Controversial cartoon depicts Netanyahu as 9/11 pilot

JC Sevcik / UPI

A political cartoon published [...] by Hebrew daily Haaretz incited international controversy with its depiction of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu piloting a plane labeled "Israel" toward a tower flying the American flag, intended to evoke the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Amos Biderman, the artist who authored the comic, told The Times of Israel the image was intended to imply Netanyahu is leading the country to "a disaster in Israel-US relations on the scale of 9/11," pointing to the Prime Minister's "arrogance" and his handling of settlement construction in Jerusalem as poor diplomacy. The cartoon was composed and published in response to an article in The Atlantic Tuesday that quoted an anonymous source inside the White House as calling Netanyahu a "chicken[expletive]" criticizing the Prime Minister as "cowardly" for his handling of relations with Palestine. [...] Diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Israel have been deteriorating in recent years as Israel has struggled and at times failed to navigate its troubled relationship with Palestine without alienating the international community. The announcement of plans to construct a settlement of 1000 homes for Israelis in a section of Jerusalem considered territory claimed by Palestinians against the Obama administration's objections further strained relations already fraught with tension. Despite its timeliness, however, Biderman's lampoon was not well received on social media, with commenters calling the comic [the truth] "tasteless" and "revolting" and "filth."

Les Visible They Did It! They do it AND...That's It! || Behind the scenes and inside the minds of these Morlocks the tide has shifted. Nothing seems to be going their way. Everything they do turns on them. Normal human hearts and minds in sad decline cannot fathom the absence of all conscience and remorse in these creatures. How it will come I do not know. When it will come I do not know but... come it will and the force of justice will manifest upon these brigands and beasts. It is only a mater of time. That millions and millions of the indifferent and gullible will follow them into perdition is unfortunate but given they are magnetized by lies they shall go with the pull of destiny in every case.

Video Rebel's Blog: 911 Truths. LC Vincent: The Puppet Masters of 9/11
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax
Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax (PDF-Book)
Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday 9/11:Israel did it 7/7: Made in Israel


George Soros and his Kind are Evil, Mass Murdering Monsters

Les Visible

You got all kinds of evil running loose in these times. By definition, these are evil times, being as it is the Kali Yuga. The very worst of us profit without reserve and the best of us are hammered into the pavement. There's supposed to be some kind of justice in this but... those of us who are within the constraints of single lifetimes and lacking the panorama view of the realized, are hard pressed to see it. It's there somewhere. Of course, I'm speaking only for those of us that believe in something. For those of us that believe in nothing, except ones own blind, naked ignorance, the appearance of justice is nowhere to be seen. There's one thing we can certainly presume is true and that is that we will find out at some point, even if... in the cases of those who believe nothing, they find nothing. It might be that that is how it works; to each according to what they do or do not believe.

When one studies the case histories of after death experiences, there is a recurrent theme that is somewhat telling; unless one believes, as do no small number that all belief is an hallucination. This recurrent theme is that when people pass on, what they encounter is always specific to whatever faith they were followers of in life. They saw the icons specific to what they had believed. I don't know what that means or maybe I do but... that this is the case, well... one can go and look it up for themselves. Anyway... this is not what the posting is about. This is just one of those digressed intros in a pre-crime kind of a way. Let's take a look at some of the things that are happening today.

The unctious and odious psychopathic hypocrite, George Soros is at it again. As we know, this man has been a venomous liar and a 24 carat sonofabitch for as long as he has been here. He is a mass murderer who has performed murder in various countries around the world. At present he is accusing Vladmir Putin of precisely what his kindred in Israel are guilty of 24/7. Soros is the guy behind the color revolutions. As you probably know, people die in his color revolutions and all of his revolutions take place in those locations where the Zionist run American government wants them to take place. It's past arguing about that he's tied in with Robert Kagan and Kagan's wife, Victoria Neuland, in their vicious banker motivated assault upon a segment of the Ukrainian populace where white phosphorous is being used and mass graves are being discovered and where people have been locked in buildings and then buried alive. This is all true. This is past doubt AND people like Soros and Kagan and Neuland and a supporting cast of too many are behind these horrors. They are behind the majority of the world's ills. Their marching orders come out of the Devil's throne room, the country established for that very purpose.

