their plans for controlling, sterilizing and killing us; partly to obscure their plans in a confusing avalanche of information overload; and partly to disarm us by instilling a sense of inevitability of capture alongside futility of resistance.

It takes a lot of time to locate and read documents — even just to skim them to get the general themes — and then think about the contents and connect bits of information across documents, across national borders and across time.

Some of the people who have done that work during the last 50 years or so include John Coleman, Joan Veon, G. Edward Griffin, William Engdahl, Iain Davis and Michel Chossudovsky. There are many more; those are just a few. All such investigations converge on the same basic finding.

The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy

Michel Chossudovsky

Famine in Ethiopia, June 2008

First published in 2008 - The sugar coated bullets of the “free market” are killing our children. The act to kill is unpremeditated. It is instrumented in a detached fashion through computer program trading on the New York and Chicago mercantile exchanges, where the global prices of rice, wheat and corn are decided upon.

Poverty is not solely the result of policy failures at a national level. People in different countries are being impoverished simultaneously as a result of a global market mechanism. A small number of financial institutions and global corporations have the ability to determine, through market manipulation, the standard of living of millions of people around the World.

We are at the crossroads of the most serious economic and social crisis in modern history. The process of global impoverishment unleashed at the outset of the 1980s debt crisis has reached a major turning point, leading to the simultaneous outbreak of famines in all major regions of the developing World.

There are many complex features underlying the global economic crisis pertaining to financial markets, the decline in production, the collapse of State institutions and the rapid development of a profit-driven war economy. What is rarely mentioned in this analysis, is how this global economic restructuring forcibly impinges on three fundamental necessities of life: food, water and fuel. The provision of food, water and fuel is a precondition of civilized society: they are necessary factors for the survival of the human species. In recent years, the prices of these three variables has increased dramatically at the global level, with devastating economic and social consequences.

These three essential goods or commodities, which in a real sense determine the reproduction of economic and social life on planet earth, are under the control of a small number of global corporations and financial institutions.

IMF “Shock Treatment” for Ukraine: Collapse of the Standard of Living

Michel Chossudovsky

Into the blue (i.e. into Europe): "Welcome..." (to Paradise)

On March 27, Ukraine’s interim coalition government announced concrete policy measures as part of its agreement with the IMF: a 50 percent increase of the retail price of gas coupled with the deregulation of the foreign exchange market.

The hike in gas prices is required by the IMF as part of an 18 Billion dollar pledge, which was approved on March 27. The IMF has demanded that retail gas and heating tariffs be raised “to full cost recovery.”

It is worth recalling that following the instatement of a coalition government on February 23, the interim (puppet) prime minister Arseny Yatsenyuk casually dismissed the need to negotiate with the IMF.

Yatsenyk intimated that Ukraine will “accept whatever offer the IMF and the EU made” (VoR, March 21, 2014)

Prior to the conduct of negotiations pertaining to a draft agreement, Yatsenyuk had already called for an unconditional acceptance of the IMF package: “We have no other choice but to accept the IMF offer”.

In surrendering to the IMF, Yatsenyuk was fully aware that the proposed reforms would brutally impoverish millions of people, including those who protested in Maidan.

In an address to Parliament on March 27, following the confirmation of the IMF’s pledged $18 billion loan, prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk warned that Ukraine was “on the brink of the economic and financial bankruptcy”.

The proposed “‘solution” includes a significant increase in income taxes, a freeze on wages, curtailment of old age pensions and higher energy prices. “We have no choice but to tell Ukraine the truth,” said Yatsenyuk.

France Lies for Israel

Stephen Lendman

Israel's history is odious. It's bloodstained. False flags and targeted assassinations are specialties. They repeat with disturbing regularity. Pre-emptive murder is official policy.

Overall French/Israeli ties are longstanding. France's ambassador to Israel, Patrick Maisonneuve, said President François Hollande "is a close friend of the State of Israel." Netanyahu said both countries work closely together "to advance and deepen bilateral strategic and economic relations." The relationship includes supporting the worst crimes both countries commit. Their rap sheets are long and loathesome.

Israel murdered Yasser Arafat. Polonium poisoning killed him. Switzerland's Radiophysique (SR) analysis proved it. SR director Dr. Francois Bochud said: "I can confirm to you that we measured an unexplained, elevated amount of unsupported polonium-210 in the belongings of Mr. Arafat that contained stains of biological fluids."

On November 6, Al Jazeera headlined "Exclusive: Swiss study says Polonium found in Arafat's bones." Scientists examined his remains. They found levels at least 18 times above normal. It's clear evidence he was poisoned.

