The Middle of the Road to Hell

Rob Slane

We are accustomed to thinking of great evil as instantly recognisable. From Nuremberg rallies to the squalor of the Gulag, great evil is something obvious and unmissable. Or so we think. Unfortunately, we have developed such a cartoonish idea of what evil, villains, and devils look like, that as a people we are entirely unprepared for the entrance of evil dressed in a very different cloak. As C.S. Lewis warned us decades ago in his Preface to the Screwtape Letters:

“The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid ‘dens of crime’ that Dickens loved to paint. It is not done even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices.”

Yet it is not only that great evil itself can be seemingly mundane, but it is often facilitated and allowed to grow by the ordinary, the middle-of-the-road. This has been the case in many totalitarian states, where the inaction and unwillingness of millions to confront the evil taking root and growing before their eyes has allowed it to thrive and take over their society like bindweed, and this is what is happening in our society right now.

A Plea to the Vaxxed: Come Join us And Let’s Kick This Demonic Agenda Back to the Bottomless Pit From Whence it Came

Rob Slane

So here we are, 20 months into the most insidious agenda ever perpetrated, and it is now abundantly obvious that the “Conspiracy Theorists” were right.

Australia is now a full blown tyranny; the Green Pass is a thing across Europe; tens of thousands of care workers have been sacked for not taking a dangerous experimental product that prevents neither infection nor transmission, leaving the elderly in care homes in a desperate plight; Austria has resurrected the concept of Untermenschen (subhuman) for the first time since the little moustachioed dictator; children are being jabbed with a product that has no health benefits to them and huge risks; and Sesame Street’s Big Bird is now considered a greater authority on mRNA gene therapies than the guy who invented the technology. – Welcome to the Asylum!

For those who’ve been peddling the “Conspiracy Theorist” jibe for 20 months, give it up. Pretty much everything we were warning you about last year has either come true, is in the process of coming true, or in fact turned out to be a pale imitation of what is actually happening. There are things which even the wildest of our breed could never have envisioned, even if we’d spent a decade in a basement with our very best tinfoil hat on trying to hone our entry for the World’s Most Demented Scenario Award.

Like shutting down entire societies and economies – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate [*]. Like making everyone walk around with damp rags covering their faces – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate. Like herding people into getting injected with a brand new, never-been-used-before-in-vaccines technology, which uses lipid nanoparticles to distribute mRNA around the body, where it then causes billions of toxic pathogens to be produced in every organ of the body – for the sake of a virus with a 99.9% Survivability Rate.

18 Months to Flatten Civilisation

Rob Slane

It is now 18 months since the order for the house imprisonment of millions of perfectly healthy people was given, apparently because of the lethal virus with a median Survival Rate Estimate of around 99.85%. As soon as the British Prime Minister had finished his appalling address, I set about writing a piece, which contained these words:

“So that seems to be that. The end of Britain as we knew it. Make no mistake: this is the most monstrous attack on a free people in the history of Britain.”

Well here we are, after 18 months of infantile slogans, grotesque Lockdowns, dehumanising Masks, mass abuse of authority, Government by diktat, tyrannical powers in formerly free countries that still seem unimaginable, and the most dangerous medical experiment in history, and these words have been entirely vindicated. The Britain we knew is gone, and the same story is true in countless other countries, which have also been turned into some other place entirely. Yet still the project rolls on relentlessly towards its dystopian, hellish goal.

A Lament as Children Are Enrolled Into Operation Cliff Edge

Rob Slane

It has been clear for years that our society has been rapidly degenerating, but it really is now plumbing new depths. On the say-so of the Chief Scientific Officer, Chris Whitty, this country is to start the mass injections of dangerous experimental products into the arms of children aged 12-15, with or without their parent’s consent. There is absolutely no scientific or medical reason for children to be given a “vaccine” for this illness since, according to possibly the world’s leading epidemiologist, John Ioannidis of Stanford University, the Median Infection Fatality Rate for SARS-CoV-2 for 0-19 year-olds is 0.0027%, or a Survival Rate Estimate of 99.9973%.

Once in their arms, Messenger RNA will be carried around their bodies, causing their cells to become production factories for billions of synthetic Spike Proteins from the original virus — a virus which is no longer in existence, having been superseded by variants. These Spike Proteins are known to be pathogenic, and the cause of blood clotting far more than has been acknowledged, as a study using the D-Dimer test appears to have shown (details here). They will end up in organs throughout the body, with the long-term effects entirely unknown since long-term effects cannot possibly have been studied. What is known, however, is that in the short-term they can be exceedingly dangerous, with the MHRA, VAERS and EUDRA reporting systems in the UK, US and EU showing a clear link to tens of thousands of deaths across the world, and millions of adverse reactions, many of which are extremely serious (check out this excellent analysis of VAERS data for confirmation).

