The Life of Saint Issa

st of the Sons of Men."


1. The earth trembled and the heavens wept, because of the great crime
committed in the land of Israel.

2. For there was tortured and murdered the great and just Issa, in whom
was manifest the soul of the Universe;

3. Which had incarnated in a simple mortal, to benefit men and destroy
the evil spirit in them;

4. To lead back to peace, love and happiness, man, degraded by his sins,
and recall him to the one and indivisible Creator whose mercy is

5. The merchants coming from Israel have given the following account of
what has occurred:


1. The people of Israel--who inhabit a fertile country producing two
harvests a year and affording pasture for large herds of cattle--by
their sins brought down upon themselves the anger of the Lord;

2. Who inflicted upon them terrible chastisements, taking from them
their land, their cattle and their wealth. They were carried away into
slavery by the rich and mighty Pharaohs who then ruled the land of

3. The Israelites were, by the Pharaohs, treated worse than beasts,
condemned to hard labor and put in irons; their bodies were covered with
wounds and sores; they were not permitted to live under a roof, and were
starved to death;

4. That they might be maintained in a state of continual terror and
deprived of all human resemblance;

5. And in this great calamity, the Israelites, remembering their
Celestial Protector, implored his forgiveness and mercy.

6. At that period reigned in Egypt an illustrious Pharaoh, who was
renowned for his many victories, immense riches, and the gigantic
palaces he had erected by the labor of his slaves.

7. This Pharaoh had two sons, the younger of whom, named Mossa, had
acquired much knowledge from the sages of Israel.

8. And Mossa was beloved by all in Egypt for his kindness of heart and
the pity he showed to all sufferers.

9. When Mossa saw that the Israelites, in spite of their many
sufferings, had not forsaken their God, and refused to worship the gods
of Egypt, created by the hands of man.

10. He also put his faith in their invisible God, who did not suffer
them to betray Him, despite their ever growing weakness.

11. And the teachers among Israel animated Mossa in his zeal, and prayed
of him that he would intercede with his father, Pharaoh, in favor of
their co-religionists.

12. Prince Mossa went before his father, begging him to lighten the
burden of the unhappy people; Pharaoh, however, became incensed with
rage, and ordered that they should be tormented more than before.

13. And it came to pass that Egypt was visited by a great calamity. The
plague decimated young and old, the healthy and the sick; and Pharaoh
beheld in this the resentment of his own gods against him.

14. But Prince Mossa said to his father that it was the God of his
slaves who thus interposed on behalf of his wretched people, and avenged
them upon the Egyptians.

15. Thereupon, Pharaoh commanded Mossa, his son, to gather all the
Israelite slaves, and lead them away, and found, at a great distance
from the capital, another city where he should rule over them.

16. Then Mossa made known to the Hebrew slaves that he had obtained
their freedom in the name of his and their God, the God of Israel; and
with them he left the city and departed from the land of Egypt.

17. He led them back to the land which, because of their many sins, had
been taken from them. There he gave them laws and admonished them to
pray always to God, the indivisible Creator, whose kindness is infinite.

18. After Prince Mossa's death, the Israelites observed rigorously his
laws; and God rewarded them for the ills to which they had been
subjected in Egypt.

19. Their kingdom became one of the most powerful on earth; their kings
made themselves renowned for their treasures, and peace reigned in


1. The glory of Israel's wealth spread over the whole earth, and the
surrounding nations became envious.

2. But the Most High himself led the victorious arms of the Hebrews, and
the Pagans did not dare to attack them.

3. Unfortunately, man is prone to err, and the fidelity of the
Israelites to their God was not of long duration.

4. Little by little they forgot the favors he had bestowed upon them;
rarely invoked his name, and sought rather protection by the magicians
and sorcerers.

5. The kings and the chiefs among the people substituted their own laws
for those given by Mossa; the temple of God and the observances of their
ancient faith were neglected; the people addicted themselves to sensual
gratifications and lost their original purity.

6. Many centuries had elapsed since their exodus from Egypt, when God
bethought himself of again inflicting chastisement upon them.

7. Strangers invaded Israel, devastated the land, destroyed the
villages, and carried their inhabitants away into captivity.

8. At last came the Pagans from over the sea, from the land of Romeles.
These made themselves masters of the Hebrews, and placed over them their
army chiefs, who governed in the name of Cæsar.

9. They defiled the temples, forced the inhabitants to cease the worship
of the indivisible God, and compelled them to sacrifice to the heathen

10. They made common soldiers of those who had been men of rank; the
women became their prey, and the common people, reduced to slavery, were
carried away by thousands over the sea.

