This is a global genocide experiment and a takeover of the world + VIDEO

Dr. David Martin (on BitChute)
Dr. David Martin (on this blog)
Truth Justice™

BILL GATES CRIMES: U.S. patents show CDC ownership of Coronavirus. Both China and the U.S. involved in the creation of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2. Gates and CCP controlled WHO appoints criminal Tedros. CDC, FDA, CIA, NIH, Gates, Fauci, Baric, Rockefeller are all involved in Federal Crimes.

Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation paid Google, Facebook, Politico, Wikipedia, Fact Checkers in order to censor and control all the information.

The CIA has been using Operation Mockingbird for years and has over 3,000 agents implanted in Mainstream Media to control the population.

Event 201 was sponsored by Bill Gates, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (CIA) and the World Economic Forum to enforce a worldwide Pandemic response 5 months before the WHO fraudulently declared a global pandemic. It was a planned coordinated criminal effort worldwide.

Open letter to Camilla Stoltenberg

Jan Terje Voilaas

Camilla Stoltenberg is a Norwegian physician and researcher. Since 13 August 2012, she has been Director-General of the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Folkehelseinstituttet-FHI). She is the sister of former Prime Minister of Norway and General Secretary of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg.

Dear Camilla Stoltenberg,

My name is Jan Terje Voilaas, and I am a worrying father from Kristiansand. – I am worried about my family, especially for my three grandchildren, and one of the reasons is that the FHI [Folkehelseinstituttet-Norwegian Institute of Public Health] still describes the mRNA vaccines against SARS Cov. 2 (C19) as "safe and effective", while FHI, with confirmation from SSB [Statistisk sentralbyrå, Statistics Norway], says the exact opposite in its own statistics. What is lie, and what is truth?

I am addressing you, Camilla, because in 2021 you were honoured as "Role Model of the Year" by the magazine KK and that you then gave the following answer to questions about what was the most important lesson you took home with you: 💬 "Respect for all people, regardless. And warmth, love, freedom and commitment to a better world." My hope is that "respect for all people, regardless" also includes a worried grandfather from Kristiansand.

I have many questions and reflections related to the whole complex of C19 and mRNA vaccines, but will try to limit myself to FHI's own slogan; "Safe and Effective."

It’s Gene Therapy, Not a Vaccine

Hilda Labrada Gore
with Dr. David Martin

Hilda Labrada Gore: I have friends who’ve gotten one of the new COVID-19 vaccines and you do too. These are the fastest developed vaccines in all of our medical history and many people are lining up to get them as soon as possible. What are they made of? What would they do to us? Why are they being promoted and by whom? This is episode 292 and our guest is Dr. David Martin. He received his Undergrad degree from Goshen College, Master’s of Science from Ball State University and Doctorate from the University of Virginia. He is an innovator, a professor, and a man with an extensive résumé of accomplishments.

With David, we focused on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. He goes over the major issues surrounding them. He reviews the mRNA technology and explains how it is gene therapy, not a vaccine and our usual understanding of the word. He reviews the problems with the PCR tests and even helps us understand our broader state of emergency. Finally, he explains how fear on a subconscious level can make us resist the truth.

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