Kings of the Short Run in the Land of Flaming Shit

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

On the ninth day of Durga Navarathri,
Maha Navami is celebrated. (More here)

Sunday is10/10/10. The government and other professional liars have had something to say about the date. Everything the government and media say are lies, or the groundwork for lies to come. All of it is especially, sculpted soft stool from the Dairy Queen machinery of a banker’s ass. You’re expected to eat and enjoy it, without knowing the composition or the source. The complexity of their intentions can be summed up quite simply. They want to take you to the point where you don’t know what the ice cream is made of, or where it came from, to the point where you line up with your cones in hand and wait in a rapt, religious hunger to obtain it from the source. Your eyes should gleam with gratitude as you walk away, knowing that you have seen one of the key mysterious out workings of God. You are free to speak in tongues as soon as your tongue is freed up for the opportunity. Fecallalia is the new glossolalia and you are now tanked up with shit for your own part in the performance. Please be creative with your lies. You’re playing musical chairs in front of a crematorium.

You are not dead. You are dreaming but the dream grows dark, when you are surviving on a dead man’s shit.

Humanity has many enemies. It has as many enemies as there is room in the mind to contain them. The most enduring and powerful of these enemies is the most invisible when it is most obviously before your eyes; appearing as something else. There is only one enemy and that is your mind. It is also your best friend, depending on who is in charge of it. Your life is either a virtual cathedral or a toilet designed as the object of desire. Gold plated shit-nacks are the bronzed baby shoes of your dreams that died in the cradle. It doesn’t really matter if you’re Chuck Berry lying face up under a glass table or lining up behind a banker’s ass. It’s still you. it’s still shit. The first place it happens is in your mind. A lot more people would understand the allegory of the temptation in the Garden of Eden and the resulting civilization if they studied all of the meanings of transposition or, maybe not. Maybe you need to know what the apple is. Maybe you need to understand the dynamics of the cosmic attractive force. Maybe the best way to understand how the mind works is to empty it first. Anyone who can empty their mind and relentlessly keep it empty for a period of time will get a first hand education on how the mind works and all of the implications as well. The mind is divided or the mind is single.

The Trembling House of Cards is Beginning to Tumble...

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

All night long I was moving in an unusual dream. Parts of it were sublime and beautiful. They had to do with things in life that were also sublime and beautiful but hadn’t defined themselves to me as such. Other parts had to do with numbers and connections to the Madrid Train Station, London Tube and 911, Dark Nobility, Zio-engineered, false flag attacks on, or by, transportation mediums. Transportation mediums are critical to the façade because they translate into restricted movement by the world community. They translate into restrictive laws, which also translate into economic low jinks and deceptive perceptions of high profit, victim industries.

This all resulted in date numbers that contained a 9 with the advertisement of 10 where 9, as it normally does, precedes 10, with the inference of a day short and a dollar late. Dates didn’t and don’t sequentially add or decrease in incremental reduction and I wasn’t engaged in calculation, just watching. I’m not engaged in calculation at the moment either. That’s not my field. I’ve done some amount of in the way one plays around with these things but my motive is to keep the imminence in front of the mind of the reader.

The likelihood of massive cultural and geo-political change seems extreme between now and the end of November. I suspect even the densest will sense they are frogs in a slow boiling pot.

The residents of The Gulf of Mexico are experiencing terrible things across the board and little is being said about it in the, near exclusively Zionist controlled, media. This control of the media came about due to their control of the money system. If you can print the money, you can decide who gets it and you can decide how the economy will behave in respect of the lumpen proletariat, in their endless adjustments on the hamster wheel. Signs of global unrest are either presented as indifferent routines or not presented at all. It’s not just seeing through a glass darkly but also a funhouse mirror that shifts according to the needs and appetites of those ‘who think’ they are running the show. The flowering of the holocaust in the gulf is bordered by fields of poppies and poisonous nightshade.

Fear is a Magnetic Force and often Appears as Anger

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

"Evil destroys itself. Eventually, no matter how intricate or clever your perversion of the system, the system will come back on you with the same degree of cleverness and intricacy in an automatic way."