11. The children were slain, and soon, in the whole land, there was
naught heard but weeping and lamentation.

12. In this extreme distress, the Israelites once more remembered their
great God, implored his mercy and prayed for his forgiveness. Our
Father, in his inexhaustible clemency, heard their prayer.


1. At that time the moment had come for the compassionate Judge to
reincarnate in a human form;

2. And the eternal Spirit, resting in a state of complete inaction and
supreme bliss, awakened and separated from the eternal Being, for an
undetermined period,

3. So that, in human form, He might teach man to identify himself with
the Divinity and attain to eternal felicity;

4. And to show, by His example, how man can attain moral purity and free
his soul from the domination of the physical senses, so that it may
achieve the perfection necessary for it to enter the Kingdom of Heaven,
which is immutable and where bliss eternal reigns.

5. Soon after, a marvellous child was born in the land of Israel. God
himself spoke, through the mouth of this child, of the miseries of the
body and the grandeur of the soul.

6. The parents of the infant were poor people, who belonged to a family
noted for great piety; who forgot the greatness of their ancestors in
celebrating the name of the Creator and giving thanks to Him for the
trials which He had sent upon them.

7. To reward them for adhering to the path of truth, God blessed the
firstborn of this family; chose him for His elect, and sent him to
sustain the fallen and comfort the afflicted.

8. The divine child, to whom the name Issa was given, commenced in his
tender years to talk of the only and indivisible God, exhorting the
strayed souls to repent and purify themselves from the sins of which
they had become guilty.

9. People came from all parts to hear him, and marvelled at the
discourses which came from his infantile mouth; and all Israel agreed
that the Spirit of the Eternal dwelt in this child.

10. When Issa was thirteen years old, the age at which an Israelite is
expected to marry,

11. The modest house of his industrious parents became a meeting place
of the rich and illustrious, who were anxious to have as a son-in-law
the young Issa, who was already celebrated for the edifying discourses
he made in the name of the All-Powerful.

12. Then Issa secretly absented himself from his father's house; left
Jerusalem, and, in a train of merchants, journeyed toward the Sindh,

13. With the object of perfecting himself in the knowledge of the word
of God and the study of the laws of the great Buddhas.


1. In his fourteenth year, young Issa, the Blessed One, came this side
of the Sindh and settled among the Aryas, in the country beloved by God.

2. Fame spread the name of the marvellous youth along the northern
Sindh, and when he came through the country of the five streams and
Radjipoutan, the devotees of the god Djaïne asked him to stay among

3. But he left the deluded worshippers of Djaïne and went to
Djagguernat, in the country of Orsis, where repose the mortal remains
of Vyassa-Krishna, and where the white priests of Brahma welcomed him

4. They taught him to read and to understand the Vedas, to cure physical
ills by means of prayers, to teach and to expound the sacred Scriptures,
to drive out evil desires from man and make him again in the likeness of

5. He spent six years in Djagguernat, in Radjagriha, in Benares, and in
other holy cities. The common people loved Issa, for he lived in peace
with the Vaisyas and the Sudras, to whom he taught the Holy Scriptures.

6. But the Brahmins and the Kshatnyas told him that they were forbidden
by the great Para-Brahma to come near to those who were created from his
belly and his feet;[1]

7. That the Vaisyas might only hear the recital of the Vedas, and this
only on the festal days, and

8. That the Sudras were not only forbidden to attend the reading of the
Vedas, but even to look on them; for they were condemned to perpetual
servitude, as slaves of the Brahmins, the Kshatriyas and even the

9. "Death alone can enfranchise them from their servitude," has said
Para-Brahma. "Leave them, therefore, and come to adore with us the gods,
whom you will make angry if you disobey them."

10. But Issa, disregarding their words, remained with the Sudras,
preaching against the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas.

11. He declaimed strongly against man's arrogating to himself the
authority to deprive his fellow-beings of their human and spiritual
rights. "Verily," he said, "God has made no difference between his
children, who are all alike dear to Him."

12. Issa denied the divine inspiration of the Vedas and the Puranas,
for, as he taught his followers,--"One law has been given to man to
guide him in his actions:

13. "Fear the Lord, thy God; bend thy knees only before Him and bring to
Him only the offerings which come from thy earnings."

14. Issa denied the Trimurti and the incarnation of Para-Brahma in
Vishnu, Siva, and other gods; "for," said he:

15. "The eternal Judge, the eternal Spirit, constitutes the only and
indivisible soul of the universe, and it is this soul alone which
creates, contains and vivifies all.

16. "He alone has willed and created. He alone has existed from
eternity, and His existence will be without end; there is no one like
unto Him either in the heavens or on the earth.

17. "The great Creator has divided His power with no other being; far
less with inanimate objects, as you have been taught to believe, for He
alone is omnipotent and all-sufficient.

