The war behind the war

Leo Hohmann

The war behind the war: What World War III is really being fought over

As usual, the official narrative, as put forth in the corporate media, about the West's beef with Putin bears no resemblance to the truth about why the West cannot accept a Putin-led Russia.

World War III, like all 21st century wars, is not being fought over ideologies. It’s being fought over energy and natural resources. Because he who controls the world’s resources will be free to impose whatever ideology he wants.

Washington and London, the epicenter of the Western liberal world order that thinks it’s admirable and virtuous to redefine God-created genders and appropriate to unleash deviant transvestites on innocent school children, is seeking to neutralize the massive resources of Russia as it ramps up its “net zero” sustainable development model of economic progress. This economic model is really just a scam designed to pilfer what remains of the middle class and further subjugate them under AI-powered government-corporate control. Hence the need for more massive data centers, which Donald Trump is being used to build across the United States with $8 billion in foreign investment from a billionaire in the United Arab Emirates.

What we learned from the first round of Covid hysteria: Will you be fooled again?

Leo Hohmann

Globalist predators are banking on us having short memories but knowledge is power and we can shut down Covid hysteria 2.0 if we enact Operation Peaceful Non-Compliance

The brilliant constitutional attorney John Whitehead has argued that the U.S. Constitution has “effectively been terminated.” Whitehead first made this observation in a column posted at his website on December 6, 2022. He said it again on July 31, 2023, in an interview with CBN News.

The Constitution has been “terminated.” That’s a big statement from a man I trust, and it got me thinking. How did this happen?

What is the Constitution anyway? It’s a legal safeguard, a system of boundaries, meant to protect us against evil doers seeking to take over our society and dominate us. Yes, evil is always present but, at least in America, we had the Constitution and its vaunted Bill of Rights. It was our ultimate firebreak against the tyranny of men.

But after years of infiltration of our major institutions – schools, universities, churches, the media, government – and a couple of major crises in 9/11 and the Covid pandemic — the Constitution was subverted. Where they couldn’t get favorable court rulings, the globalists and their useful idiots (minions) found work-arounds, cleverly claiming they had extra-constitutional “emergency” powers. The legislative branch, Congress, sat back and allowed this evisceration to happen at the executive level. And once the Constitution had been terminated, all of the other safeguards fell like dominoes.

The one-world religion on full display as fake ‘faith leaders’ join globalist predators

Leo Hohmann

The one-world religion on full display as fake ‘faith leaders’ join globalist predators to push Earth worship at U.N. COP 27 conference.

Climate hysteria, i.e. Earth worship, is a key component of the coming one-world religion and we’re seeing it on full display in Egypt this week at the United Nations COP 27 climate conference.

The COP 27 logo says it all. The logo depicts the African sun (above) and embracing the ancient Egyptian Aten’s sun (below), which implies giving rise to a new horizon (new world order).

All of the global crises unleashed upon the earth since March 2020 have been aimed at one thing – depopulation. For more on this, see my Oct. 25 article in which climate activist Dennis Meadows clearly explains in a video that the climate “crisis” can never be solved without drastic population reduction.

The globalists’ plan calls for riding the wave of fear created by various global crises all the way to a new world order, or as they now call it, a Great Reset. They wish to restructure and re-order all human activity on earth, from the way we socialize and work to the way we worship — and who/what we worship.

You can continue to have your Christianity, your Islam, your Judaism or Hinduism, but you must agree to add Earth worship into the mix and place it above the principles of your original religion of choice.

We see at the COP 27 conference that the hierarchy of the world’s major religions are all willing to sacrifice their religious principles for the higher religion of Earth worship. More than 100 “faith leaders” have traveled to the COP 27 conference to join with business and political leaders and give the conference an air of spirituality.

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