I’ve been watching Alan Grayson for awhile. He’s a congressman from Central Florida. He’s been a truthful and relentless gadfly against the vampire establishment of Zionist Jewish bankers and general, corporate malfeasance. Though he hasn’t named these miscreants as to their claimed and fraudulent native origins, he has certainly gone after the machinery of human oppression on a regular basis. He’s pretty much alone out there when it comes to honesty in a politician and stands out as a glaring anomaly in terms of right and wrong and those who don’t know the difference, except as it applies to personal profit and expediency in relation to self interest at all levels. What he talks about in this video exposes just how venal and evil the operations of the international banking community are.

It should be clear to anyone with a little more intelligence than a turnip that the bailouts were nothing more than calculated theft from ‘the people’ in order to cover the inconvenient results of Wall Streets greed and mistakes and to allow for wholesale robbery in name of protecting the system.

Here you can see another perspective on what is happening and the spin that is applied to justify certain activities and to hide the truth concerning them. Day by day the crime and disinformation accelerate as the disciples of evil seek to destroy the very system that they have fed off of for so long. Like the male black widow, engaged in the performance of a biological imperative, they hope to tie up the legs of the female, who is ten times their size, screw her and then get away with their lives, while the famished female sets about attempting to consume her lover. They think they’ll get away with it. They have in the past. They think it’s a simple game to hamstring the few remaining protections in the system for long enough that they can flee to another location, beyond the havoc they have caused.

The Queen and Sexy Sady need some Heat

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

It doesn’t get much better when you can find out that the Queen of England wanted to tap the money set aside for the poor to heat her palaces and dwellings. It’s certain to make a heart feel glad that her Royal Shitstress need not be concerned about the temperature in any of those, oh so many rooms that might happen to be empty at the time. It’s a possibility that any of a number of her lingering and occasionally visiting ghosts of departed ancestors might get the notion to move through some of those rooms and we wouldn’t want them inconvenienced if there were a chance that temperature might have an adverse affect on these wraiths.

One of the first things that came to mind while writing this was an immediate concern that the coffin of the gin-soaked dead Queen Mother might be lying in an unheated coffin. I hope they took care of that from the gitgo, while making sure that conditions were all that much worse in Gitmo and Abu Ghraib and all those other lovely haciendas where those who did 9/11 have chosen to imprison and torture all those people they paid warlords a bounty to snatch off of the battlefields of the wars they engineered as a result of the 9/11 attacks that they orchestrated so that they might extract information from these hapless insurgents who didn’t know nothing about nothing in a sort of sardonic, travesty of a Kafkaesque burlesque of a “You must confess, sign ze papers or I shoot ze dog and sell your daughter to Israel to have sex with a camel on Hebrew National reality TV”.

They can have a soundtrack done by Madonna and kill Palestinian’s in their hovels that get to watch it happen to them. Am I lacking compassion? Am I not attentive enough? I apologize for being clumsy and useless in serving you tea, while you enjoy yourselves. Did you break a nail! Ah… let me attend to thar right away. Let’s put hunger, disease and common human need aside for a moment because; not only did you break a nail but it was your favorite one; my apologies for not having done something sooner. I hope you will let me make it up to you.

An Imaginary Reach-around in the Mouthpiece of the Beast.

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

I apologize for linking to the mainstream media so much recently but since that is the mouthpiece of the beast who is taking a shit on our dinner table, it’s somewhat unavoidable. Yesterday they were saying that settlers were bracing for the end of the building freeze but today they are saying that Israel is bracing for the end of the building freeze. Here we have the backwards opposite of the truth because… what this means is that these invaders, who are not settlers, are perched and ready, with bulldozers and all the materials they won’t let into whatever is left of Palestine; like stock car racers at the Daytona 500, or some kind of Oklahoma Land Rush, champing at the bit to destroy what’s already there and then build what isn’t.

Why is this particular piece of business, among all the other conditions that might be important, always coming up, like it’s the only thing anyone should pay attention to? It is because the Nazi’s own the media. You may not have heard but the Nazi’s actually won World War 2, just like the British actually won the American Revolution. Your pants are on backwards but you don’t know it and the usual psychopathic, take no prisoners, fountain pen killers are making life a wasteland; while they feed on your flesh and your being as you support them in their purposes.