18. "He willed, and the world was. By one divine thought, He reunited
the waters and separated them from the dry land of the globe. He is the
cause of the mysterious life of man, into whom He has breathed part of
His divine Being.

19. "And He has put under subjection to man, the lands, the waters, the
beasts and everything which He created, and which He himself preserves
in immutable order, allotting to each its proper duration.

20. "The anger of God will soon break forth upon man; for he has
forgotten his Creator; he has filled His temples with abominations; and
he adores a multitude of creatures which God has subordinated to him;

21. "And to gain favor with images of stone and metal, he sacrifices
human beings in whom dwells part of the Spirit of the Most High;

22. "And he humiliates those who work in the sweat of their brows, to
gain favor in the eyes of the idler who sitteth at a sumptuous table.

23. "Those who deprive their brothers of divine happiness will
themselves be deprived of it; and the Brahmins and the Kshatriyas shall
become the Sudras of the Sudras, with whom the Eternal will stay

24. "In the day of judgment the Sudras and the Vaisyas will be forgiven
for that they knew not the light, while God will let loose his wrath
upon those who arrogated his authority."

25. The Vaisyas and the Sudras were filled with great admiration, and
asked Issa how they should pray, in order not to lose their hold upon
eternal life.

26. "Pray not to idols, for they cannot hear you; hearken not to the
Vedas where the truth is altered; be humble and humiliate not your
fellow man.

27. "Help the poor, support the weak, do evil to none; covet not that
which ye have not and which belongs to others."


1. The white priests and the warriors,[2] who had learned of Issa's
discourse to the Sudras, resolved upon his death, and sent their
servants to find the young teacher and slay him.

2. But Issa, warned by the Sudras of his danger, left by night
Djagguernat, gained the mountain, and settled in the country of the
Gautamides, where the great Buddha Sakya-Muni came to the world, among a
people who worshipped the only and sublime Brahma.

3. When the just Issa had acquired the Pali language, he applied himself
to the study of the sacred scrolls of the Sutras.

4. After six years of study, Issa, whom the Buddha had elected to spread
his holy word, could perfectly expound the sacred scrolls.

5. He then left Nepaul and the Himalaya mountains, descended into the
valley of Radjipoutan and directed his steps toward the West,
everywhere preaching to the people the supreme perfection attainable by

6. And the good he must do to his fellow men, which is the sure means of
speedy union with the eternal Spirit. "He who has recovered his
primitive purity," said Issa, "shall die with his transgressions
forgiven and have the right to contemplate the majesty of God."

7. When the divine Issa traversed the territories of the Pagans, he
taught that the adoration of visible gods was contrary to natural law.

8. "For to man," said he, "it has not been given to see the image of
God, and it behooves him not to make for himself a multitude of
divinities in the imagined likeness of the Eternal.

9. "Moreover, it is against human conscience to have less regard for the
greatness of divine purity, than for animals or works of stone or metal
made by the hands of man.

10. "The eternal Lawgiver is One; there are no other Gods than He; He
has parted the world with none, nor had He any counsellor.

11. "Even as a father shows kindness toward his children, so will God
judge men after death, in conformity with His merciful laws. He will
never humiliate his child by casting his soul for chastisement into the
body of a beast.

12. "The heavenly laws," said the Creator, through the mouth of Issa,
"are opposed to the immolation of human sacrifices to a statue or an
animal; for I, the God, have sacrificed to man all the animals and all
that the world contains.

13. "Everything has been sacrificed to man, who is directly and
intimately united to me, his Father; therefore, shall the man be
severely judged and punished, by my law, who causes the sacrifice of my

14. "Man is naught before the eternal Judge; as the animal is before

15. "Therefore, I say unto you, leave your idols and perform not
ceremonies which separate you from your Father and bind you to the
priests, from whom heaven has turned away.

16. "For it is they who have led you away from the true God, and by
superstitions and cruelty perverted the spirit and made you blind to the
knowledge of the truth."


1. The words of Issa spread among the Pagans, through whose country he
passed, and the inhabitants abandoned their idols.

2. Seeing which, the priests demanded of him who thus glorified the name
of the true God, that he should, in the presence of the people, prove
the charges he made against them, and demonstrate the vanity of their

3. And Issa answered them: "If your idols, or the animals you worship,
really possess the supernatural powers you claim, let them strike me
with a thunderbolt before you!"

4. "Why dost not thou perform a miracle," replied the priests, "and let
thy God confound ours, if He is greater than they?"

5. But Issa said: "The miracles of our God have been wrought from the
first day when the universe was created; and are performed every day and
every moment; whoso sees them not is deprived of one of the most
beautiful gifts of life.