9/11, ISIS, ISIL and The Black Art of Reversed Kabala

Les Visible

ISIS stands for, The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria AND ISIL stands for, The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. I mention this because I am pretty sure that most people do not know what these acronyms or initialisms are. This is human nature. Our eyes see things and our minds bounce off of them. It's human nature. A trained professional focus is something possessed by competent scientists, detectives; people who must have it in order to be effective at what they do. Hermetic Scientists and Occult Scientists, competent Metaphysicians must also possess this, IF... they expect to get anywhere useful or profound in their efforts. Of course, with these last avocations, one needs more than a trained professional focus. One is engaged in a pursuit that can turn dangerous and which requires, besides an unusual skill set, certain qualities of being that must be strong enough to stand against certain 'inevitable' tests. This is why I state, unequivocally, one must have help.

We Celebrate the Anniversary of the Israeli Attack on the USA! USA!! USA!!!

Les Visible

Today is here and today is the 13th anniversary of Israel's 9/11 attack on the United States. If it happened in 2001 and this is 2014, it would be 13 anniversaries, correct? Ah... the number 13. Today we celebrate many things. We celebrate the incredible corruption of the American government, following 9/11. It was bad before that but it got much, much worse. We celebrate the transparent and obvious fact that Israel controls American foreign and domestic policy, via their control of the money supply and control of the fluctuations of that money supply, in order to control the state of the culture and the basic elements of life. Today we celebrate the transition of a domestic police force that has been turned into a military force, designed and developed by agents of Israel, in order to strike fear into the hearts of the populace and to both control and frustrate the movement of ordinary people no matter what direction they may seek to travel in.

Today we celebrate the incredible and mind blowing ignorance of the American public, not only their ignorance but also their cowardice and arrogant sense of entitlement. We celebrate the many wars generated by the dual national Israeli neo-cons who used the lies woven around 9/11 in order to justify attacking one country after another in the Middle East to fulfil their Ersatz Israel Zionista fantasies. Millions have died and millions more displaced. There was no reason for these wars because these wars all came out of a ridiculous presumption that a handful of stone age Arabs had masterminded this colossal event, when, in fact, it was masterminded and carried out by agents of Israel and compromised and corrupt intelligence agencies.

Today we celebrate denial and we celebrate indifference. We celebrate the dumb gentile who sends his children to die in Israeli engineered wars and who also expose (as military combatants) them to the performance of cold blooded murder against various peoples who had nothing to do with this attack and no connection to any terror organizations. The only terror organizations killing and torturing and operating with impunity around the world are Israeli constructs and are funded by the governments of the west.

Today we celebrate the reassuring knowledge that the same people who did 9/11 are also planning yet another enormous terror action against some unsuspecting part of America and possibly also other locations in the west.

They Did It! They do it AND...That's It!

Les Visible

Masters of Deception: Zionism, 9/11 and the War on Terror Hoax by Zander C. Fuerza

What if there is no third world war? What if the trend of ever continuing exposure continues? What if the incredible buffoonery of the pigeon toed elite goes on in that Keystone Cops format and the identifiable outrages get more and more and more absurd?

Let us consider a metaphysical truth that I have no doubt is also true as an operational law of physics. The force of the collective belief of the people is a powerful thing. When the mass of the aggregate reaches a certain percentage, where enough people believe the whole terror scare put up job is a government op, the impact of this collective belief is something to be reckoned with. Here is an interesting example of how the elite consider such things. In the 60's, some thousands of anti- Vietnam war protesters met at The Pentagon grounds to perform an occult ritual. Perhaps only a few of them knew the deeper reasoning behind it. Whatever... suffice to say that all of these protesters began to join hands and encircle The Pentagon with the intention of levitating it. The police response was immediate and brutal. They took it seriously.

Go to your history books and look at the results of the impact of great faith upon world conditions. Look at what was accomplished by Mahatma (great souled) Gandhi. Look at what Martin Luther King accomplished with the civil rights movement. Look at the life of Rasputin and so many others and the power they were able to demonstrate as a result of great belief. I'm not interested in hearing about Sankar Ghose but... if you prefer, use him as an example. I'm not interested in hearing anyone's theories about King being an FBI operative. The way disinfo works is that it can come at you from any angle. Of course the FBI was deeply infiltrated into King's camp but what the literal truth of the matter is remains inconclusive; what we have is more along the line of so and so says such and such. If one wants to paint a certain picture, one includes particular objects and does not include others. It's known that the FBI was involved, one way or another in the assassination of Dr. King, just as they were in 9/11 and a host of dirty tricks that span decades. If he was owned and controlled, what would be the point of killing him? The rot that permeates the Administrative, Legislative and Judicial branches of the Zionist owned and controlled American government emits a perfume not unlike what you get when you inadvertently puncture the stomach of a floater that's been in the water for ten days. It is an unmistakable statement of composition.

