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Peace vs Israel ![]() ■ Summing it up then, both sides want peace, but the Palestinians reasonably want their land back first. "The Israelis" want peace too, but not until they have stolen all of Palestine. They expect the Palestinians to accept this, shut up and leave. ■ Neither Sephardic Jews nor Khazars have any right to Palestinian territory. None at all. They are living on stolen land and should leave. "Israel" as a political entity has No Right To Exist. NONE whatsoever. |
Mistakes Were NOT Made Mike Yeadon (former Pfizer vice president) reading the poem, "Mistakes Were NOT Made." |
World War III — NATO is at war with Russia. That is a fact. But it also is true that NATO is ruled by the US, which in turn is ruled by certain elements that have infiltrated US governance for a long time. They are now, as ever, consumed by an age-old hatred for Russia and everything Russian. Fundamentally, they are the ones that are at war with Russia. Big transnational corporations are indeed important players here, but it also is true that many, if not all of them, are controlled by these elements. They are the ones that set up and direct the agenda: They intend to defeat Russia militarily and corrupt her beyond repair. They intend, now as under their Bolshevik attack on Russia in October 1917, to crush Christianity, destroy the traditional Russian identity, and exploit her resources. Lastly, they intend to rebuild Khazaria in Ukraine. - And China? Well, Russia first, then China. This is the evil agenda we're dealing with here. If these people win, we may not survive as Western nations. — Editor ♠ ♠ ♠ Третья мировая война — НАТО находится в состоянии войны с Россией. Это факт. Но верно и то, что НАТО управляется США, которые, в свою очередь, управляются определенными элементами, давно проникшими в американское управление. Сейчас, как и прежде, они охвачены вековой ненавистью к России и всему русскому. По сути, именно они ведут войну с Россией. Верно, что крупные транснациональные корпорации являются здесь важными игроками, но верно и то, что многие из них, если не все, контролируются этими элементами. Именно они определяют и направляют повестку дня: Они намерены нанести России военное поражение и развратить ее до неузнаваемости. Сейчас, как и во время большевистского нападения на Россию в октябре 1917 года, они намерены подавить христианство, уничтожить традиционную русскую идентичность и эксплуатировать ее ресурсы. И наконец, они намерены восстановить Хазарию на Украине. А Китай? Ну, сначала Россия, потом Китай. Вот с какими дьявольскими планами мы имеем дело. Если эти люди победят, мы можем не выжить как западные страны. - Редактор ♠ ♠ ♠ 第三次世界大战 — 北约正在与俄罗斯交战。这是事实。但北约被美国统治也是事实,而美国又被长期渗透到美国政府中的某些人所统治。他们现在一如既往地对俄罗斯和俄罗斯的一切怀有由来已久的仇恨。从根本上说,是他们在与俄罗斯开战。诚然,大型跨国公司在这里扮演着重要角色,但同样真实的是,即使不是全部,也有许多跨国公司是由这些人控制的。他们是制定和指导议程的人: 他们打算在军事上打败俄罗斯,并将其腐蚀得体无完肤。与 1917 年 10 月布尔什维克进攻俄罗斯时一样,他们现在也打算粉碎基督教,摧毁俄罗斯的传统身份,开发俄罗斯的资源。最后,他们打算在乌克兰重建卡扎利亚。中国呢?首先是俄罗斯,然后是中国。这就是我们正在面对的邪恶计划。如果这些人赢了,我们西方国家可能就无法生存了。- 编辑 |
💬 The conflict in Ukraine is not a just regional skirmish between two quarrelsome neighbors, nor is it a proxy-war between NATO and Russia. No. Ukraine is the first phase of a broader plan for crushing Russia, collapsing its economy, removing its leaders, seizing its natural resources, splintering its territory, and projecting US power across Central Asia to the Pacific Rim. Ukraine is about hegemony, empire, and pure, unalloyed power. Most important, Ukraine is the first battle in a Third World War, a war that was concocted and launched by Washington to ensure another unchallenged century of American primacy. ~ Mike Whitney |
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (Part I) Jews For Justice in the Middle East |
The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (Part II) Jews For Justice in the Middle East |
Criminal State Criminal State - A Closer Look at Israel's Role in Terrorism: "What I tell people is that our specialty is enabling people to grasp “how” this duplicity operates in plain sight and, to date, with impunity. With that knowledge, they can sort out for themselves Who and Why. Absent that knowledge, they’re left adrift in the domain of conspiracy theorists, hate-mongers and such. We see this knowledge as essential in the transition to the Knowledge Society." - Jeff Gates & Anthony Lawson (Videos) |
The 9/11 Litmus Test: Everything points in one direction only: Israel. Yes, Israel did it. They did it. - Organized Jewry in the US and Israel, with the active participation of FEMA, the FBI, the CIA and the Secret Service. This is painfully obvious to anyone capable of thinking straight. The US has been taken over by organized Jewry: All levels of government are completely dominated by their operatives & lackeys, from top to bottom. America no longer is free. America is a tragic joke. Growing fatter by the day, its citizens were watching TV shows & movies, getting thoroughly brainwashed over the years. Taking freedom for granted, they stayed away from politics. By being ignorant and passive, they lost their country to wealthy Jews, a tiny minority. To a foreign power. To Israel, Rothschild's pet country. Taking America back would involve being very active, locally and elsewhere, and connecting with ordinary people in political work. It also would mean to start facing the facts and giving up comfort and security - this would entail facing our deepest fears and finding a way to live with them. Above all else, it would mean never forsaking Truth and Freedom for lies and servitude. ― Are Americans up to it? More about 9/11 here, here and here. |
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