6. "And it is not on inanimate objects of stone, metal or wood that He
will let His anger fall, but on the men who worship them, and who,
therefore, for their salvation, must destroy the idols they have made.

7. "Even as a stone and a grain of sand, which are naught before man,
await patiently their use by Him.

8. "In like manner, man, who is naught before God, must await in
resignation His pleasure for a manifestation of His favor.

9. "But woe to you! ye adversaries of men, if it is not the favor you
await, but rather the wrath of the Most High; woe to you, if you demand
that He attest His power by a miracle!

10. "For it is not the idols which He will destroy in His wrath, but
those by whom they were created; their hearts will be the prey of an
eternal fire and their flesh shall be given to the beasts of prey.

11. "God will drive away the contaminated animals from His flocks; but
will take to Himself those who strayed because they knew not the
heavenly part within them."

12. When the Pagans saw that the power of their priests was naught, they
put faith in the words of Issa. Fearing the anger of the true God, they
broke their idols to pieces and caused their priests to flee from among

13. Issa furthermore taught the Pagans that they should not endeavor to
see the eternal Spirit with their eyes; but to perceive Him with their
hearts, and make themselves worthy of His favors by the purity of their

14. "Not only," he said to them, "must ye refrain from offering human
sacrifices, but ye may not lay on the altar any creature to which life
has been given, for all things created are for man.

15. "Withhold not from your neighbor his just due, for this would be
like stealing from him what he had earned in the sweat of his brow.

16. "Deceive none, that ye may not yourselves be deceived; seek to
justify yourselves before the last judgment, for then it will be too

17. "Be not given to debauchery, for it is a violation of the law of

18. "That you may attain to supreme bliss ye must not only purify
yourselves, but must also guide others into the path that will enable
them to regain their primitive innocence."


1. The countries round about were filled with the renown of Issa's
preachings, and when he came unto Persia, the priests grew afraid and
forbade the people hearing him;

2. Nevertheless, the villages received him with joy, and the people
hearkened intently to his words, which, being seen by the priests,
caused them to order that he should be arrested and brought before their
High Priest, who asked him:

3. "Of what new God dost thou speak? Knowest thou not, unfortunate man
that thou art! that Saint Zoroaster is the only Just One, to whom alone
was vouchsafed the honor of receiving revelations from the Most High;

4. "By whose command the angels compiled His Word in laws for the
governance of His people, which were given to Zoroaster in Paradise?

5. "Who, then, art thou, who darest to utter blasphemies against our God
and sow doubt in the hearts of believers?"

6. And Issa said to them: "I preach no new God, but our celestial
Father, who has existed before the beginning and will exist until after
the end.

7. "Of Him I have spoken to the people, who--even as innocent
children--are incapable of comprehending God by their own intelligence,
or fathoming the sublimity of the divine Spirit;

8. "But, as the newborn child in the night recognizes the mother's
breast, so your people, held in the darkness of error by your pernicious
doctrines and religious ceremonies, have recognized instinctively their
Father, in the Father whose prophet I am.

9. "The eternal Being says to your people, by my mouth, 'Ye shall not
adore the sun, for it is but a part of the universe which I have created
for man;

10. "It rises to warm you during your work; it sets to accord to you the
rest that I have ordained.

11. "To me only ye owe all that ye possess, all that surrounds you and
that is above and below you.'"

12. "But," said the priests, "how could the people live according to
your rules if they had no teachers?"

13. Whereupon Issa answered: "So long as they had no priests, they were
governed by the natural law and conserved the simplicity of their souls;

14. "Their souls were in God and to commune with the Father they had not
to have recourse to the intermediation of idols, or animals, or fire, as
taught by you.

15. "Ye pretend that man must adore the sun, and the Genii of Good and
Evil. But I say unto you that your doctrine is pernicious. The sun does
not act spontaneously, but by the will of the invisible Creator, who has
given to it being."

16. "Who, then, has caused that this star lights the day, warms man at
his work and vivifies the seeds sown in the ground?"

17. "The eternal Spirit is the soul of everything animate, and you
commit a great sin in dividing Him into the Spirit of Evil and the
Spirit of Good, for there is no God other than the God of Good.

18. "And He, like to the father of a family, does only good to His
children, to whom He forgives their transgressions if they repent of

19. "And the Spirit of Evil dwells upon earth, in the hearts of those
who turn the children of God away from the right path.

20. "Therefore, I say unto you; Fear the day of judgment, for God will
inflict a terrible chastisement upon all those who have led His
children astray and beguiled them with superstitions and errors;

21. "Upon those who have blinded them who saw; who have brought
contagion to the well; who have taught the worship of those things which
God made to be subject to man, or to aid him in his works.