A Darkness Blacker than Night. The Horror!!! The Horror!!!

Les Visible

Yesterday afternoon I lay down for a nap. Some time after I fell asleep, I found myself in a noxious and toxic swamp. Hot winds blew across a blasted landscape, where the souls of the damned howled and shrieked. It was a place of infinite sadness and terror, juxtaposed in a land that the ineffable had forgotten. It was somewhere outside of The Ring Pass Not. I continued slogging my way through this odoriferous country that constantly reminded me of the intestinal track of a drowned hyena, ten days after the fact. I went on and on. I could not stay and I could not go back. Somehow... I knew that going back led to an even worse environment. Finally, I found myself in a long tunnel. It also stank horribly. Everything in this place stank. It stank of rot and a corruption that was both physical and spiritual. Under any normal circumstances I would have been retching uncontrollably but... it was a dream.

After a time I came to the end of the tunnel and was confronted by large columns of various sizes that reminded me of what the trunks of an infected mucous tree might look like, were there such a thing. You make weird comparisons in dreams. Don't ask me why. It happens. I found some rubble strewn about and I tossed some of it at the columns and the sound was what you might expect from ravens and frogs... but unlike any ravens and frogs from this plane. These were percussive sounds such as you might expect from infernal ravens and frogs, who perched on dead trees and in stagnant ponds, in some awful place far to the south of the worst purgatory.

Disappearing Palestine

Les Visible

The real and enduring reason that Israel wants to destroy Palestine and the Palestinians is because the Palestinians have a genetic DNA connection to that land and the AshkeNAZI invaders have none; zero. This is what that disappearing map of Palestine is all about.

This is why they change the names of every Palestinian town and work to erase the names of every landmark, also erasing the landmark itself when it is possible. They want the world to believe that they are The Palestinians. They are not. Their thirst for world conquest is so great that they think nothing of spending many, many years taking over the infrastructure of strategic nations in order to turn the world into a massive concentration camp and to kill millions, AS THEY DID in Russia and The Ukraine and all kinds of other places. Through the profits of usury and ghost money they have bought up all of the media and information centers, publishing firms, everything critical in order to control and mold world opinion. They call themselves The Chosen People and they are. They are the Chosen People of Satan whom they worship. Shit and Fan are on their way for a visit with them at some point and the gates of Hell yawn and salivate at the thought of their entrance. Everything is under control.

The most difficult of things to see is the manner in which the present revolutionary transformations are impacting on those who have spread such terror and torment on this Earth for such a length of time. It all seems to be going their way, as everything gets worse for us and better for them. They commit outrage after outrage with seeming impunity but...never forget, evil destroys itself. This is a cosmic law and they are led by Byzantine roads to inescapable perdition. I cannot see the means and method of it but I know it is a certainty.

Understanding the Anti-Christ

Rixon Stewart

Nearly one hundred years ago Russia underwent a revolution that was to be echoed decades later in China. In historical terms, Russia transformed almost overnight from Imperial Russia to the Soviet Union. From being a largely peasant society ruled by an all powerful Emperor, Russia became a supposedly egalitarian state.

Ostensibly classless, Lenin’s proclamations about the proletariat and the rights of workers were used to dupe the masses. For ultimately Russian communism was based on one thing and one thing only: a belief in the absolute precedence of materialism.

That’s why, according to his grandson John Schiff, to ensure its success, millionaire Jacob Schiff “sank about 20 million dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism”. For communism was essentially the brainchild of the super rich and served their purposes, rather than those of the ‘workers’.

So despite claims of a more equitable distribution of wealth and although Russia’s leaders may have cloaked their real intentions with political jargon, materialism was still the bedrock on which Russian communism was built. In the eyes of Soviet political commissars any type of spiritual belief was consequently seen as a form of heresy. Resolutely atheistic, they elevated ‘scientific materialism’ over and above any spiritual faith, which they deemed as little more than superstition at best, and a threat to “communism” (i.e. faith in materialism) at worst.