Israel is maintained as the world’s most important concern, while everything else gets lost in transition and translation or turned into baggage that you carry for them. You’re in the suitcase and you are the monkey and they think it’s pretty funny because the punch line is a punch and guess who screams first?

Are they agents of some other order? Are they the front line for the backdoor where the orders get issued, while you stand there at attention saying, “Thank you Sir! Can I have another?"

The Elite and Chosen People Laughing Business Game

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

Yes… they are revving their engines. A plane from Canada was diverted to Sweden, which coincidentally just had some changes in policy not favorable to The Self Chosen Official Olympic Games Victims and it was on its way to Pakistan. This happened because a woman called on a payphone to say that there was a man on board who ‘might’ be carrying explosives. I guess this means that anyone can, at any time, call the police and say someone is on a plane with explosives and get the plane brought down and have a large news flash in the main stream fecalatorium press. (insert- now it says they let him go) Details are unimportant. Reality is unimportant. Perception is important and off we go.

We should have a pool with a prize to predict the next Israeli false flag because it really can’t be that far off now. I’m going to pick this very Monday. If I’m right I suppose everyone is going to want to know how I knew and… if I’m wrong, I get to pick again. Somebody is going to win something. You can have your choice of Atlanta or Seattle. Wait a minute. You can pick whichever you like. The odds are it won’t be in Mozambique.

You can be sure they have all kinds of side bets going, accompanied by hysterical laughter at how stupid everyone else is. It will be just like all those put options on 9/11 that got traced to Israel and immediately diverted (just like this plane) to another subject.

It’s bad enough that they do these things but they also think it’s funny. It occurs to me that some of us know more about what’s going on than they do. Some of us know it’s not funny what they do. Some of us know that they are going to get their butts kicked soon but they don’t. They actually think they are going to come out on top.

It makes you wonder. If they are in control of so much and so confident, why do they pause and hesitate? If it is at the point where they can laugh in public and do outrageous things for their own amusement, why should they be concerned about opposition? These are the kinds of thing that occupy my mind on occasion.

The Same Old Same Old don't say my Name

Les Visible
Reflections in a Petri Dish

Control the perception of the past and you can guide the direction of the future in the mind of humanity as it tries to escape it or…. runs back to embrace it however you choose. This is the key power that the Chosen People faction uses. It was the most important part of getting into Iraq and, of course, Israel and accounts for the eradication of Palestinian names from all the towns they swallowed, along with their control of so called ‘holy places’. It’s not about spirituality. It’s not even about religion. It’s about controlling perception in order to maintain possession.

This is why they tried to engineer their holocaust in the First World War, which didn’t work and went back into it again in the Second World War and why they were contributing sponsors of both in the first place. When you control how things look, based on a manufactured presentation of what happened, you have an argument for government policies to follow into the future for your own benefit. Then you can come up with things like a kosher tax on products; if you own the companies in the first place you get yourself a double dip. This is just one more way that such a small part of the population manages to enrich itself to such a degree. It’s like throwing a punch at someone and then crying out in pain as you deliver it.

It’s important to keep this in mind. This is how religions get perverted; how laws get established and how easier access to routes of commerce can be obtained is to give the impression that something unfair happened to you and it could happen to everyone else too; except that you did it in the first place …and you make up such a tiny part of the population. The best way to get far more than your share of the rights, when you have no majority claim based on presence is to make it look like somebody is always picking on you anyway.

Bad shit happens in the world and it happens to much larger groups of people so… civilizations must have rules along which to operate for both moral and functional reasons. This doesn’t just apply to a small group of mercenary carpet baggers, it applies to any union of psychopaths who want to go into any kind of business.

Götterdämmerung or The Twilight of the Gods

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

Gotter and Dammerung [*] on the Horizon

"They cannot harm you. Align yourself with the changing course of the tides of transformation. Walk away from their world. Do not buy their crap. Do not pay attention to them."