So whilst children do not need a “vaccination” against this illness, it can be guaranteed that some of those getting it will have serious adverse effects, and some will die. This was known by the authorities, even before the rollout of the programme in adults begun, as Slide 16 of the FDA’s “CBER Plans for Monitoring COVID-19 Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness” from October 2020 — two months before the rollout in adults — shows.

Escaping the Global Digital Prison

Rob Slane

By the time most people work out that the last 18 months was nothing to do with keeping people safe from a virus, and everything to do with a Global Technocratic Elite hyping a virus they themselves created in order to destroy the existing socioeconomic order & usher in a Dystopian Transhumanist Tyranny, the Global Technocratic Elite will have destroyed the existing socioeconomic order & ushered in a Dystopian Transhumanist Tyranny.

To be fair to the Global Technocratic Elite, they have done their best to lay more clues than you can shake a stick at for us to see what this is really about. You know, like forbidding healthy people from leaving their homes because of a virus with an Infection Fatality Rate of 0.15-0.23%; like insisting people wear useless bits of cloth over their respiratory passages on the basis of no scientific evidence; like using a test which cannot diagnose the Covid-19 illness apparently to tell people who aren’t ill that they’re ill with the Covid-19 illness; like injecting people with an entirely experimental toxin-inducing product with no long-term safety data, for an illness that most people have significantly less than 0.05% chance of dying from; like insisting we’ll need evidence of our ‘vaccination’ status on a digital passport, despite the fact that the ‘vaccines’ don’t stop transmission. That sort of thing.

Never before in the course of human history have so many been duped by so few into believing they must submit to measures and restrictions which strip them of their freedom to live like normal human beings, apparently in order to gain the freedom to live like normal human beings. Didn’t they get the memo? The one which says you don’t get freedoms back from tyrants after you just handed them over — not without years of blood, sweat and tears. There is a deep naivety embedded in people throughout the Western world, whereby the constant notion of progress, progress, progress has blinded many to the reality that evil really does still exist, and evil on an industrial scale really wasn’t defeated for good with the fall of Berlin in 1945, or the Soviet Union in 1991.

Chicken Licken Finds Safety and Freedom in the Land of Covidia

Rob Slane

Once upon a time there was a little chick called Chicken Licken. One day as she was scratching about in the farmyard, she heard a message coming from the television in the farmhouse saying that everyone must stay home or else we would all die.

‘Oh no,’ cried Chicken Licken. ‘I must go into my coop and stay there.’

So off she went to stay in her coop for three weeks, which was how long the nice man on the telly reckoned it would take. On the way, she met Henny Penny.

‘Oh Henny Penny,’ cried Chicken Licken, ‘There’s a deadly virus about and if we don’t stay cooped up we’re all going to die.’

‘But why would those who are perfectly healthy need to do that?’ asked Henny Penny confused. ‘If we’re healthy, that means we haven’t got it. And if we haven’t got it, we can’t spread it.’

‘Henny Penny!’ replied Chicken Licken aghast. ‘The man on the telly said that healthy people can spread it to one another even if they haven’t got it. Stay Safe.’

‘Sounds like nonsense to me,’ said Henny Penny, ‘but I suppose they must know what they’re talking about.’

The Great Deception

Rob Slane

Dr. Peter McCullough is one of the most eminent physicians and scientists in the US, and reputed to be the most published cardiologist in history. Along with a number of others, he devised a treatment protocol for Covid-19, which was shown to be effective in preventing up to 85% of deaths. Yet having spent the best part of a year seeing all discussions of these treatments suppressed, resisted and censored by the authorities, media and Big Tech, he has come to a shocking conclusion:

I believe that we’re under the application of a form of bioterrorism that’s worldwide, that appears to have been many years in the planning. The first wave of the bioterrorism was a respiratory virus that spread across the world and affected relatively few people, but generated great fear. … The entire programme as this bioterrorism Phase 1 was rolled out, was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be Phase 2 of a bioterrorism operation.

At the end of his interview with the German lawyer, Reiner Fuellmich, he poses the following question:

To me what was masterful is the psychological part of it. How did they pull this off from a mass psychology perspective?

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