However neither the industrial nor agrarian workers enjoyed much in the way of economic benefit from this new dispensation. They were too busy trying to meet harvest and production targets for that. In other words, their lives were totally beholden to the dictates of materialism.

With hindsight we now know that Russian communism simply didn’t work. Beyond its failure as a political and economic system it also brought unprecedented suffering to millions in the gulags.

It's All a Matter of Degrees

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

Young Visible...

"These are dark times and I think we should all have a little more compassion for each other and take the left hand side of the bargain, even when we know we are right. [...] I can only hope that all of us will do what we can to the degree that we can. Wish me well and know that I wish you well with all my heart."

You know, I don’t have much of anything. I want what any man would want, I think. I don’t know everybody. I don’t even know who I am. My life is stranger than you can imagine and trust me; that is an under-statement. I look at this thing with Jeff Rense and Mark Glenn and I begin to see what is wrong with the world. I don’t know much about anything so I have to apologize for what I am doing here. I don’t know what happened and I don’t know anyone involved in a personal sense. I should be downstairs cleaning the kitchen maybe but I’m here instead.

I don’t have any money. You could say I depend on the kindness of friends, or the divine because somehow I get by. I work hard at what I do but I don’t make any money. I’m not complaining. I eat well and I don’t eat for enjoyment in the first place. I eat to live. I think survival has something to do with it.

I think I write really good songs and I can sing too but I’m not a very good musician and I have no ability at recording my work so it doesn’t sound like I think it could. I worked with and met people in music and I tried to do something but there were always these catches that I couldn’t live with because I don’t do what I do for money. Even when I did get a seeming break with Columbia Records, the producer destroyed the music by taking it off of old cassettes instead of DAT Masters and then did other ugly things to it. So I wound up in Tower Records all over the world but I sank like a stone and it should not have been. I wrote a kick ass novel and the publisher misspelled the title of the book in three places and left off the final draft so that it was full of mistakes and this is something a publisher wouldn’t do normally but he did it to me. It sank like a stone and I still can’t understand why there are more used copies of my book for sale on the internet than the amount he told me he sold and I got no money but money was not my objective. I only want to do the work and live and share. That is the sincere truth.

The Vampire Bankers host the Invisible Siren Chorus

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

♫ Row, row, row your boat, gently down the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream

I haven’t been in the US since 2003 and that was on the island of Maui, HI. I haven’t been on the mainland US since 1996. I don’t have a sense of the place. I know it’s not like the parts of Europe that I live in where I seldom even see a police car and where the police are uniformly (heh heh) polite. The places that I am weren’t even much affected by World War 2. They weren’t and aren’t strategic for any reason, except for growing food.

My objectivity narrows and widens, depending on my state of mind and degree of awake/aware. At times, when I look at the world around me, through the vari-colored lenses of the media; Zionist owned, Zionist influenced, Zionist threatened and Zionist-free, I get the impression that the whole world is on a dreamboat that is sailing for the rocks, while the Invisible Siren Chorus sings from a promontory. The lighthouse is actually a holographic projection machine that presents the impression that white sand beaches and naked volleyball games await. It’s apparent that BP had been in the night before, with dump trucks filled with sand.

We approach that November whirlpool by the day. Pundits and prophets from the various realms of industry and random mountaintops have all indicated that November is bringing that critical straw for the camel’s back. Chiropractors in three piece suits are standing by; not because they care one way or the other about the camel but because someone has to stand around and speculate and look busy, while the people responsible for the state of things sneak out of town.

The primary, flesh-based enemy of humanity is the bankers and chief among them is the central banks. There are various other consortiums like the IMF which are dedicated to world wide economic slavery of anyone and everyone but themselves. They are joined by those who operate and feed upon the fantasy football game at Wall Street; wherever Wall Street may be in whatever urban location it feeds in. The politicians are a secondary concern. They serve the will of the bankers. The bankers serve the King of Hell through the proxy of their own self interest. The bankers create the wars for profit. They create them any time and anywhere that profit can be realized and they fund both sides of the conflict in order to own the economy on either side at the war’s end.

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