Operation Warp Speed Part II
Martin Armstrong

Operation Warp Speed enacted under former President Donald Trump provided the pharmaceutical community with free reign to create a vaccination for immediate use. COVID-19 was perceived to be such a threat that standard operations for testing and researching a vaccine were no longer applicable. The need for a vaccine was so urgent that pharmaceutical companies were granted total immunity from prosecution, which came in handy after countless debilitating ailments and deaths were later attributed to those vaccinations that offer neither protection from transmission or infection. In line with our disease cycle that heats up in 2026, the medical community is now ushering in part II of Operation Warp Speed.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the development of a new mRNA vaccine to defeat the bird flu. The American Medical Association (AMA) updated its Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system to include H5N8, the bird flu, which is apparently so deadly that it could become the dreaded “next pandemic.” This is the first time we have witnessed a vaccine rollout under the EUA since the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.