22. "Your doctrine is the fruit of your error in seeking to bring near
to you the God of Truth, by creating for yourselves false gods."

23. When the Magi heard these words, they feared to themselves do him
harm, but at night, when the whole city slept, they brought him outside
the walls and left him on the highway, in the hope that he would not
fail to become the prey of wild beasts.

24. But, protected by the Lord our God, Saint Issa continued on his way,
without accident.


1. Issa--whom the Creator had selected to recall to the worship of the
true God, men sunk in sin--was twenty-nine years old when he arrived in
the land of Israel.

2. Since the departure therefrom of Issa, the Pagans had caused the
Israelites to endure more atrocious sufferings than before, and they
were filled with despair.

3. Many among them had begun to neglect the laws of their God and those
of Mossa, in the hope of winning the favor of their brutal conquerors.

4. But Issa, notwithstanding their unhappy condition, exhorted his
countrymen not to despair, because the day of their redemption from the
yoke of sin was near, and he himself, by his example, confirmed their
faith in the God of their fathers.

5. "Children, yield not yourselves to despair," said the celestial
Father to them, through the mouth of Issa, "for I have heard your
lamentations, and your cries have reached my ears.

6. "Weep not, oh, my beloved sons! for your griefs have touched the
heart of your Father and He has forgiven you, as He forgave your

7. "Forsake not your families to plunge into debauchery; stain not the
nobility of your souls; adore not idols which cannot but remain deaf to
your supplications.

8. "Fill my temple with your hope and your patience, and do not adjure
the religion of your forefathers, for I have guided them and bestowed
upon them of my beneficence.

9. "Lift up those who are fallen; feed the hungry and help the sick,
that ye may be altogether pure and just in the day of the last judgment
which I prepare for you."

10. The Israelites came in multitudes to listen to Issa's words; and
they asked him where they should thank their Heavenly Father, since
their enemies had demolished their temples and robbed them of their
sacred vessels.

11. Issa told them that God cared not for temples erected by human
hands, but that human hearts were the true temples of God.

12. "Enter into your temple, into your heart; illuminate it with good
thoughts, with patience and the unshakeable faith which you owe to your

13. "And your sacred vessels! they are your hands and your eyes. Look to
do that which is agreeable to God, for in doing good to your fellow men,
you perform a ceremony that embellishes the temple wherein abideth Him
who has created you.

14. "For God has created you in His own image, innocent, with pure
souls, and hearts filled with kindness and not made for the planning of
evil, but to be the sanctuaries of love and justice.

15. "Therefore, I say unto you, soil not your hearts with evil, for in
them the eternal Being abides.

16. "When ye do works of devotion and love, let them be with full
hearts, and see that the motives of your actions be not hopes of gain or

17. "For actions, so impelled, will not bring you nearer to salvation,
but lead to a state of moral degradation wherein theft, lying and murder
pass for generous deeds."


1. Issa went from one city to another, strengthening by the word of God
the courage of the Israelites, who were near to succumbing under their
weight of woe, and thousands of the people followed him to hear his

2. But the chiefs of the cities were afraid of him and they informed the
principal governor, residing in Jerusalem, that a man called Issa had
arrived in the country, who by his sermons had arrayed the people
against the authorities, and that multitudes, listening assiduously to
him, neglected their labor; and, they added, he said that in a short
time they would be free of their invader rulers.

3. Then Pilate, the Governor of Jerusalem, gave orders that they should
lay hold of the preacher Issa and bring him before the judges. In order,
however, not to excite the anger of the populace, Pilate directed that
he should be judged by the priests and scribes, the Hebrew elders, in
their temple.

4. Meanwhile, Issa, continuing his preaching, arrived at Jerusalem, and
the people, who already knew his fame, having learned of his coming,
went out to meet him.

5. They greeted him respectfully and opened to him the doors of their
temple, to hear from his mouth what he had said in other cities of

6. And Issa said to them: "The human race perishes, because of the lack
of faith; for the darkness and the tempest have caused the flock to go
astray and they have lost their shepherds.

7. "But the tempests do not rage forever and the darkness will not hide
the light eternally; soon the sky will become serene, the celestial
light will again overspread the earth, and the strayed flock will
reunite around their shepherd.

8. "Wander not in the darkness, seeking the way, lest ye fall into the
ditch; but gather together, sustain one another, put your faith in your
God and wait for the first glimmer of light to reappear.

9. "He who sustains his neighbor, sustains himself; and he who protects
his family, protects all his people and his country.

10. "For, be assured that the day is near when you will be delivered
from the darkness; you will be reunited into one family and your enemy
will tremble with fear, he who is ignorant of the favor of the great

11. The priests and the elders who heard him, filled with admiration for
his language, asked him if it was true that he had sought to raise the
people against the authorities of the country, as had been reported to
the governor Pilate.

