The panic of the deep state: Trump’s return would be the end of NATO and the EU

When Donald Trump in 2016 walked down the mobile stairs of his New York residence, the Trump Tower, many prominent members of the deep state were anguished by a feeling of both panic and fear. Panic because for the first time after the whole XX century, there was a presidential candidate who was not picked by the circles who had ruled Washington for so many decades.
We are talking about the circles of the deep state, which is that underworld of globalist offshoots that constitutes the secret government of the United States and the entire Western world.
We are referring to clubs such as the Council on Foreign Relations, funded by the ubiquitous Rockefeller family that is very tied to another powerful Ashkenazi family as the Rothschilds.
We are also talking about the Bohemian Grove, a club that is attended by prominent politicians, former Presidents, economists and major names of the music industry such as the leader of the U2 worldwide famous rock band, Bono Vox.
Every year in the woods of California, these gentlemen gather to perform a ritual where a baby doll – although according to some whistleblowers it’s a real baby – is put between the jaws of an owl statue that seems to resemble the ancient Moloch divinity. Moloch was an evil entity to which the Israelite and Babylonian tribes sacrificed infants.
The fact that Moloch belongs to the history of Israel is even confirmed by the same Jewish communities around the world, and in this regard we could mention a celebration of Jewish history held in Chicago in 1933. On that occasion, during the show, a statue of the Moloch was displayed. The people who ruled this world for decades, or maybe we should say for centuries, are affected by the most deviant tendencies such as pedophilia, incest and even coprophagia, which was practiced by the infamous British occultist Aleister Crowley and the Italian gay activist, Mario Mieli, a “myth” in the Italian LGBT community who committed suicide when he was just 32. These clubs are the real power of the Western world, and the higher the people in this world sit, the most perverted they are.