Some of us are big picture people and some of us are into the details. I’m a big picture person myself. What I tend to notice are the major forces that account for the present state of being. The foremost condition I am noticing is the revealing and unveiling powers that are at work in the world of the moment. The mass media is a lying disinfo machine that props up, apologizes for and promotes the agenda of corporate fascism. This is countered by an amazing amount of internet and street level chatter that is in direct contradiction to carefully woven and globally repeated lies. 9/11, like June, is “bursting out all over”.

You have to be capable of a wide and objective perspective in order to see with clarity, the operations of the predatory liars and banking interests, which run counter to the greater good of the people. You have to be honest with yourself. You have to be in a position to say. “I don’t want any position, power or influence in this shitstorm of murder, oppression and lies.” When you can do that it comes clearly into view. It’s very tough for those with families and occupations that are required to support them. You can’t be a fearless crusader for truth if you have too much to lose. You also can’t be a fearless crusader, unless you know what the truth is, because the truth won’t support you otherwise and so the first thing you have to say is, “I don’t know” and then there is a possibility that you will be informed by the truth, which takes the statement of personal limitation of knowledge to be the right starting point for a relationship with it.

Time for that Old Time False Flag Redux

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

"You’re the real problem, you teabagging, liberal calling, no neck troglodytes from the Planet Nothing. Here’s your real problem..."

Get ready people because they are at it again. Yes, those wild and crazy, zany Marx Brother’s typos posing as art students, without palettes, brushes or berets are back on the scene. We’re hearing from people in B.C. and maybe we’ll even hear from people in A.D. that… Israelis with vans and pickups are modifying their rides for the mini-monster truck, explosive competitions. They’re hot and heavy. They’re in a hurry. They got to get it online, on time and never mind, it’s coming to an urban area somewhere in the great gentile, murder land of the not so United States, Canada or wherever there are a lot of you useless breeders and eaters.

Why are they revving up now? Well, folks, the bottom has dropped out on the 9/11 concealment industry. The Apocalypse is going nova with getting the truth some new walking around shoes. Everywhere you look now there’s a new group that’s hammering on that old 9/11 side walking, side winding blues. They know that ‘some of us’ know that they know that we know that they know that we know and they got to get the focus off the truth. Truth is a hot, scalding discomfort for the Zionist world conquest tour. Who knew that Zionism actually meant the entire planet? Go figure. It doesn’t matter what you figure because they got a Chinese abacus that says, “You lose”.

So, what will the U.S. and international intelligence services do about this; zilch and less than zilch? They know which side their bread is buttered on because they helped these psychopaths steal their bread and butter and sell it back to them at twice the price which is still what they can get for you wholesale, somehow and… cheaper than stolen.

Monsanto must go into Saddam Hussein's Shredder

Les Visible
Smoking Mirrors

I an occasionally stunned by some piece of news that comes to my attention but nothing has hit me quite like this. When my friend Yuka told me about it last night I thought it couldn’t be true, could it? Monsanto needs to go into Saddam Hussein’s plastic shredder. We found out that this story was a lie but I suspect the shredder is real. Those who own Monsanto and those who serve its agenda and those who operate it should meet the proper fate and the shredder seems fitting. It should be on network TV and it should be sponsored by Monsanto. I didn’t feel that Saddam Hussein was any better or worse than anyone else in his position in a country like Iraq. He was probably just what the country needed and he was certainly the type of leader that the residents expected and respected. That’s how it is over there. Saddam had a sensitive side that is not well known to the rest of the world outside of his country. I corresponded with him, while he was awaiting trial by his Zionist neo-con enemies and translated some of his poetry for posterity.

Iraq was better in every respect before the Zionist controlled, American government invaded the country under the orders of their banker bosses. Years later there have not only been no improvements but life is measurably worse than it was for the Iraqis before the occupation. Things were better under Saddam.

Monsanto has some kind of power that is not immediately apparent. It has the backing of major political figures around the world and people like Al Gore and others lobby for and argue for the products and policies of this corporation. Like the global warming scam with the carbon tax credits and the aftermath of the BP murder of the Gulf of Mexico, it has heavyweight influence in the right circles of the upper echelon of satanic world control.

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