12. "Can one raise against estrayed men, to whom darkness has hidden
their road and their door?" answered Issa. "I have but forewarned the
unhappy, as I do here in this temple, that they should no longer advance
on the dark road, for an abyss opens before their feet.

13. "The power of this earth is not of long duration and is subject to
numberless changes. It would be of no avail for a man to rise in
revolution against it, for one phase of it always succeeds another, and
it is thus that it will go on until the extinction of human life.

14. "But do you not see that the powerful, and the rich, sow among the
children of Israel a spirit of rebellion against the eternal power of

15. Then the elders asked him: "Who art thou, and from what country hast
thou come to us? We have not formerly heard thee spoken of and do not
even know thy name!"

16. "I am an Israelite," answered Issa; "and on the day of my birth have
seen the walls of Jerusalem, and have heard the sobs of my brothers
reduced to slavery, and the lamentations of my sisters carried away by
the Pagans;

17. "And my soul was afflicted when I saw that my brethren had forgotten
the true God. When a child I left my father's house to go and settle
among other people.

18. "But, having heard it said that my brethren suffered even greater
miseries now, I have come back to the land of my fathers, to recall my
brethren to the faith of their ancestors, which teaches us patience upon
earth in order to attain the perfect and supreme bliss above."

19. Then the wise old men put to him again this question: "We are told
that thou disownest the laws of Mossa, and that thou teachest the people
to forsake the temple of God?"

20. Whereupon Issa: "One does not demolish that which has been given by
our Heavenly Father, and which has been destroyed by sinners. I have but
enjoined the people to purify the heart of all stains, for it is the
veritable temple of God.

21. "As regards the laws of Mossa, I have endeavored to reestablish them
in the hearts of men; and I say unto you that ye ignore their true
meaning, for it is not vengeance but pardon which they teach. Their
sense has been perverted."


1. When the priests and the elders heard Issa, they decided among
themselves not to give judgment against him, for he had done no harm to
any one, and, presenting themselves before Pilate--who was made Governor
of Jerusalem by the Pagan king of the country of Romeles--they spake to
him thus:

2. "We have seen the man whom thou chargest with inciting our people to
revolt; we have heard his discourses and know that he is our countryman;

3. "But the chiefs of the cities have made to you false reports, for he
is a just man, who teaches the people the word of God. After
interrogating him, we have allowed him to go in peace."

4. The governor thereupon became very angry, and sent his disguised
spies to keep watch upon Issa and report to the authorities the least
word he addressed to the people.

5. In the meantime, the holy Issa continued to visit the neighboring
cities and preach the true way of the Lord, enjoining the Hebrews'
patience and promising them speedy deliverance.

6. And all the time great numbers of the people followed him wherever he
went, and many did not leave him at all, but attached themselves to him
and served him.

7. And Issa said: "Put not your faith in miracles performed by the hands
of men, for He who rules nature is alone capable of doing supernatural
things, while man is impotent to arrest the wrath of the winds or cause
the rain to fall.

8. "One miracle, however, is within the power of man to accomplish. It
is, when his heart is filled with sincere faith, he resolves to root out
from his mind all evil promptings and desires, and when, in order to
attain this end, he ceases to walk the path of iniquity.

9. "All the things done without God are only gross errors, illusions and
seductions, serving but to show how much the heart of the doer is full
of presumption, falsehood and impurity.

10. "Put not your faith in oracles. God alone knows the future. He who
has recourse to the diviners soils the temple of his heart and shows his
lack of faith in his Creator.

11. "Belief in the diviners and their miracles destroys the innate
simplicity of man and his childlike purity. An infernal power takes hold
of him who so errs, and forces him to commit various sins and give
himself to the worship of idols.

12. "But the Lord our God, to whom none can be equalled, is one
omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent; He alone possesses all wisdom
and all light.

13. "To Him ye must address yourselves, to be comforted in your
afflictions, aided in your works, healed in your sickness and whoso asks
of Him, shall not ask in vain.

14. "The secrets of nature are in the hands of God, for the whole world,
before it was made manifest, existed in the bosom of the divine thought,
and has become material and visible by the will of the Most High.

15. "When ye pray to him, become again like little children, for ye know
neither the past, nor the present, nor the future, and God is the Lord
of Time."


1. "Just man," said to him the disguised spies of the Governor of
Jerusalem, "tell us if we must continue to do the will of Cæsar, or
expect our near deliverance?"

2. And Issa, who recognized the questioners as the apostate spies sent
to follow him, replied to them: "I have not told you that you would be
delivered from Cæsar; it is the soul sunk in error which will gain its

3. "There cannot be a family without a head, and there cannot be order
in a people without a Cæsar, whom ye should implicitly obey, as he will
be held to answer for his acts before the Supreme Tribunal."