Lausanne-based University Centre of Legal Medicine published a 108-page report. Al Jazeera obtained a copy. Unnaturally high polonium levels were found in Arafat's ribs, pelvis, and "soil stained with his decaying organs." France claims otherwise. Coverup and denial is longstanding official policy. More on that below.

Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance

Stephen Lendman

A previous article discussed an unholy Israeli/Saudi alliance. It's an axis of evil. They're strange bedfellows. They have no formal relations. It's believed Saudi Prince Bandar ibn Sultan visited Israel covertly. Doing so broke a decades long taboo. Both countries have common regional interests. They include toppling Syria's Assad. They want Iran's government replaced.

Reports suggest both countries formed an anti-Iranian military alliance. On November 17, the London Sunday Times headlined "Two old foes unite against Tehran," saying: "Convinced that Iran is tricking the world over nuclear weapons, Israel and Saudi Arabia may work together to curb its ambitions."

None exist. Both countries know it. At issue is eliminating a regional rival. More on that below.

Multiple rounds of Iranian nuclear talks failed. On November 20, another attempt begins. The myth about Iran pursuing nuclear weapons persists. Israel wants America's Iran policy toughened. AIPAC wants new sanctions enacted. According to an unnamed senior State Department official: "We are going to send teams around the world to make sure the sanctions stay in place, (so) that the whole sanctions regime will not collapse."

Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, David Cohen added: "The relief we are considering as part of an initial phase would be limited, temporary, targeted and reversible." "We will continue to monitor Iran's financial activity and take action, as we always have, to target Iranian attempts to evade sanctions." "The overwhelming economic pressure from our sanctions will remain in place, and we will continue to leverage these sanctions until we have a full, verifiable and peaceful resolution to international concerns surrounding Iran's nuclear program."

So-called concerns are contrived. Expect no letup in Washington's longstanding anti-Iranian agenda.

Afghan heroin & the CIA

Andrew Gavin Marshall

This article is from April, 2008. It is still an interesting read. - Editor

Summary: This report is about American and British involvement in the Afghan drug trade in opium, focusing on the history of such involvement, and the nature of the drug trade since the 2001 occupation of Afghanistan. Today, Afghanistan supplies “more than 90 per cent of the world's illicit opium, from which heroin is made,”[1] so who’s profiting from the trade?

The Anglo-Americans and the Origins of the Taliban

The CIA Creates Al-Qaeda

In 1998, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser, said in an interview with a French publication, Le Nouvel Observateur, that the US intervention in the Afghan-Soviet war did not begin in the 1980s, but that, “it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul,” which precipitated the Soviet invasion into Afghanistan.[2] From the Soviet invasion, a bloody ten-year war followed.

Amazingly, “Before 1979 Pakistan and Afghanistan exported very little heroin to the West,”[3] but by 1981, “trucks from the Pakistan army’s National Logistics Cell arriving with CIA arms from Karachi often returned loaded with heroin – protected by ISI [Pakistan’s internal security service] papers freeing them from police search.”[4] This change occurred in 1981 when then CIA Director William Casey, Prince Turki bin Faisal of Saudi intelligence and the ISI worked together to create a foreign legion of jihadi Muslims or so-called Arab Afghans. More than 100,000 Islamic militants were trained in Pakistan between 1986 and 1992 in camps overseen by the CIA and [British] MI6. The SAS [British special forces] trained future Al-Qaida and Taliban fighters in bomb-making and other black arts" while their leaders were trained at a CIA camp in Virginia.[5] Further, “CIA aid was funneled through [Pakistani President] General Zia and the ISI in Pakistan.”[6]

Anti-Assad Rhetoric Intensifies

Stephen Lendman

US-led anti-Assad efforts continue. Obama's going all out to topple him. He's heading America for more war. His imperial strategy prioritizes it. Rule of law principles are discarded. Unchallenged global dominance alone matters. America's longstanding permanent war agenda advances it.

Syria is now being ravaged. Assad is wrongfully blamed for US proxy death squad crimes. Ad nauseam propaganda claims otherwise. Facebook and Twitter have Stop Assad campaigns. UK-based Media Lens reports reliably on media bias. On May 8, it headlined " ' This Madman Must Be Stopped' - Syrian Chemical Weapons."

Propaganda wars precede hot ones. Western efforts are relentless. Media scoundrels regurgitate official lies. Quasi-progressive print publications and web editors are involved. So are NGOs like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. Corporate foundations fund them. Well-known ones include Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Soros, and MacArthur. Tainted money expects services rendered in return. Conflicts of interest are rife.