4. "Does Cæsar possess a divine right?" the spies asked him again; "and
is he the best of mortals?"

5. "There is no one 'the best' among human beings; but there are many
bad, who--even as the sick need physicians--require the care of those
chosen for that mission, in which must be used the means given by the
sacred law of our Heavenly Father;

6. "Mercy and justice are the high prerogatives of Cæsar, and his name
will be illustrious if he exercises them.

7. "But he who acts otherwise, who transcends the limits of power he has
over those under his rule, and even goes so far as to put their lives in
danger, offends the great Judge and derogates from his own dignity in
the eyes of men."

8. Upon this, an old woman who had approached the group, to better hear
Issa, was pushed aside by one of the disguised men, who placed himself
before her.

9. Then said Issa: "It is not good for a son to push away his mother,
that he may occupy the place which belongs to her. Whoso doth not
respect his mother--the most sacred being after his God--is unworthy of
the name of son.

10. "Hearken to what I say to you: Respect woman; for in her we see the
mother of the universe, and all the truth of divine creation is to come
through her.

11. "She is the fount of everything good and beautiful, as she is also
the germ of life and death. Upon her man depends in all his existence,
for she is his moral and natural support in his labors.

12. "In pain and suffering she brings you forth; in the sweat of her
brow she watches over your growth, and until her death you cause her
greatest anxieties. Bless her and adore her, for she is your only friend
and support on earth.

13. "Respect her; defend her. In so doing you will gain for yourself her
love; you will find favor before God, and for her sake many sins will be
remitted to you.

14. "Love your wives and respect them, for they will be the mothers of
tomorrow and later the grandmothers of a whole nation.

15. "Be submissive to the wife; her love ennobles man, softens his
hardened heart, tames the wild beast in him and changes it to a lamb.

16. "Wife and mother are the priceless treasures which God has given to
you. They are the most beautiful ornaments of the universe, and from
them will be born all who will inhabit the world.

17. "Even as the Lord of Hosts separated the light from the darkness,
and the dry land from the waters, so does woman possess the divine gift
of calling forth out of man's evil nature all the good that is in him.

18. "Therefore I say unto you, after God, to woman must belong your best
thoughts, for she is the divine temple where you will most easily obtain
perfect happiness.

19. "Draw from this temple your moral force. There you will forget your
sorrows and your failures, and recover the love necessary to aid your
fellow men.

20. "Suffer her not to be humiliated, for by humiliating her you
humiliate yourselves, and lose the sentiment of love, without which
nothing can exist here on earth.

21. "Protect your wife, that she may protect you--you and all your
household. All that you do for your mothers, your wives, for a widow,
or for any other woman in distress, you will do for your God."


1. Thus Saint Issa taught the people of Israel for three years, in every
city and every village, on the highways and in the fields, and all he
said came to pass.

2. All this time the disguised spies of the governor Pilate observed him
closely, but heard nothing to sustain the accusations formerly made
against Issa by the chiefs of the cities.

3. But Saint Issa's growing popularity did not allow Pilate to rest. He
feared that Issa would be instrumental in bringing about a revolution
culminating in his elevation to the sovereignty, and, therefore, ordered
the spies to make charges against him.

4. Then soldiers were sent to arrest him, and they cast him into a
subterranean dungeon, where he was subjected to all kinds of tortures,
to compel him to accuse himself, so that he might be put to death.

5. The Saint, thinking only of the perfect bliss of his brethren,
endured all those torments with resignation to the will of the Creator.

6. The servants of Pilate continued to torture him, and he was reduced
to a state of extreme weakness; but God was with him and did not permit
him to die at their hands.

7. When the principal priests and wise elders learned of the sufferings
which their Saint endured, they went to Pilate, begging him to liberate
Issa, so that he might attend the great festival which was near at hand.

8. But this the governor refused. Then they asked him that Issa should
be brought before the elders' council, so that he might be condemned,
or acquitted, before the festival, and to this Pilate agreed.

9. On the following day the governor assembled the principal chiefs,
priests, elders and judges, for the purpose of judging Issa.

10. The Saint was brought from his prison. They made him sit before the
governor, between two robbers, who were to be judged at the same time
with Issa, so as to show the people he was not the only one to be

11. And Pilate, addressing himself to Issa, said, "Is it true, Oh! Man;
that thou incitest the populace against the authorities, with the
purpose of thyself becoming King of Israel?"

12. Issa replied, "One does not become king by one's own purpose
thereto. They have told you an untruth when you were informed that I was
inciting the people to revolution. I have only preached of the King of
Heaven, and it was Him whom I told the people to worship.

13. "For the sons of Israel have lost their original innocence and
unless they return to worship the true God they will be sacrificed and
their temple will fall in ruins.

14. "The worldly power upholds order in the land; I told them not to
forget this. I said to them, 'Live in conformity with your situation and
refrain from disturbing public order;' and, at the same time, I exhorted
them to remember that disorder reigned in their own hearts and spirits.

15. "Therefore, the King of Heaven has punished them, and has destroyed
their nationality and taken from them their national kings, 'but,' I
added, 'if you will be resigned to your fate, as a reward the Kingdom of
Heaven will be yours.'"

16. At this moment the witnesses were introduced; one of whom deposed
thus: "Thou hast said to the people that in comparison with the power of
the king who would soon liberate the Israelites from the yoke of the
heathen, the worldly authorities amounted to nothing."

17. "Blessings upon thee!" said Issa. "For thou hast spoken the truth!
The King of Heaven is greater and more powerful than the laws of man and
His kingdom surpasses the kingdoms of this earth.

18. "And the time is not far off, when Israel, obedient to the will of
God, will throw off its yoke of sin; for it has been written that a
forerunner would appear to announce the deliverance of the people, and
that he would reunite them in one family."

19. Thereupon the governor said to the judges: "Have you heard this? The
Israelite Issa acknowledges the crime of which he is accused. Judge him,
then, according to your laws and pass upon him condemnation to death."

20. "We cannot condemn him," replied the priests and the ancients. "As
thou hast heard, he spoke of the King of Heaven, and he has preached
nothing which constitutes insubordination against the law."

21. Thereupon the governor called a witness who had been bribed by his
master, Pilate, to betray Issa, and this man said to Issa: "Is it not
true that thou hast represented thyself as a King of Israel, when thou
didst say that He who reigns in Heaven sent thee to prepare His people?"

22. But Issa blessed the man and answered: "Thou wilt find mercy, for
what thou hast said did not come out from thine own heart." Then,
turning to the governor he said: "Why dost thou lower thy dignity and
teach thy inferiors to tell falsehood, when, without doing so, it is in
thy power to condemn an innocent man?"

23. When Pilate heard his words, he became greatly enraged and ordered
that Issa be condemned to death, and that the two robbers should be
declared guiltless.

24. The judges, after consulting among themselves, said to Pilate: "We
cannot consent to take this great sin upon us,--to condemn an innocent
man and liberate malefactors. It would be against our laws.

25. "Act thyself, then, as thou seest fit." Thereupon the priests and
elders walked out, and washed their hands in a sacred vessel, and said:
"We are innocent of the blood of this righteous man."


1. By order of the governor, the soldiers seized Issa and the two
robbers, and led them to the place of execution, where they were nailed
upon the crosses erected for them.

2. All day long the bodies of Issa and the two robbers hung upon the
crosses, bleeding, guarded by the soldiers. The people stood all around
and the relatives of the executed prayed and wept.

3. When the sun went down, Issa's tortures ended. He lost consciousness
and his soul disengaged itself from the body, to reunite with God.

4. Thus ended the terrestrial existence of the reflection of the eternal
Spirit under the form of a man who had saved hardened sinners and
comforted the afflicted.

5. Meanwhile, Pilate was afraid for what he had done, and ordered the
body of the Saint to be given to his relatives, who put it in a tomb
near to the place of execution. Great numbers of persons came to visit
the tomb, and the air was filled with their wailings and lamentations.

6. Three days later, the governor sent his soldiers to remove Issa's
body and bury it in some other place, for he feared a rebellion among
the people.

7. The next day, when the people came to the tomb, they found it open
and empty, the body of Issa being gone. Thereupon, the rumor spread that
the Supreme Judge had sent His angels from Heaven, to remove the mortal
remains of the saint in whom part of the divine Spirit had lived on

8. When Pilate learned of this rumor, he grew angry and prohibited,
under penalty of death, the naming of Issa, or praying for him to the

9. But the people, nevertheless, continued to weep over Issa's death and
to glorify their master; wherefore, many were carried into captivity,
subjected to torture and put to death.

10. And the disciples of Saint Issa departed from the land of Israel and
went in all directions, to the heathen, preaching that they should
abandon their gross errors, think of the salvation of their souls and
earn the perfect bliss which awaits human beings in the immaterial
world, full of glory, where the great Creator abides in all his
immaculate and perfect majesty.

11. The heathen, their kings, and their warriors, listened to the
preachers, abandoned their erroneous beliefs and forsook their priests
and their idols, to celebrate the praises of the most wise Creator of
the Universe, the King of Kings, whose heart is filled with infinite

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