Sources [that] viewers, listeners and readers believe are reliable replicate their scoundrel media counterparts. Critics call America's NPR National Pentagon Radio. They do so for good reason. On major world and national issues, Britain's BBC is all propaganda all the time. America's dominant media are deplorable. Truth is systematically suppressed. Managed news misinformation substitutes. When America goes to war or plans one, they march in lockstep. In modern times, it's never been any other way.

Television makes it easy. Stop Assad images proliferate. Doing so overwhelms anti-war voices of truth. Anti-Assad propaganda aims to fool enough of the people enough of the time to matter.

Israel: A De Facto Member of NATO

Michel Chossudovsky

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen received Israel’s president Shimon Peres at NATO headquarters in Brussels on March 7.

The order of the day: to enhance military cooperation between Israel and the Atlantic Alliance focusing on issues of counter-terrorism.

“Israel will be happy to share the knowledge it has gained and its technological abilities with NATO. Israel has experience in contending with complex situations, and we must strengthen the cooperation so we can fight global terror together and assist NATO with the complex threats it faces including in Afghanistan.“

Israel is already involved in covert operations and non-conventional warfare in liaison with the US and NATO.

This agreement is of particular significance because it deepens the Israel-NATO relationship beyond the so-called “Mediterranean Dialogue”. The joint statement points to an Israel NATO partnership “in the fight against terror and the search for peace… in the Middle East and the world”.

Israel offered to assist NATO in counter-terrorism operations directed against Hezbollah and Iran. What this suggests is the participation of Israel in active theater warfare alongside NATO –i.e. as a de facto member of the Atlantic Alliance. In other words, Israel would be directly involved were US-NATO to launch an outright military operation against Syria, Lebanon or Iran.

Washington's War of Aggression on Syria

Stephen Lendman

Bodies of executed men were found on the side of a canal in the
northern Syrian city of Aleppo on Tuesday.
(AFP/Saudi Gazette)

Israel partners with Washington's wars. It's been largely covertly involved against Syria. It's now blatantly overt. Since last weekend, Israeli warplanes violated Syrian airspace multiple times. They overflew the Beka Valley. They attacked a weapons storage facility. They struck a convoy allegedly en route to Lebanon. On Wednesday, they bombed a scientific research center near Damascus. These actions and similar ones are naked acts of aggression. A follow-up article will discuss this further.

Washington planned war on Syria years ago. Previous articles discussed General Wesley Clark's "Winning Modern Wars: Iraq, Terrorism, and the American Empire." Post-9/11, Pentagon sources told him plans targeted Iraq, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, Libya, Iran and Syria for regime change. Earlier they were finalized against Afghanistan. Clark asked:

"And what about the real sources of terrorists - US allies in the region like Egypt, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia?" "Wasn't it repressive policies of the first, and the corruption and poverty of the second, that were generating many of the angry young men who became terrorists?" "And what of the radical ideology and direct funding spewing from Saudi Arabia?" "It seemed that we were being taken into a strategy more likely to make us the enemy - encouraging what could look like a 'clash of civilizations' - not a good strategy for winning the war on terror."

For nearly two years, Syria's been on the boil. Conflict shows no signs of ending. Washington's dirty hands prevent it. The latest Aleppo massacre reflects earlier ones. Western-recruited death squads bear full responsibility.

Tim Geithner's Legacy of Shame

Stephen Lendman

They gave away the store to Wall Street...

From January 26, 2009 - January 25, 2013, he was Obama's Treasury Secretary. He and Fed chairman Bernanke engineered crisis conditions. Bankers profited hugely. They still do. Ordinary people were scammed. Geithner's gone. His legacy speaks for itself. His background showed what to expect. He spent three years at Kissinger Associates.
From 1988 - 2002, he held various Treasury posts. He left to become Council on Foreign Relations international economics department senior fellow.
From 2001 - 2003, he was IMF Policy Development and Review director. He left to become New York Fed president.

He partnered with Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and Bernanke. They planned the grandest of grand thefts. They implemented banker bailouts. They looted the federal treasury. They stuck taxpayers with the bill. They debased the currency. They transformed America into an unprecedented money making racket. As New York Federal Reserve Bank president/vice chairman of the Fed Open Market Committee (FOMC), Geithner helped engineer crisis conditions. As Treasury Secretary, he exacerbated them. He turned them into a protracted mainstream depression.

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